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Liste A - (Cliquez)

Aborder en revanche effrayant effrayer ardu prjuger quiconque quelconque les balbutiements alatoire chelonner s'chelonner (sur) l'ampleur (f) l'talon (m) aboutir parcouru compter parmi rassasier to tackle; to approach on the other hand frightening (adj) to scare, frighten arduous (adj) to prejudge whoever, anyone (pron rel) any, some first steps (fig) random (adj) to spread, to stagger la main d'uvre to be spread (over) size, scope (noun) standard, benchmark un cadre naturel to lead to, result in run, travelled (adv) to count among se priver to satisfy, to satiate s'agir de to be about to deprive oneself carter to push aside le chercheur researcher natural setting, surroundings une ville de province a provincial town le procd process, procedure (noun) flner les bidonvilles constater insouponn le grand ensemble une nergie motrice brancher impliquer un atout en tant que to stroll, to dawdle, to loaf around the slums, shanty towns to notice, to note, to observe unsuspected (adj) high rise estate (noun) driving power (noun) to plug in, connect to involve, to implicate advantage, asset (noun) as a... (no article following), in the capacity of (no article following) men, workforce,handiwork

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