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Works Cited Primary Sources Databases Federal Centre for Political Education, Deutschlandradio, and Zentrum Fr Zeithistorische Forschung

Potsdam. "Chronicle of the Berlin Wall." Chronicle of the Berlin Wall. Federal Centre for Political Education Deutschlandradio Zentrum Fr Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, !! Dec. !"#$. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' (((.chronik)der) inde*.&h& de +tart ,nde* id -.!#/01. 2ut of all m3 sources, this online database is the most thorough, hel&ful, and in)de&th. Co4ering almost e4er3 da3 of the Berlin Wall5s e*istence (ith &rimar3 source letters, inter4ie(s, and &hotos, , found this database immensel3 useful. 6ot onl3 did it &ro4ide me (ith thousands of different &rimar3 sources for use on m3 (ebsite, but it also &ro4ided man3 different t3&es of conte*t ) from culture to go4ernment. 7hrough these &rimar3 sources, , could reall3 understand e4er3 increment of life the East Berliners endured under o&&ression and limited rights. 24erall, this database (as an e*tremel3 hel&ful, all)around m3riad of man3 different t3&es of &rimar3 sources.

,nter4ie(s Cioc, 8ark. ",nter4ie( (ith 8ark Cioc." E)mail inter4ie(. - 9an. !"#/. 6eeding a &rofessional o&inion on im&ortant com&onents of the (all, , sought out a :erman histor3 &rofessor at ;.C. +anta Cru< b3 the name of 8ark Cioc. Conducted through e)mail, , asked him a fe( =uestions about his o&inions on the Berlin Wall, from its lasting im&act to its im&ortance as time (ent on. Cioc (as a (onderful inter4ie(ee and his ans(ers &ro4ed both

insightful and interesting. What &articularl3 stood out to me (as ho( he outlined the res&onsibilities of the +o4iets ) something that is commonl3 ignored. , used his ans(ers all around m3 (ebsite to articulate some 4er3 im&ortant &oints surrounding the (all5s e*istence ) such as its s3mbolism for the +o4iet ;nion. 24erall, , benefited greatl3 from this inter4ie( and Cioc &ro4ided (onderful ans(ers in a concise and immensel3 hel&ful (a3. 9>ger, ?arald. "7he :uard Who 2&ened the Berlin Wall' 5, :a4e 83 Peo&le the 2rder )) @aise the Barrier5" ,nter4ie( b3 Cordt +chnibben. Spiegel Online International. 6.&., A 6o4. !""A. Web. ## 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.s& international german3 the)guard)(ho) o&ened)the)berlin)(all)i)ga4e)m3)&eo&le)the)order)raise)the)barrier)a)--"#!B.html1. Cfter man3 long 3ears of the Berlin Wall5s &resence ) the time had finall3 come for its destruction. +o (ho (as the first guard to o&en the o&&ressi4e gates of East BerlinD ?arald 9>ger, a Eieutenant)Colonel res&onsible for an East Berlin check&oint. ,n this inter4ie(, the guard s&eaks of the intense &ressure he felt on 6o4ember A, #ABA (hen thousands of &eo&le s(armed the Wall, demanding their right to freedom. ?e didn5t kno( (hether to let them &ass or not, and thus faced a dilemma. Finall3, after agoni<ing hours of 4ague instruction, he let the citi<ens &ass, becoming the first e4er guard to do so. 7his inter4ie( (as an e*cellent source of =uotes to describe life on the guard5s side, es&eciall3 on the hectic night of the Wall5s end. , used it on m3 (ebsite es&eciall3 to discuss the significance of the Wall5s demise.

