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We also did pronouns: I had them provide the Latin form for the following.

We also did the

reflexive pronouns, the possessive adjectives, and the intensive adjective but I didn’t include those on
the test.

He she it 

Of me for you you (d.o.) 

By me with you of us 

From you all you all (d.o.) of him 

Her (d.o.) these men these women

These things (N, d.o.) from them for it 

Here is the vocab list! Hopefully they’ll come to you knowing most of it! They were all fair game
for the final. Everyone knew them for the review session.


*Words in red we haven’t studied yet, so they will not be on the test!

aedēs -is f : building, house

aetās -tātis f. : age, lifetime, period of life 
ager, agrī, m. : field
agricola , agricolae, m. farmer 
amor, amōris, M. : love
amīcitia, amīcitiae, f. Friendship 
anima, animae, f. Breath; life-force; soul animus, animī, m. : rational soul
inimīcitia, inimīcitiae, f. Enmity, hostility 
Animal, animālis, -ium, n. Animal 
arbor arboris f. : tree 
arx arcis f. : citadel, castle, fortress
aurum, aurī n. gold 
bellum, bellī n. war 
bōs bovis m. : cow 
Carmen, carminis, n. Song 
cīvis cīvis f, m. citizen 
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī n. deliberation; plan, advice, judgement 
Corpus, corporis, n. body 
cor, cordis, n. Heart 
cōnsulātus, cōnsulātūs m. consulship 
cursus,  cursūs m. course 
dea, deae, f. goddess 
deus, deī m. god 
diēs, diēī, m. or f. day
dīgnitās -ātis f. : worth, merit, 
dolor, dolōris, M: pain 
dominus dominī m. master, lord 
domus, domūs f. House 
dōnum, dōnī n. gift 
dux ducis m./f. : leader 
exercitus, exercitūs, m. army 
factum factī n. deed 
fāma, famae, f. report, rumour, reputation, fame 
fātum, fātī, n. Fate, destiny, death
fēmina, fēminae, f. woman; wife
ferrum, ferrī, n. Iron, sword 
frāter, frātris, m: brother
fīlia, fīliae, f. Daughter 
fīlius, fīliī, m. son 
gladius gladiī m. sword 
genū, genūs, n. Knee 
homō, hominis : man
Hostis, hostis, -ium, m. (public) enemy 
īnsula, īnsulae, f. Island 
Italia, Italiae f. Italy 
leō, leonis m: lion 
lūx lūcis f. : light 
mare, maris, -ium n. Sea  
manus, manus, m. hand 
mīles mīlitis, m. soldier 
moenia, moenium n. Pl. (city) walls
nauta, nautae m. sailor
oppidum, oppidī, n. town 
pater, patris, F: father 
patria, patriae f. Country, homeland 
perīculum , perīculī n. danger 
puer, puerī m. : boy 
Proelium, proeliī, n. Battle 
liber, librī m. :book
māter, mātris, M: mother 
manus manūs, f. hand/armed force 
Mēns, mentis, -ium, f. Mind, intention, purpose 
mīles, mīlitis, M: soldier 
mōtus mōtūs, m. motion, movement 
pēs pedis m. : foot 
puella, puellae f. girl 
nox, noctis, F: night 
rēs, reī, f. thing
rēx, rēgis, M : king 
rēgīna,  rēgīnae, f. queen 
rūs, rūris n. countryside 
senātus senātūs m. senate
servitūs, servitūtis, f slavery 
servus, servī, m. slave 
soror, sorōris, f: sister 
speciēs, specieī, f : appearance 
tellus tellūris f. : earth 
timor, timōris, m: fear
Urbs, urbis, -ium, f: city 
verbum, verbī n. word 
vir, virī m. : man, husband
Vis, ----, -ium, f. Force, power, violence (irregular)
via, viae, f. way, road, street 
vōx, vōcis, F : voice 

