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Communication Background Test

Tick TCommunication is a verbal process 2. for true. F for false.
3. Telling is communicating 4. Communication will solve all our problems 5. Communication is a good thing 6. The more communication, the better. 7. Communication ca break down 8. Communication is a natural ability 1. Words have meaning T T T T T T T T F F F F F F F F

MISCONCEPTION 1 : Words have meaning

No 2 people share the same meaning Meaning are in people, not in words. Share the code to ensure students understand what the teacher wants them to know.

MISCONCEPTION 2 : Communication is a verbal process

Both verbal & non verbal
Verbal thinking Feeling - nonverbal


Students cannot remember what teachers announce in the classroom! Teachers must make sure the students understand what is being said.

MISCONCEPTION 4: Communication will solve all our problems

Communication can either create or help solve problems. McCroskey, (2006) Be careful of what you say and when you say it!!

MISCONCEPTION 5 : Communication is a good thing

Communication is a tool. Hence, use it wisely

MISCONCEPTION 6: The more communication the better

Quality is always better than quantity! Too many messages can lead to communication overload!!

MISCONCEPTION 7 : Communication can break down

A major cop-out! one cannot not communicate It may not be verbal but the message would be delivered

MISCONCEPTION 8 : Communication competence equals communication effectiveness

Competence knowing what to do Effectiveness outcome Doing something right may not guarantee the desired outcome


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