Eo(e, Feith. "Cfter WW,,, Euro&e Was C 5+a4age Continent5 2f De4astation." ,nter4ie(. NPR Books. 6P@, !/ 9ul3 !"#$. Web. $# Dec. !"#$. %htt&' (((.n& !"#$ "0 !/ !"/.$B0!B after)((ii)euro&e)(as)a)sa4age)continent) of)de4astation1. ,n tr3ing to e*&lain the e4ents that led u& to the Berlin Wall, the ultimate destruction of so man3 innocent5s rights, , needed to understand the historical conte*t. Cfter World War ,,, :erman3 (as di4ided amongst the allies. Eife (asn5t desirable for an3one in4ol4ed after the (ar, es&eciall3 in &i4otal areas like :erman3. ,n this inter4ie(, Eo(e e*&lains common life after the (ar that reall3 hel&ed me in the "conte*t" section of m3 (ebsite. 7he source inter4ie( &ro4ided me (ith great =uotes for m3 (ebsite and &ro4ided a (onderful background. Paul, +igrid. "7he Berlin Wall Fe&t 8e C&art from 83 Bab3 +on." ,nter4ie( b3 Eena Corner. The Guardian. 7he :uardian 6e(s, - 6o4. !""A. Web. !- 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' ((( lifeandst3le !""A no4 "0 berlin)(all)sigrid)&aul1. +adl3, the Berlin Wall resulted in some of the saddest, unfortunate tragedies uni=ue to its circumstance. ,n this :uardian inter4ie(, , read about +igrid Paul, a mother tragicall3 ri&&ed a&art from her son in the first da3s of the Wall. Due to his critical condition as an infant, +igrid5s son had to cross from East to West, (here he remained. +igrid couldn5t see her son and des&eratel3 tried an3thing she could, including crossing o4er illegall3, (hich resulted in her im&risonment. Finall3, (hen her son (as fi4e and didn5t kno( (hat "mother" meant (ere the3 reunited. 7he stor3 is a tragic and ine4itable conse=uence of the torching of someone5s right to tra4el, e4en if it is to see their o(n son. 7his inter4ie( meant a lot to me, because it created a 4er3 &ersonal stor3 and &laced me in the e3es of

+igrid during this time. , used this inter4ie( for realistic conte*t on m3 (ebsite and for =uotes. Witnessess, Contem&orar3. "Berlin Wall +tories." ,nter4ie(. Berlin Wall Memorial. 6.&., !0 6o4. !"#$. Web. !A 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.berliner)mauer) en stories) /BA.html1. 7here is nothing better than stumbling u&on &ersonal stories from the Berlin Wall. When , discuss the destruction of East Berliner5s rights, , (ant to kno( e*actl3 ho( the3 reacted to it. 7his (ebsite offered tons of &rimar3 source inter4ie(s from the Wall5s 4ictims. +tarting at inter4ie(s about life before the Wall to esca&ees to emigration, this site had it all. , read all of these inter4ie(s thoroughl3 and =uoted them on m3 (ebsite to &ro&erl3 articulate the &ersonal life of Berlin5s citi<ens.

Eetters 7schuss. "+omeda3 the Wall Will Fall." Eetter to Dani Da(son. #ABA. German istor! Blog. Bill Da(son, - 6o4. !""A. Web. # 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' someda3)the) (all)(ill)fall)letter)from)an)east)german)&en&al 1. 7his (ebsite &ro4ided a great source of information on a &articularl3 sad letter nearing the brink of the Wall5s colla&se. 7he author &ro4ided a high, detailed image of the letter than , used on m3 (ebsite as (ell as a translation. 7he letter s&oke of ho&e for the end of the Berlin Wall5s o&&ressi4e e*istence, &ro4iding insight on the emotional conse=uences of the Wall. 24erall, the source letter (as 4er3 re4ealing and the author did a thorough Gob of articulating the foreign language.

Welsch, Wolfgang. "Pen&al Corres&ondant." Eetter to Dani Da(son. #AB-. German istor! Blog. Bill Da(son, !$ 2ct. !""A. Web. # 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' hausarchi4)&en&al)in)gdr 1. 7he author being both a :erman s&eaker and ha4ing access to man3 &rimar3 sources from the era of the Berlin (all, , continuall3 found this (ebsite useful. Da(son has introduced another letter, a &ersonal one bet(een his no()(ife on the Western side and a :erman bo3 on the Eastern side. 7he bo3 com&lains of his teacher5s negati4e reaction to a West Berlin maga<ine and e*&resses his animosit3 to(ard East Berlin5s conditions. ;sing both the scanned image and the translation, , (as able to make good use of this letter on m3 (ebsite and found this article 4er3 useful.

Photogra&hs Crms, +imon. "7he ?eritage 2f Berlin +treet Crt Cnd :raffiti +cene." Smashing Maga"ine. 6.&., #$ 9ul3 !"##. Web. !- 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.smashingmaga< !"## "0 #$ the) heritage)of)berlin)street)art)and)graffiti)scene 1. 2ne of the most interesting as&ects of the Berlin Wall (as its huge can4as for graffiti art, ob4iousl3 onl3 seen on the Western side. :raffiti on the (all stands fore4er, &ermanentl3, as the citi<en5s thoughts on the traged3 of stolen rights. ,n a (a3, it is Berlin5s 4ersion of "ca4e &aintings", moderni<ed into s&ra3 &aint s3mbols of distress. , found a huge amount of &rimar3 source &hotos of the graffiti art in this article, along (ith e*&lanations and anecdotes surrounding each one. ,t e4en 4entured into some artists identities, &ro4iding conte*t and realit3 to the ordeal. , used these &ictures a lot on m3 (ebsite, including the (ebsite banner.

