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Montagens Electrnicas em PCB Clculo da largura de pistas

915 g / m2 105 m 610 g / m2 70 m 305 g / m2 35 m 150 g / m2 18 m

Total conductor thickness (including plated copper) and widths for various temperature rises above ambient.

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PCB Trace Width Calculator

This page calculates approximations to the ANSI/IPC-D-275 design standards for PCB trace width. The approximations and rationale are described in Temperature Rise in PCB Traces, equations 13 & 15. by Douglas Brooks, UltraCAD Design, Inc. The original JavaScript implementation of this algorithm was by Brad Suppanz. The trace width formulas are: I = 0.0150 x dT 0.5453 x A0.7349 for internal traces I = 0.0647 x dT0.4281 x A0.6732 for external traces where: I = maximum current in Amps dT = temperature rise above ambient in C A = cross-sectional area in mils The values calculated here compare very closely with those derived by the UltraCAD PCBTEMP utility. Change a value in an input field, then press TAB to move to the next field. The results tables will be updated automatically. Input Data Field Current Temperature Rise Cu thickness Ambient Temperature Conductor Length
10 2

Value Amps C oz/ft C



Inches Results Data

Internal Traces Required Trace Width Cross-section Area Resistance Voltage Drop Loss

Value Units Mils Mils Ohms Volts Watts

External Traces Required Trace Width Cross-section Area Resistance Voltage Drop Loss

Value Units Mils Mils Ohms Volts Watts

ou em: PCBTemp.exe

Afastamento entre pistas (*)

(*) Sec. 7 -133 - Fink, Donald G. , Electronics Engineers Handbook - 1st edition

Antnio M. J. Batista


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