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Storyboard 48 Laws By Hassan Kariem Video/Still/Title Screen Frame Name Frame Breakdown Length Description Of Frame

Title Screen

The Title

Title Screen with music audio

Estimated 2-3 mins 7 secs Screen Flashes the Title of the Video on a Background consisting of the Books Front Cover Music plays Screen fades and transitions to shot of narrator Narrator looks at audience/camera Narrator: Powera word when spoken evokes a complicated mixture of both desire and fear. Since the dawn of mankind it has been sought after and used individuals to achieve status and accomplish phenomenal deeds. Its so prevalent in our society yet most cannot find a path to it. Screen slowly fades to transition into next frame(book cover)


Introduction of The Book

Medium Shot of Narrator. Narrator: Powera word when spoken evokes a complicated mixture of both desire and fear. Since the dawn of mankind it has been sought after and used individuals to achieve status and accomplish phenomenal deeds. Its so prevalent in our society yet most cannot find a path to it.

10-15 secs


Introduction to Book 2: The Cover

Narrator continues to introduce the book(audio) while camera focuses in on the cover.

5-7 secs

Close shot of Book Cover Narrator(audio): In the 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene provides bread crumbs in the form of his laws. Screen transitions to black for next frame Black screen with audio, still image of Al Capone enters frame from right when Narrator says Al Capone followed by a still image of Muhammad Ali entering from the left when his name is spoken by Narrator. Narrator(audio): He leads the reader through history, spotlighting the successes and failures of Iconic historical figures ranging from Al Capone to Muhammad Ali.

Audio with Stills

The Legends

Audio of Narrator


Greenes use of legends of human history is simply one of the aspects that 48 Laws of Power a truly epic reading experience. Screen fades and transitions to next frame Video Why is it Awesome? 18-25 seconds Medium shot of Narrator Narrator: This book is filled with tons of information about history and the men and women who have shaped modern human civilization. It goes into details about their relationships, their tactics, and the results of key decisions that they made but what truly unlocks the awesomness between these pages is the style and

Video Of Narrator discussing aspects that make the book special.

format in which the information is presented. Shot angle shift transition into next frame Video Impeccable Style Video of narrator discussing books style and format, with a shot of an example from the text. 40-50 secs Medium Shot of Narrator from another angle Greenes approach is revolutionary, in an age of the internet and information technology, where concepts of linear information are going the way of the brontosaurus, 48 Laws of Power is presented in a way where the reader can guide themselves through the concepts in any order they choose. He goes a step further by relying on creative imagery to get his points across for example Law 10: Avoid The Unhappy and Unlucky. Shot transitions into page of example He compares these individuals to a plague or a virus and to really get that point he uses interesting text placement to really highlight the concept of infection. Look at how it seeps into this block of text. Shot transitions back to narrator Shot of Narrator standing with book 48 laws of power is a book for those individuals who are seeking to understand the social dynamic between those with power and those without. A great read for any adult who wants expand their mind and the way they look at the relationships between people. Its a fun read but as Greene warns in the preface,



Video of narrator giving final thoughts on the book.

35-40 secs

Power is endlessly seductive and deceptive in its own way. It is a labyrinth-your mind becomes consumed with solving its infinite problems, and you soon realize how pleasantly lost youve become. Get Lost in these laws! Frame transitions to credits Credit Screen Credits Text scrolling up from bottom 25 secs of frame. Credit screen Closing credits scrolling as music plays, first six laws scroll as well and then The End.

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