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Unit 2 - School talks B: Speaking (Period 2) Members:

V Th Hu Trn Th Thoa Nguyn Th Din Lu Th Dip

I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: !u"en!s #no$ ho$ !o s!ar! an" %&ose a %on'ersa!ion (. Knowledge: ) *enera& #no$&e"ge: ) Through !his uni!+ s!u"en!s %an ma#e %on'ersa!ion $i!h a par!ner easi&y ) ,no$ ho$ !o arrange %on'ersa!ions sensib&y ) Language: !u"en!s use sen!en%es+ $or"s+ phrases an" e-pressions .or ma#ing a %on'ersa!ion /. Skills: 0&uen%y in e-pressing opinion an" e-pressions .or ma#ing a %on'ersa!ion II. et!od: 1n!egra!e"+ main&y %ommuni%a!i'e III. "eac!ing aids: 2i%!ures+ 3ng&ish !e-!boo# 14+ han")ou!s I#. Procedures: Teachers activities $arm%u&: ) *i'e a si!ua!ion an" $ri!e a shor! %on'ersa!ion on !he boar" Situation: suppose !ha! you mee! a .rien" a! !he supermar#e!+ you are 'ery busy. Ho$ $i&& you say !o open an" en" !he %on'ersa!ion5 ) *i'e a shor! %on'ersa!ion: 6: 777. 819 :: Hi+ Lan. Ho$ are you5 6: 1;m .ine. Than#s. 6n" you5 :: 1;m .ine. Le!;s go some$here .or a "rin# 6: orry+ 777. 8(9 ) <#+ !ha!;s a shor! %on'ersa!ion be!$een 6 an" : 819 = 8(9 are !$o $ays !o s!ar! an" %&ose a %on'ersa!ion To"ay+ $e $i&& pra%!i%e spea#ing %on'ersa!ion ha'ing s!ar!ing an" "osing sen!en%es Pre% s&eaking: >aise !he ?ues!ions: 1. What do you think about greeting? 2. How any kinds o! greeting? ". How can you say when you eet teacher in the orning? #. How can you say when you eet your !riend in the orning? $. How can you say to your teacher when your schoo% !inishes? To"ay+ $e $i&& pra%!i%e spea#ing %on'ersa!ion ha'ing s!ar!ing an" %&osing sen!en%es Students activities ) Lis!en !o !he !ea%her Notes

'nswers 1. &t is i 'ortant 2. There are 2. They are() *eo'%e who use greetings when they eet to each other ) *eo'%e use greetings when they say goodbye to each other ". +ood orning #. +ood orning, Hi, He%%o $. +oodbye, -ye bye, See you again Do !he !as#

Teachers activities "ask (: These e-pressions are %ommon&y use" $hen peop&e are %ha!!ing. 2&a%e !hem un"er !he appropria!e hea"ing !hen pra%!i%e $i!h a par!ner ) *i'e ins!ru%!ion ) 1n!ro"u%e some e-pressions !ha! $e %an use !o s!ar! an" %&ose a %on'ersa!ion ) 6s# s!u"en! !o p&a%e !he e-pressions un"er !he appropria!e hea"ing ) 6s# s!u"en! !o $or# in"i'i"ua&&y !hen $or# in groups ) *i'e sugges!ions

Students activities


) *i'e ans$ers: H !ar!ing a %on'ersa!ion: ) goo" morning ) Ho$;s e'ery!hing a! s%hoo&5 ) He&&o. Ho$ are you5 ) He&&o+ $ha! are you "oing5 ) Hi+ ho$ is s%hoo&5 H B&osing !he %on'ersa!ion: ) orry. 1;'e !o go. Ta&# !o you &a!er ) Ae&&. 1!;s been ni%e !a&#ing !o you ) *oo"bye. ee you &a!er )*rea!. 1;&& see you !omorro$. Ba!%h up $i!h you &a!er ) Do !he !as# ) *i'e ans$ers: D) 3) :) H) 0) B)* ) 2ra%!i%e $i!h par!ners #m

