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Teacher :Mrs.

Valli Class/Set: 10a1 Date:2/11/11 & 3/11/11 Time/Period: 2& Number of pupils: 30 Subject: DTP Lesson 1&2Scheme of Work: Level:6/7 Learning Objectives (WALT): Able to identify the requirements and create a magazine cover about a product.

Room: 26

Intended Learning Outcomes (WILF): All must be able to: Be able to add picture of yourself holding the product into magazine cover Most should be able to: Be able to add picture, suitable title, price related to the product into magazine cover Some could: Be able to add barcode, issue number and other related items into magazine cover Keywords: magazine cover, product, title, price, barcode, issue number, quality. Reference to cross-curriculum issues (Literacy, Numeracy, Citizenship, PSHE, ECM..): Entry ( 2.5 mins) Starter (5 mins): Discussion with pupils to understand their knowledge about a cover magazine. Take suggestions from the class. Display the answer. Main ( 45 mins) Magazine Cover in PhotoShop Requirements ~ Appropriate title of your product ~ At least 4 article teasers about your product. (WH questions: where you can buy it, when is it out, what is the benefit etc) ~ Picture of self with product as background. (cropped, high quality, matching overall theme) ~ Small picture from internet (related to the product) ~ Text used on a shape ~ Issue date & price are conveniently located on publication ~ Barcode in convenient location ~ Grammar/Spelling ~ Overall professional appearance. Task of the day Create a magazine cover that is about your product. Resources

Desktop Publishing.ppt

1) Open Photoshop File New A4(210 x297mm)

The title of the publication will be your product name Crop and drag the image of yourself holding the product Follow the requirements listed in hand-out Be creative and make the finished product look as professional as possible, save your work. 6) 30 minutes followed by checking your work, giving out points for each requirements and comments on overall performance. Plenary ( 5 mins): Discussion with pupils to understand their knowledge about a cover magazine after working with the task of the day. Exit ( 2.5 mins) Differentiation (related to Learning Outcomes) G & T: Investigate items that usually appear on 1st page of a magazine content. Special Education Needs: Other adult support/roles: Homework return, feedback and setting: No homework, feedback given through markbook Assessment including WILF: Markbook in Dropbox Evaluation of the lesson: Remember names asap. Informal observations made by other education professionals [x] Good 2) 3) 4) 5)

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