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Core Vocabulary in Nepos’ Life of Hannibal, Chapter 3

ā ab abs: from, by (+abl.) imperium –ī n.: command, power

ad: to, towards, at (+acc.) in: to, into (+acc.); at, in, on (+abl.)
alter altera alterum: the other of two interficiō –ficere –fēcī –fectum: kill
annus –ī m.: year is ea id: he, she, it
ante: before, in front of (adv. and prep. +acc.) iter itineris n.: journey, route
appellō –āre: call, address, name locus –ī m.: place; loca n. pl.: region
bellum –ī n.: war māximus –a –um: greatest; māximē (adv.): most,
especially, very much
cīvitās cīvitātis f.: citizenship, state
mittō mittere mīsī missum: send, let go
comparō –āre: get ready, provide; compare
nāscor nāscī nātus sum: be born
cōnor cōnārī cōnātus sum: try, undertake, attempt
nēmō nēminis: no one (gen. nūllīus, dat. nūllī, abl. nūllō or nūllā
cōpia –ae f.: abundance; troops (in pl.) → nūllus -a -um)
cum: with (prep. +abl.); when, since, although (conj. +subj.)
nisi: if not, unless
dēferō –ferre –tulī –lātum: carry away, report
omnis omne: all, every, as a whole
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum: say; causam dīcere: plead a
parvus –a –um: small
case; diem dīcere: appoint a day
pater patris m.: father, ancestor
dīmittō –mittere –mīsī –missum: send away
perveniō –venīre –vēnī –ventum: arrive, reach
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductum: lead; uxōrem dūcere: marry
possum posse potuī: be able
efficiō –ficere –fēcī –fectum: bring about, complete;
render (+ut +subj.) post: after (adv. and prep. +acc.)

eō īre iī/īvī itum: go praeter: by, along, past; besides, except (+acc.)

et: and proficīscor –ficīscī –fectus sum: set forth, go

ex ē: out of, from (+abl.) prohibeō –hibēre –hibuī –hibitum: restrain, keep away

exercitus exercitūs m.: army proximus –a –um: next, nearest

faciō facere fēcī factum: do, make pūblicus –a –um: public, belonging to the state

frāter frātris m.: brother que: and (enclitic)

gēns gentis f.: family, clan quī quae quod (rel. pronoun): who, which, what

hic haec hoc: this, these quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque: whoever,

hodiē: today
quoque: also, too
homō hominis m.: human being
relinquō –linquere –līquī –lictum: abandon
igitur: therefore
sīc: in this manner, thus; sīc... ut: in the same way as
imperātor imperātōris m.: commander
sui sibi sē/sēsē: him-, her-, itself
sum esse fuī futūrus: be, exist, live
summus –a –um: highest, farthest, last
tertius –a –um: third
trānseō –īre –iī –itum: go across
trēs tria: three
umquam: ever
ūnus –a –um: one
ut: as (+indic.); so that, with the result that (+subj.)
veniō venīre vēnī ventum: come
vincō vincere vīcī victum: conquer
vīs, vīs f.: force; vim (acc.), vī (abl.); vīrēs pl.: strength
vix: scarcely

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