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Mistakes in the DA script final material

script 8: - page 12 in ( to sum it up ) we don't have central fossa just a central groove cause we have only 2 cusps. script 9: -page #1 because we have 1st 2nd premolars without 3rd -page # 2 "the occlusal aspect sentence #3 mesiodstaly not" mesio-dista". -page #5 the buccal aspect "long pointed buccal cusp in the occlusal profile not buccal profile". -page#6 the root "the mesial contact area is in line not inclined"+ the distal aspect "more horizantal & higher than not that". - page#9 "before the buccal aspect please add this tittle (the mandibular 2nd premolar) . " also make sure to read the slides for this lec. because the Dr. did not mention everything written on it during the lec script 10 : - lingual aspect of the max. first molar ... please go back to slides # 8+9. - page# 6 lingual aspect point 2 mesiolingual and distolingual not buccal. script 11: -page# 6 in occlusal aspect point 2 -ML and DB angles are more obtuse. -page 8 the last sentence,The oblique ridge is barely visible so it is not easy -page 8 mesial aspect 1- the crown profile not propel. -page 10 the mand 1st molar point 2 we only see four major cusps.

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