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Sun Protocol

Cast of Characters:
Agent J Agent I James Bond Various Russian Terrorists

Background Info
Agents I & J both enrolled in the Special Forces. Agent J became rogue shortly after he finished, Ike joined the CIA. They both agree to disagree, so they have a lot of arguments, but they always stay alive. Scene 1- Area 51 Theme song 1 here with title Footsteps echo in the distance as Agent I walks into an elegant, yet messy office, full of Big Mac wrappers. (sound effects, rustling paper) Agent I: (casually) Hey Bond, I havent seen you for a while. Looks like you put on a little weight since the movies. James Bond: (enthusiastically) Yes, these Big Macs are really delicious. Britain needs these. Anyway, I have a job for you. Agent I: Shoot. James Bond: (suddenly serious) Okay, this is your mission, if you choose to accept it. Youve heard of the Russian criminal group, h h? Agent I: (surprised) No, I havent. What have they done, and what are they going to do? James Bond: (deadly serious) h h has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Theyve destroyed many stars that were important to Earth. Do you know the constellation, Cancer? Well, it used to be THREE crabs! And the constellation, Gemini? That used to be of triplets, not twins. They have, quite obviously, been around for a very long time. Now, unfortunately, they are after the most important star of all, The Sun. You can not breathe in space, and you will burn to ash if you go on the Sun, so try to stay on Earth and stop them before they have the rocket in the air. You have 48 hours. In whatever way you can, SOS. Save. Our. Sun. Your operation is

Jed Baxter

Tuesday, 29 May 2012 12:56:29 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

codenamed, Sun Protocol. Agent I: (slightly nervous, but not showing it) What about weapons, and I am working alone, right? James Bond: (with a slight smile) As for weapons, you will be armed with nano-gamma-pulsar grenades, and Neutrino-Parallax pistols, that can shoot 20 bullets out of its triple barrels. You will also have one Exact-Titanation RPG, but it only has one charge. And for your partner...... Agent I: (questionably) Who is his partner about?! James Bond: (smiling even more) Your partner (pause) is Agent J. Agent I: (very annoyed and angry he yells) No! (long) Scene 2- Mexico City Bustling city market SOUND EFFECT Agent I: (annoyed) I cant believe I am doing this. Agent I dials phone number (sound effects of phone tone) Agent I: I never thought I would dial this number again! And why is he living in Mexico? Agent Js answering machine: (mechanically) If you are hearing this, then I am either at the movies, or to tired to pick up the phone, so please leave a message after the beep, but, of course, if this is Agent I, get out of my life! Agent I: (annoyed) Wait there he is! In the market! Lets go say hello! (laughs) Agent J: (angry) There he is! I can probably get away in time, Agent I was never a very fast runner. Agent I: (angry) Hey you, put your hands up and dont try a thing! I work for the CIA! Agent J throws a random crate at Agent I, then sprints past him. Big chase scene here etc. Agent I: Stop, I got a gun and I am not afraid to use it. I dont want to hurt

Jed Baxter

Tuesday, 29 May 2012 12:56:29 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

you, you are now my partner. And jeez, you are fast, but I am too. Agent J: (not scared at all) Oh, Im trembling. I will never forgive you! Never after what happened in the- --Academy-- -(explosion sound effects, yelling) There goes my car! That was 10 Euros, you wimp! Agent I: (scared) Okay, Okay, Ill make it quick.... Agent I: (reluctantly) James Bond, our boss as you know.... Agent J: (surprised) Really? I thought that guy would be dead by now! Just look at all those Big Macs he eats! Agent I: Just shut up! James Bond said h h, a Russian criminal group, has been around for as long as anyone can remember. Theyve destroyed many stars that were important to Earth, and now, unfortunately, they are after the most important star of all. The Sun. We have 48 hours. In whatever way we can, SOS. Save Our Sun. Our operation is, Sun Protocol. Here are your weapons. Agent I tosses Agent J his weapons Agent J: Ooh. Scene 3- Airport Mayhem Agent I: (relieved) Well, here we are. At the airport. Agent J: (expectantly) First Class, I hope? Agent I: Yeah of course, J! Wait, that guys staring at us, and smiling! Wait, is that bomb he just planted in the ground, hes a (pause) Russian terrorist! Darn, move it, and put your head down! Quick run down the escalator! Agent J: (in panic) Run through the terminal and jump through the window! Then we will be able to run to our ship on the runway. Move it, now! Agent I: I will knock out the driver in that bag carrier cart! Agent J: Drive to our jet! Both of them sprint out down the stairs into the main terminal, gunfire behind them, then they jump out the huge window, land on the runway and the airport explodes. They steal a truck, knock out the driver and drive to their jet and take off. Many sound effects will be going on.

Jed Baxter

Tuesday, 29 May 2012 12:56:29 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

Scene 4- Russian Tundra Scrimmage Agent I and Agent J eventually arrive at their secret hangar and fly on their private backup jet to Russia. Agent I: Man, I got cut up from all that glass. Well, at these we are out of that situation. Agent J: (annoyed) Suck it up, wimp, Ive had way worse. One time..... Agent I: Be quiet! We are almost in Russia. Agent J: Fine. A little while later (airplane cabin sound effects) Agent J: Agent I, Agent I: Yes, Agent J: Since the sun is so huge, how is h h going to blow it up? Agent I: I have gone through the facts, and I have decided that they would have to have as much explosive material as a planet, so I think that they will have to run Titan, Saturns largest moon, into the Sun. Agent J stays quiet, because he is shocked. Agent I: Here we are. Agent J jumps out of the jet, immediately dropping several nano-gammapulsar grenades on the unfortunate terrorists. Agent I is right behind him. Big war scene here- yelling, gunfire, explosions, etc. Agent I: Lets shoot this rocket-thing! This is probably what they are going to use to propel Titan into the Sun. Agent J and Agent I both shoot their Exact-Titianation RPGs at the deadly rocket. (Huge explosion sound here.) both fall into the water due to explosion shock wave. Scene 5- Congratulations

Jed Baxter

Tuesday, 29 May 2012 12:56:29 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

News report. news report jingle (sound effect) here. (Ike) News Reporter: (heartily) Hello, this is CNN. Agent I and Agent 4J, who worked for the CIA, were rewarded by the American and British Government for stopping the russian terrorist group Death Watch. They are yet to be found in Lake Baikal in Russia. Thank you for watching and tune in next time! Scene 6: Last scene Agent I and J swim out of Lake Baikal. Agent I: (spluttering) Hey, are you okay Agent J? Agent J: Are you okay? Agent I: (sarcastically) Shut up, Im fine, since I have been here for one day I am cold. Agent J, do want to say something together? Agent J: Yeah, sure. Agent I: Well this is how I feel. Agent J: Same. Agent I and J: (shouting loudly in anger) Agent J! (Ike) Agent I! (Jed) Theme Song 2 comes on and we say the credits (Ike) Ike as Agent I (Jed) Jed as Agent J (Jed) Jed as James Bond (Ike) Ike as News Reporter

Jed Baxter

Tuesday, 29 May 2012 12:56:29 PM Hong Kong SAR China Time

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