accidō, accidere, accidī : to fall, happen 
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus : receive, accept, hear of, learn of 
agō, agere, ēgī, āctus: to drive, do, spend, conduct
amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus: to love 
ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus : to walk 
aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus: to open 
audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus : to hear 
canō, canere, cecinī, cantus: to sing
capiō, capere, cēpī, captus: seize 
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum, go, move; yield, withdraw 
accēdō, accēdere, accessī, accessum: go to, approach 
cēnseō, cēnsēre, cēnsuī, cēnsum : assess, rate, think, decide 
cōgitō, cogitāre, cogitāvī, cōgitātus : to think, ponder
cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectus  complete, consume, accomplish, destroy, kill 
cūrō cūrāre, curāvī, cūrātum : to watch over, look after, care for 
dīco, dīcere, dīxī, dictum : to say 
dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum: to owe; ought 
dō, dare, dedī, datum : to give 
donō, donāre, donāvī, donātum: to give, present, reward 
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum : to lead
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum: to wander, err, make a mistake
faciō, facere, fēcī, factum: do, make
ferō ferre, tulī, lātus: bring, bear, carry, endure 
gerō  gerere,  gessī, gestus : to bear, manage, conduct
habeō habēre habuī, habitum: to have 
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus: kill 
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus : to order, command 
eō, īre, iī, iturus : to go
labōrō, laborāre, laborāvī, laborātus : to work 
laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus : to praise 
mittō mittere mīsī missus : to send
monstrō, monstrāre, monstrāvī monstrātus : to show
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus: to move, set in motion 
optō, optāre, optāvī, optātus: to desire, choose 
perficiō perficere perfēcī, perfectus : to complete, accomplish 
pōno pōnere, posuī, positus: to place or put 
possum, posse potuī : to be able to 
rēgo, regere, rēxī, rēctus : to rule 
respondeō, respondēre, respondī respōnsus : to answer 
sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī sēnsus  : to feel 
scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī scrīptus : to write
sum, esse fuī futūrus : to be 
teneō, tenēre tenuī tentus: to have, hold
timeō, timēre timuī : to fear  
veniō venīre vēnī ventum : to come 
videō, vidēre vīdī vīsus: to see 
vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus: to call, summon, name


ā (Ablative) — Away from, From

Ab (Ablative) — From, away from, by
Ad (Accusative) — To, toward, near to, against
Ante (Accusative) — Before
Apud (Accusative) — Next to, at
Circum (Accusative) — Around
Contra (Accusative) — Against, in opposition of
Cum (Ablative) — With (in the company of)
De (Ablative) — From, about, concerning
E (Ablative) — From, Out of
Ex (Ablative) — Out of, Out from
Extra (Accusative) — Outside
In (Ablative or Accusative) — into or against (accusative), in, on or among (ablative)
Inter (Accusative) — Among, between
Ob (Accusative) — In the way of, against, on account of
Per (Accusative) — Through
Post (Accusative) — Behind, after
Pro (Ablative) — For, on behalf of
Propter (Accusative) — On account of, because of
Sine (Ablative) — Without
Sub (Ablative or Accusative) — Under (accusative if in motion, ablative if still)
Super (Ablative or Accusative) — Above (Accusative), Upon (Ablative)
Supra (Accusative) beyond 
Trans (Accusative) — Across

Et / -que = and
Sī = if 
sed = but 
etsī: although  
postquam: after
quamquam: although 
quoniam : since, because 
sī: if 
ubi : when, where 
ut: as, when 

altus, -a, -um : high, deep 
amīcus, - a, -um : friendly 
caecus, -a, -um: blind, hidden, secret, dark 
difficilis, difficile: difficult
dissimilis, e : dissimile
facilis, e :easy
felix : happy, lucky 
fortis, forte :brave 
gracilis, e : slender 
 gravis, grave: serious, heavy 
honestus, -a, -um : honorable 
humilis, e: lowly
laetus, -a, -um : happy 
līber, lībera, līberum : free 
miser, misera, miserum : wretched 
honestus, honesta, honestum - honorable 
acer, acris, acre : keen, sharp, fierce 
similis, e: similar
uber: rich, abundant 
validus, -a, -um: strong 
vetus: old 

bene (adv.): well
male (adv.) badly 
multum: much, a lot
sīc : thus, thusly, so, in this way, in such a way 
tamen: nevertheless 


Just some fun phrases I taught them.

amor vincit omnia. 

love conquers all. -Ovid 

labor omnia vincit - Virgil 

dē gustibus non est disputandum.  

vita sine libris mors est.

timeo hominem unius libri-- Aquinas

mens sana in corpore sano--Juvenal, satires 

Diēs dolōrem minuit. - Burton 

Manu propria 

Sic semper tyrannus! 

sta, viator, heroem calcas

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