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One Year Goals

Directions: Answer the following questions and explain why in complete sentences. Then, have them
reviewed by an adult and Ms. Ramirez. Once this sheet has been edited, type your responses in
paragraph form on a word document. Title it One Year Goals in the center.
Paragraph #1
Personal Improvements (Self-reflection)
What would you like to change most about yourself this year emotionally?

What would you like to change most about yourself this year when it comes to your behavior?

What would you like to change most about yourself this year in relation to your habits?

What would you like to change most about your self-esteem?


What would you like to change most about yourself this year in regards to motivation/focus?

What would you like to change most about yourself this year in terms of relationships?

Senior Seminar- 8.16.12

One Year Goals


This year, some the strengths I would like to develop further, academically, are:

This year, some the strengths I would like to develop further, in terms personality, are:

Paragraph #2
Senior Year
1. What GPA are you aiming for in the next semester?

2. What steps will you take in order to achieve your desired GPA?

3. Are you on track to graduate? If not, how many classes do you have to make up?

4. Which classes do you need to make up? How long will it take to them make up? What month would
you like to be done with them?

Senior Seminar- 8.16.12

One Year Goals

Paragraph #3
High School Finances
1. Do you plan on obtaining a job in your senior year? If so, where would you consider applying? Why?

2. What steps are necessary to obtain this job?

3. If unable or unwilling to work, how much of your allowance are you planning to save per week?
Where will your savings be stored? (Bank account, lock box, NA office, etc.)

4. If you plan to open up a bank account who will assist you with this process?

5. Considering your money saving method (see above), how much money do you plan on saving before
emancipating from San Pasqual Academy?

6. How many scholarships do you plan on applying for? Name some of the ones you intend on applying
for and give a brief description of eligibility requirements. List at least 3. (See Mr. Orozcos Blog)

Senior Seminar- 8.16.12

One Year Goals

Paragraph #4
Immediately After High School
1. Are you planning to attend a 2 year or
4 year college? (Check 1 only)
2 year college
Name: ______________________
Back-up College
Name: ______________________
4 year college
Name: ______________________
Back-up College
Name: ______________________

If not, what would you be interested in

doing? (Mark all that apply)
Job Corp
Peace Corp
o Food service
o Customer service
o Office
o General labor
o Sales/marketing
o Security
o Janitorial
Vocational/trade school
o Culinary Arts
o Technology
o Medical Field
o Business
o Cosmetology
o Massage Therapy

Name: _________________________
o Army
o Navy
o Marines
o Coast Guard
o National Guard
o Air Force
2. Explain why you are interested in the major/s or profession/s listed above. Describe any experience
that you already have in your area of interest.

3. If you checked more than one occupation, explain in what order you would do them?

Senior Seminar- 8.16.12

One Year Goals

Paragraph #5
Living Arrangements
1. Where do you see yourself moving to after San Pasqual Academy? (a housing program, relatives,
apartment, college dormitory [Mostly 4 year universities])


What city or state would you like to live in? Be specific. (Vista, San Marcos, Chula Vista, etc.)

1. When you leave SPA, what will be some of your living expenses? Estimate the cost of the following
Cost per month
Rent/ Dormitory
Hygiene Products (shampoo, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
Household Products (trash bags, cleaning supplies, etc.)
Laundry (per load, soap and softener)
Phone Bill
Bus Fare
Clothing (socks, shoes, etc.)
School Supplies (books, printing, ink, etc.)
Parking Permit
Total Cost $
If you dont know how to start your goals, look at some of the suggestions below.
Sentence starters/ Transitions
By the end of this year, I want to
What I want to change most about myself, this year, is
Financially, my goal is *my goals include, my goals are+
My living arrangements will consist of living in _______________ with ____________ (or by
myself) in _____________________ (name of city/state)

Senior Seminar- 8.16.12

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