Crane, @al&h. "7he @ise and Fall of the Berlin Wall." TIM#$com. 6.&., #/ 6o4. !"#$. Web. #/ 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' time &hotogaller3 ",!A$"0,#-$#AA$H#$B$!"B,"".html1. 7ime al(a3s &ro4ides (ith the best =ualit3 of &rimar3 sources, &ictures included. ;sing ?D scans of old to recent &hotos of the Berlin Wall, 7ime e*&lains the stor3 of the Berlin Wall through &hotos. Cs the stor3 &rogresses, (e can see and feel the &ain the East Berliners (ent through (hen the3 lost their basic human rights. 7he &ictures (ere a 4er3 hel&ful on m3 (ebsite. 24erall, , lo4ed the e*cellent collection of dramatic &hotogra&hs 7ime had to offer in high =ualit3. Plat<, Potsdamer. %ie& from the West to #ast. #A-$. Photogra&h. Berlin Wall Online. !""!. Web. ! 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' ((( berlin(all &hotogra&hs berlin(all) #A-$Go berlin(all)#A-$)""0.htm1. 7his is a &o(erful image (hen &laced in conte*t. ,n West :erman3, the &hoto5s &oint of origin, life (as e*citing and filled (ith man3 o&&ortunities. 7he &hoto &eers o4er the barbed (ire of the Wall, seeing a grim and lifeless East :erman3. ,t is 4er3 a&&arent the state of mind in East :erman3 as their rights (ere stri&&ed from them. , used this image on m3 (ebsite as a stark reminder of the cultural state of East :erman3. Remem'ering on an (nkno&n Refugee Who Was )illed '! #ast German Border Guards. #A-!. Photogra&h. Berlin. Berlin Wall Online. !""#. Web. !B 2ct. !"#$. %htt&' ((( berlin(all &hotogra&hs berlin(all)#A-# berlin(all) #A-#H""A.htm1. #A-!, Gust about a 3ear after the Berlin Wall (as hastil3 erected to &rotect +o4iet &ro&ert3. ,n this sad &hotogra&h, a memorial is de&icted for an East :erman (ho (as shot do(n b3 border guards. 7his emotional &hoto sho(s the =uick

res&onse of East :erman3 against its o(n &eo&le, that in little o4er a 3ear the guards are alread3 shooting esca&ees. , used this &hoto on m3 (ebsite, as it de&icted the harsh realit3 of the Wall. *+ou ,re the ,merican Sector* #A0/. Photogra&h. Berlin. Berlin Wall Online. $# 9an. !"##. Web. !- 2ct. !"#$. %htt&' ((( berlin(all *gra&hics &hotogra&hs #A0/ #A0/"0"")!-) ""$.G&g1. , found this &hotogra&h to be 4er3 ironic and contradictor3, dis&la3ing a 4ariet3 of cultural clashes during as the Berlin Wall aged. ,n the &hoto, a 4er3 serious sign is seen, dis&la3ing that (hoe4er should be there is lea4ing the Cmerican sector. Clthough the Wall (as getting older, its boundaries (ere still harshl3 in &lace. ?o(e4er, the tourist clashes (ith this idea, as she dis&la3s the Berlin Wall as a harmful attraction. 6ot being on the other side, she re&resents ignorance to a se4ere but maturing situation. Cs someone on the West side, she and man3 other &eo&le had the res&onsibilit3 to rise u& against the t3rann3 of the ;.+.+.@. but did =uite the o&&osite. 7his &hoto (as 4er3 hel&ful on m3 (ebsite to e*&lain culture clash and the (idening ga& bet(een the East and West.

+&eeches Fenned3, 9ohn F. "Berlin +&eech." +&eech. Berlin Wall +&eech. !B 9une #A-$. PBS. #B 6o4. !"#$. Web. #B 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.& (gbh americane*&erience features &rimar3)resources Gfk)berlin 1. 7he Berlin Wall (as uni=ue in that it in4ol4ed so man3 different nations, the ;nited +tates among them. ,n #A-$, 9ohn F. Fenned3 ga4e a s&eech directl3 critici<ing the failure of Communism and telling &eo&le to come see East Berlin for themsel4es. ?e

