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Worship Service

August 12th, 2012

UPCOMING EVENTS NEXT WEEKEND CFC church camp at Wellman Lake. Arrive any time Saturday afternoon and stay until any time after supper on Sunday! Each family is responsible for meals and snacks on Saturday; Sunday meals will be combined to share. The Sunday worship service will begin at 10:30 am. SUNDAY MENU Breakfast: Muffins, cheese, etc. Lunch: Chili, buns, veggies, dessert Supper: Cold meat, salad, buns, margarine, dessert Coffee & tea will be provided. Any other beverages desired must be brought with your food items.

WELCOME AND PRAYER Chairperson Alvin Kroeker

(next week Wayne Reimer)


(Sept. 2 Darryl Hamilton)

KIDS KORNER Lena Friesen SCRIPTURE READING I Thessalonians 2:1-13 Ray Kroeker
(next week Tammi Thiessen)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES Somewhat belated Leroy Kroeker August 8 Jackie Gosselin August 10 Coming up this week Marilyn Reimer, Crystal Nepinak tomorrow! Katie Hiebert August 16

MESSAGE Guest Speaker Brad Mueller

ASSOCIATE MISSIONS AFRICA Heidi Plett (Africa Inland Mission, Namibia) Heidi lives in the town of Rehoboth and commutes daily to a small farm school (Usib Primary) where she teaches Math and English. This area is comprised of two main people groups, the Afrikaans-speaking coloureds and the darker-skinned Khoi Khoi-speaking Nama/Damara people. There is little mixing of the two. Most of Heidis students are Nama/Damara, but a few are coloureds. They generally relate well as peers. On Friday afternoons, Heidi meets with a group of teenage Nama/Damara boys from Rehoboth to provide social interaction and a short Bible lesson. Please pray for the youth of Rehoboth and surrounding farms, particularly from Usib Farm. Pray that they will not be content with mere head knowledge of God and a Sunday morning church tradition. Pray that they will want to know God more and look for a purposeful life with eternal significance. Pray that they will choose to honour Him with their lives, living according to His ways (in purity, integrity, and in peace towards others) and not the ways of the society around them.

Christian Fellowship Church

Darryl & Michelle

Existing to glorify God by worshipping together, and by providing teaching and nurture to help each other grow in commitment to Jesus Christ, in godliness, and in desire and ability to reach out to others.

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