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North American Colonies XVIII XIX centuries

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The !ar !as a#out the Austrian 0uccession, #ut %ritain #ecame in(ol(ed !hen France occu*ied the Austrian Netherlands. Thus, this con'lict s*ilt o(er into North America. From 1744 to 1748 %ritain and the colonies 'ou"ht the French in !hat !as 9no!n as :5in" )eor"e8s 3ar;

)et a chea* tri*+ ,N&- ./0 14,11


France, 1748. Today the eace treaty !as si"ned #et!een France and $n"land. %y this treaty &ouis#our" !as returned to France in return 'or the French e(acuation o' the Austrian Netherlands.


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The !ar #et!een France and %ritain echoed in the 16 colonies. The French attem*ted to restore their *osition in North America #y ad(ancin" u* the ,hio 4i(er (alley. France !as hel*ed #y the Indian allies, #ut the de'eat o' France !as imminent.

North American Colonies XVIII XIX centuries

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e III + A 4$0 $CTF.&

The youn" successor, )eor"e III too9 u*on himsel' the command o' the :)reat %ritish $m*ire;, in a hu"e ceremony that lasted 'our days. The mem#ers o' the hi"h society !ere in(ited to that outstandin" cele#ration, !here )eor"e II8s "randson *romised to carry on !ith his antecessor8s *olicy. =o!e(er, *eo*le close to the 9in" declared that he !ould not #e loyal o' his ancestors and that he !ill soon 'ind some#ody !ho !ould a**ro(e on his nasty #eha(ior.

T4$AT- ,F A4I0 0I)N$7

)reat %ritain #e"ins a ne! Colonial *olicy. )reat %ritain@17>6@ The %ritish and French si"ned a *eace treaty, the :Treaty o' aris;. Throu"h it, the French and Indian 3ar !ould 'inish. =o!e(er, )reat %ritain too9 most o' the once@ "reat French em*ire, includin" Canada, The ,hio Valley, and all French lands east o' the <ississi**i, eAce*t 'or Ne! ,rleans. As !e stated, the Treaty o' aris remo(ed one em*ire 'rom North America #ut dou#led the siBe o' the other. 3ill that #rin" trou#le to the Colonies?

4esistance #orns in the colonies The %ritish 9ee* on s*endin" money. A "rou* o' colonists *rotested due to the hi"h taAes that the $n"lish "o(ernment com*elled them to *ay in order to su**ort the $n"lish army. The %ritish ar"ued that as the Americans #elon" to an $n"lish colony, they must o#ey the commands 'rom =I0 0. 4$<$ <AC$0T- 5IN) )$,4)$ III. The colonists are *re*arin" a re(olt, !ith *ots and *ans in 'ront o' the %ritish $m#assy.

%e a !ell American!!!


North American Colonies XVIII XIX centuries


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0u"ar act+ intolera#le increase duties on

"oods im*orted into the colonies.
)oods that !ere not o' %ritish ori"in !ill ha(e to *ay hi"h taAes. 7ue to this, colonial trade !ill #e enormously a''ected. The colonies !ere 'ree to trade !ith France and 0*ain, #ut no! !ith these ne! acts, trade !ill #e di''icult.

Americans+ N,V$<%$4 1, 17>2.


Every newspaper, pamphlet and other public and legal document have to have a Stamp or British seal on it. Colonies argue that they must not pay for something that has been always free. A N$3 -,45, 17>7 Congress of delegates met to claim for these INT$4VI$3 T, C=A4&$0 T,3N0=$7. acts. This was the first experience on starting a self defense against the British !overnment. C,.4NA&I0T+ 3hat do you eA*ect !ith these ne! acts? T,3N0=$7+ -ou8ll see. ,ur "oal is to restore the control o(er A the colonies. "lass o' *ure mil9 a day C,.4NA&I0T+ In !hat !ay? T,3N0=$7+ As chancellor 5ee*s the %ritish a!ayo' the eAcheDuer I consider these acts as a 'air !ay to su**ort the militia in the colonies. C,.4NA&I0T+ 7o you consider a 'air ri"ht to taA o(er the colonies i' they ha(e no re*resentation in the *arliament? T,3N0=$7+ ,' course, they are our colony and they should *ay 'or the de'ense. C,.4NA&I0T+ And do you consider that no! that the French menace is o(er, the *rotection is needed? T,3N0=$7+ The %ritish "o(ernment !ill 9ee* on de'endin" the colonies e(en thou"h the !ar i' 'inishedE

Coin the stam* act con"ress

A "rou* o' dele"ates &$TT$40 T, T=$ $7IT,4 'rom the colonies

%elo(ed countryman+ their ri"hts+ There is another late act o' *arliament !hich No taAation !ithout a**ears to me to #e re*resentation unconstitutional, and as destructi(e to the li#erty o' the colonies, as the mentioned in my last letter, that is, the act 'or "rantin" the duties on *a*er, "lass, etc. The *arliament unDuestiona#ly *ossesses a le"al authority. It is essential to the relation #et!een a mother country and her colonies and necessary 'or the common "ood o' all. =o!e(er, this taA seems to me so ar#itrary as some *re(ious acts. 3e must de'end oursel(es, and 'i"ht 'or

met to claim 'or

North American Colonies XVIII XIX centuries

<ay 2th 1771

<assacre IN %,0T,N
Ne! *olicy on taAation 7ue to the denial o' the colonists a#out *ayin" the ar#itrary taAes, a "rou* o' re#els ha(e #een massacred in %oston. The terri#le e*isode occurred !hen the %ritish troo*s 'ired u*on a hostile cro!d. =undreds o' *eo*le ha(e #een !ounded and ta9en to sanitary centers to #e healed.

N,4T=80 ACTI,N0 CA.0IN) T4,.%&$

1776 The Tea Act !as eA*ected to #e a**ro(ed #y the colonist. ,n issuin" this, &ord North thou"ht that the Americans !ould #e *leased to #e a#le to #uy their 'a(orite drin9 at the lo!est *rocess e(er. ,n ha(in" the mono*oly u*on tea, the colonists thou"ht that nothin" !ould *re(ent )reat %ritain 'rom *lannin" other

North American Colonies XVIII XIX centuries

%,0T,N T$A A4T- &ANN$7 AN7 CA44I$7 ,.T

<I00IN) 1776 T$A AT A T$A A4T-

%ritish shi*s carry the east India tea to the colonies sailin" into %oston har#or. ,(er 611 chests o' tea, !orth a 'ortune, lay !aitin" to #e unloaded 'rom the holds o' the shi*s. The colonies are determined not to #uy the tea. The shi*s must "o #ac9 !ith their car"oes. The idea !as to rescue the $ast India Tea Com*any 'rom *ossi#le #an9ru*tcy. In some *orts o' Ne! -or9 and hiladel*hia the tea !as sent #ac9 to %ritain, #ut in %oston, on 7ecem#er 1> th some colonists, under the direction o' Cohn Adams and dis"uised as Indians@ #oarded the tea shi*s and thre! their car"o into the har#or.

1774 Coerci(e acts %4ITI0= ),V$4N<$NT =IT0 %AC5

%y issuin" these acts, the )o(ernor !as a#le to trans'er to %ritain 'or trial any o''icial accused o' committin" an o''ence in the line o' duty. This !as to *re(ent "o(ernment o''icial #een im*risoned #y colonial Furies. A Guarterin" Act directed local authorities in the colonies to ensure that %ritain troo*s had adeDuate lod"in", !hich included *ri(ate

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