di4erges and e*&lains that no nation should ha4e to tra& their citi<ens in. 9FF (as adamant against Communism and the limited rights it lent to its citi<ens. , used his s&eech to &ortra3 the stand&oint of the anti)Communist &eo&le. When com&aring ho( the +o4iet ;nion talked about the (all in com&arison to the rest of the (orld, one can see a striking difference, hea4il3 influenced b3 &ro&aganda. +&eeches like this constantl3 remind us of the immense res&onsibilit3 the +o4iet ;nion had o4er its citi<ens and failed to tend to. @eagan, @onald. "@onald @eagan ) "7ear Do(n 7his Wall"" +&eech. +&eech From @onald @eagan to West Berliners. West Berlin. #! 9une #AB0. The istor! Place. 0 Feb. !"#!. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' (((.histor3& s&eeches reagan)tear)do(n.htm1. 2ne of the most heartening finds in the (ake of authoritarian rule is the emergence of allies. 2n 9une #!, #AB0, @onald @eagan, the ;.+. &resident at the time, ga4e a s&eech to West Berlin ad4ocating the tearing do(n of the (all. ?is famous (ords, "7ear do(n this (allI" still lea4e an im&act on the listener toda3. @eagan s&eaks of a ne( Berlin, of the certain demise of the (all, and of the freedom of its &eo&le. ,t reall3 ama<ed me ho( the ;.+. took res&onsibilit3 for the daunting task of &rotesting the (all since its creation. @eagan5s s&eech hel&ed me on m3 (ebsite as it &ro4ided meaningful =uotes that , used to &ro4ide conte*t.

Secondary Sources Crticles Chonen, Pertti. "Defending +ocialismD Benito Corghi and the ,nter):erman Border." istor! in /ocus. 6.&., Cutumn !""-. Web. $ 9an. !"#/.

%htt&' ((( ihr Focus 8igration articles ahonen.html1. Borders are nearl3 al(a3s a center for stress and misfortune, the Berlin Wall being an e*treme case. Berlin throughout the time of the Wall still needed im&orts coming in, so trucks (ere seen fre=uentl3 and dangerousl3 &assing through the t(o Berlins. ,n this sad case, one can see the traged3 of denied rights s&reading e4en to those not in4ol4ed. Corghi, an ,talian truck dri4er, (as unfortunatel3 mistaken for a refugee and shot b3 a border guard. ?e became the onl3 non):erman to die because of the Wall ) someone tragicall3 mi*ed u& in a serious situation. , used his stor3 in m3 "7imeline" section. Colitt, Eeslie. "Berlin Crisis' 7he +tandoff at Check&oint Charlie." The Guardian. 6.&., !/ 2ct. !"##. Web. ! 9an. !"#/. %htt&' ((( (orld !"## oct !/ berlin)crisis) standoff)check&oint)charlie1. ,n order to &ro4ide historical conte*t of the time of the Berlin Wall, , (anted to address the tensions of the Cold War. Bet(een the ;+C and the +o4iet ;nion, a third (orld (ar (as one thread a(a3 from breaking out. ,n Berlin, one of the closest contacts the ;+C had (ith the +o4iets, one &articular sho(do(n occurred at Check&oint Charlie. 7his resulted in an agoni<ingl3 long face)off of tanks bet(een the +o4iets and Cmericans, (hich became an enduring s3mbol of the man3 crises of the Cold War. Because the Cold War had so much to do (ith the Berlin Wall, , felt the need to include the situation in m3 (ebsite in the #A-# ) #A0" section. 7his article (as im&erati4e in that &ursuit, as it &ro4ided a great and in)de&th summar3 of the e4ent (ith &ictures. Curr3, Cndre(. "Berlin5s @ude C(akening' 7he Da3 the Berlin Wall Was Born." Spiegel Online International. 6.&., #$ Cug. !""A. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' (((.s& international german3 berlin)s)rude)a(akening)the)da3)the) berlin)(all)(as)born)a)-/!$#0.html1. When discussing the Berlin Wall, the ob4ious

