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National Practicum
NATIONAL PRACTICUM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT NCR-QUEZON CITY FIELD OFFICE [pic] Presented to the College of Information Technology International School of Asia and the Pacific Alimannao Hills, Peablanca, Cagayan [pic] In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology [pic] Submitted by: PALOMAR AGUSTIN PILLIEN BSIT IV APPROVAL SHEET This Narrative Report has prepared and submitted by Palomar A. Pillien in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology has been examined and found accepted in content and form. MR. ARIS T. BANGAYAN MS. FLORIDA A. PULIDO, MSIT OJT Coordinator Program Coordinator MS. EVANGELINE C. CASTISIMO Proof Reader Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements with a grade of _________________. DATE: ___________________ TABLE OF


Narrartive Report (Ojt)

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Alimannao Hills, Peablanca, Cagayan TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CHAPTER I A. Table of Contents B.Acknowledgement C.Dedication D.Introduction E.Objective of the Training II. CHAPTER II F.Title Page ( National Practicum ) G.Company Profile 1. History 2. Mission 3. Vision

4.Corporate Values 5. Programs 6. Services 7. Office Location/Map 8. Organizational Chart H.Policies and Procedures 1.Code of Offenses 2.Offenses and Corresponding Penalties I. Discussions of Findings 1. e-MEDICard 2. Online Consultation 3. Search for Accredited Health Providers 4. Online Membership J. Analysis K. Recommendation L. Work Experience M. Conclusion INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Alimannao Hills, Peablanca, Cagayan training the interns, employers are in fact also teach their employeesto guide the trainees by stretching their patience, develop

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