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Mitchells Plans for 11-5 to 11-9

Monday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell -discuss how we will be depositing the money we earned from making our airplane and airport projects, how we will be recording our earnings in our math journals, and how we will use our money to purchase our tickets on the day of our flight to Paris, France. Centers/Miss Boutwell -workjob with Miss Boutwell: Children will be depositing money into their individual safety deposit boxes and recording their earning in their math journals. -project with Mrs. Mitchell: Children will tape TVs and seat numbers onto to airplane chairs. 10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Boutwell -Old Favorite Chant -review our list of rhyming words for our version of Oh A Hunting We Will Go -begin illustrating and writing our version of Oh A Hunting We Will Go -Old Favorite Chant

Tuesday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell Flight to Paris Centers/Miss Boutwell Flight to Paris

Wednesday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Boutwell -introduce our France Theme: discuss how we will be learning about and turning our room into France -begin webbing, What do you think of when you think of France? Centers/Miss Boutwell -Paris research center with Miss Boutwell: Children take turns researching and writing a question about what they want to learn more about relating to France.

10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Butwell Flight to Paris

10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Boutwell -Old Favorite Chant -Old Favorite Book: Class version of Oh A Hunting We Will Go. Each partner group will read the page they have written and illustrated. -New Text: Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes. Discuss rhyming words and predict where Pete is going in the school. -Old Favorite Chant 11:20-12:10 Media/Miss Boutwell 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Miss Boutwell 12:45-1:15 Recess/Miss Boutwell 1:15-1:45 Rest Time/Miss Boutwell 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas/Miss Boutwell

11:20-12:10 P.E./Miss Boutwell 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Miss Boutwell 12:45-1:15 Recess/Miss Boutwell 1:15-1:45 Rest Time/Miss Boutwell 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas/Miss Boutwell

11:20-12:10 P.E/Miss Boutwell. 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Miss Boutwell 12:45-1:15 Recess/Miss Boutwell 1:15-1:45 Rest Time/Miss Boutwell 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas/Miss Boutwell

Thursday Friday 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 7:45-8:00 Calendar/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 8:00-9:00 Journals/Miss Boutwell 9:00-10:50 9:00-10:50 Theme Development/Miss Theme Development/Miss Boutwell Boutwell
-children share their French research questions with the whole class -discuss how we will be writing 3 of our favorite airplane/airport facts in our France factbooks. -children share their French research questions with the whole class -introduce class shoe graph on the SMARTboard.

Monday -make tickets Tuesday -prepare for flight Chips Luggage tags Passports Suitcases Flight agenda Wednesday -my France web -class web -research materials -shoe chants Thursday -put lines in factbooks Friday -shoe graph Other

Centers/Miss Boutwell -Paris research center with Miss Boutwell: Children take turns researching and writing a question about what they want to learn more about relating to France. -Workjob with Mrs. Mitchell: Children will take turns writing their facts in their factbooks.

10:50-11:20 Shared Reading/Miss Boutwell -Old Favorite Chant -New Text: Pete the Cat: I Love my White Shoes. Discuss artist James Dean. Review color words. Review the words my and the and the digraph /sh/. Brainstorm other words that begin with /sh/. Children will predict the color of the shoe. Make a graph with our own shoes on the floor. -Old Favorite Chant 11:20-12:10 Music/Miss Boutwell 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Miss Boutwell 12:45-1:15 Recess/Miss Boutwell 1:15-1:45 Rest Time/Miss Boutwell 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas/Miss Boutwell

Centers/Miss Boutwell -Paris research center with Miss Boutwell: Children take turns researching and writing a question about what they want to learn more about relating to France. -Workjob with Mrs. Mitchell: Children will take turns writing their facts in their factbooks. -Independent workjob: Complete shoe graph on SMARTboard. 10:50-11:20 Whole Group Guidance with Mrs. Daniel

11:15-12:05 Trike Ride 12:15-12:45 Lunch/Miss Boutwell 12:45-1:15 Recess/Miss Boutwell 1:15-1:45 Rest Time/Miss Boutwell 1:45-1:55 Pack Up & Dismiss to Pod Areas/Miss Boutwell

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