"ask 2: >earrange !he .o&&o$ing sen!en%es !o ma#e a %on'ersa!ion an" !hen pra%!i%e i! $i!h a par!ner ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o rearrange !he sen!en%es !o ma#e a %on'ersa!ion ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o $or# in"i'i"ua&&y !hen in pairs @ ) Aa&# aroun" !he %&ass !o he&p s!u"en! $hen ne%essary ) Bhe%# an" gi'e sugges!ions ) 6s# s!u"en! !o pra%!i%e i! $i!h a par!ner ) Borre%!s s!u"en!s; pronun%ia!ion i. ne%essary "ask ): Bomp&e!e !he .o&&o$ing %on'ersa!ion $i!h sui!ab&e $or"s+ phrases or sen!en%es in !he bo- an" !hen pra%!i%e i! $i!h a par!ner: *i'e s!u"en!s samp&e ?ues!ion !o as# abou! o!hers; prob&ems: CAha!;s !he ma!!er $i!h you5DE CAha!;s $rong $i!h you5D *i'e !he $ay !o ans$er !he ?ues!ion: C1 ha'e777D. *i'e e-amp&e *i'e s!u"en!s !he s!ru%!ures !o gi'e a"'i%e: Fou shou&" G V Fou;" be!!er G V Turn !o !he e-er%ise: ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o rea" a&& $or"s in !he bo) 6s# s!u"en!s !o $or# 1 pairs !o %omp&e!e !he

) Lis!en !o !he !ea%her

) Do !as# / ) >ea" a&ou" in %horus. ) Aor# in pairs

Teachers activities Students activities %on'ersa!ion $i!h sui!ab&e $or"s ) *i'e !he meaning o. some $or"s $hen ne%essary ) Aa&# aroun" !he %&ass !o he&p s!u"en!s $hen ne%essary ) *i'e ans$ers: ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o gi'e ans$ers. 6: Aha!;s !he ma!!er $i!h you5 :: 6$.u&E a hea"a%he 6: Fou;" be!!er go home an" ha'e a res! ) Bhe%# an" gi'e sugges!ions ) !an" up an" %omp&e!e !he "ia&ogue ) 6s# 1 s!u"en! !o pra%!i%e !he "ia&ogue $i!h !ea%her $i!h !ea%her ) !an" up an" ma#e "ia&ogue ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o s!an" up an" pra%!i%e !his %on'ersa!ion in pairs ) Borre%! !heir pronun%ia!ion $hen ne%essary "ask *: Ma#e sma&& !a&#s on !he .o&&o$ing !opi%s+ using !he s!ar!ing an" en"ing o. a %on'ersa!ion ) Do !as# I ) Di'i"e !he %&ass in!o I groups ) Aor# in groups ) 6s# ea%h group !o "is%uss one !opi% an" ma#e a ) 2ra%!i%e !he %on'ersa!ion sma&& %on'ersa!ion 'nswer: ) Aa&# aroun" !he %&ass an" he&p a&& s!u"en!s $hen 6: Hi+ Minh. Ho$ $as your !rip !o Da ne%essary La!5 ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o presen! !he %on'ersa!ions :: Hi+ Huy. 1! $as $on"er.u& ) *i'e %ommen!s 6: Aha! $as !he $ea!her &i#e in Da La!5 :: 1! $as %oo&. 6: >ea&&y5 1 &o'e i!+ !oo.


Post%reading: ((* minutes) ) 6s# s!u"en!s !o pra%!i%e a&& %on'ersa!ions again ) Home$or#: 1+(+/ a! !he page J an" K 83ng&ish e-er%ises boo#9

H 2&ans .or !he ne-! $ee#en": 6: He&&o+ Nga. :: Hi+ Lan. 6: 6re you .ree on 0ri"ay5 Aou&" you &i#e !o go !o !he %inema ne-! $ee#en"5 :: Than#s. :u! 1 ha'e a p&an !o go ou! $i!h Lan. 6: <h+ bye :: :ye ) 2ra%!i%e a&& !he %on'ersa!ion again

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