focal &oints are the da3 it (as erected and the da3 it (as torn do(n. ,n order to com&letel3 articulate the im&act of the (all5s creation, , needed an informational source that thoroughl3 e*&lained that da3. Because m3 &roGect reall3 focuses on the o&&ressed rights of the East Berlin &eo&le, , needed a com&rehensi4e source on the da3 it all began. 7his article (as great for &ro4iding that background kno(ledge, com&lete (ith =uotes and anecdotes to &ro4ide historical conte*t. Cfter reading the source, , (as confidentl3 able to continue (ith the #A-"s segment of m3 (ebsite. Paterson, 7on3. "@e4ealed' 7ragic Jictims of the Berlin Wall." The Independent. ,nde&endent Digital 6e(s and 8edia, #! Cug. !""-. Web. !- 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.inde& ne(s (orld euro&e re4ealed)tragic)4ictims)of)the)berlin) (all)/##."/.html1. Fundamental to understanding the Berlin Wall is understanding its 4ictims' those (ithout rights in the East. 7his article &ro4ided a tragic histor3 of some 4ictims, shot dead as the3 tried to cross o4er. From &eo&le tr3ing to be reunited (ith famil3 to those seeking a better lifest3le, the article co4ered it. 7he source &ro4ided a &lethora of =uotes and anecdotes , used on m3 (ebsite to sho( the &erson as&ect of the (all. ,n general, the stories &ro4ided a tragic but realistic 4ie(&oint on the (all. ;.+. De&artment of +tate. "7he Berlin Crisis, #A.BK#A-#." ($S$ 0epartment of State 1 Office of the istorian. 6.&., ! 9an. !"#/. Web. ! 9an. !"#/. %htt&' histor3.state.go4 milestones #A.$)#A-" berlin)crises1. 7he accumulation of e4ents leading u& to the Berlin Wall is im&erati4e in telling its stor3. , es&eciall3 em&hasi<ed this in m3 timeline, one of the focal &oints of m3 (ebsite. Jital to the de4elo&ment of the Wall is the Berlin Crisis, occurring Gust a cou&le 3ears before the conce&tion of the barrier. 7he Berlin Crisis trul3 articulates the res&onsibilit3 of the

+o4iet ;nion, es&eciall3 considering the Wall (as such an a4oidable e4ent. , used this article to con4e3 this on m3 "7imeline" section and it &ro4ed 4er3 useful to me.

Books Fersha(, ,an. The #nd2 itler3s German!4 5677178. Eondon' Cllen Eane, !"##. Print. Jital to understand the Cold War and the Berlin Wall is understanding World War ,,, the root of the &roblems occurring later in the centur3. Where the Cold War &la3s a &art is s&ecificall3 at the end of World War ,,, so , felt the need to e*&lore that to enrich m3 kno(ledge. "7he End" discusses the termination of World War ,,, e*&laining the subse=uent end of ?itler5s :erman3 into an Cllied :erman3. 7he end of WW,, being the origin of the Cold War, , needed to understand it to reall3 understand the ;.+.+.@.5s res&onsibilities. 24erall, this book &ro4ided me (ith (onderful background kno(ledge that &ro4ed itself man3 times o4er in discussing the Wall. FralGic, 8atthe( C. The Breakup of Communism2 The So.iet (nion and #astern #urope. 6e( Lork, 6L' ?.W. Wilson, #AA$. Print. ,n order to understand the Berlin Wall, , needed to understand the force behind it. 7o do so, , found this book regarding Communism, (hich discusses the +o4iet ;nion in the Cold War, the Communist argument, and the ,ron Curtain. Cfter reading selections rele4ant to the Berlin Wall, m3 understanding of Communism (as enriched enough to confidentl3 understand the res&onsibilit3 of the +o4iets. ,t also touches on the changes in @ussia that ha4e occurred after the Berlin Wall, (hich (as im&erati4e to m3 ",m&act" section. 24erall, this source (as both enticing and informati4e (hen discussing the true Communist nature.

+teins, @ichard. Berlin. Woodbridge, C7' Blackbirch, #AA#. Print. 7his is a nice little book co4ering the most im&ortant &oints in Berlin5s histor3. From its beginnings to its focal e4ent, the Berlin Wall, and then on(ard, , thoroughl3 enGo3ed this source. , used it as both a &lace to find background kno(ledge, for =uotes, and for a &icture source. Because , kne( of Berlin before the Wall, , could trul3 understand the citi<en5s struggle as their rights (ere taken from them. 24erall, this book &ro4ided a brief but encom&assing histor3 of the 4er3 im&ortant cit3 of Berlin.

8aga<ines 7a3lor, Frederick. "7he Berlin Wall' C +ecret ?istor3." istor! Toda! %olume 89 Feb. !""0' n. &ag. istor! Toda!. Feb. !""0. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' ((( frederick)ta3lor berlin)(all)secret)histor31. 7he "?istor3 7oda3" maga<ine often &ro4ides insightful and uni=ue 4ie(s into histor3, the Berlin Wall being one case. ,t asked the forbidden =uestion, did the Berlin Wall, (hich s=uandered so man3 rights, come as a con4enience to Western democraciesD Clthough the other sectors of Berlin o&&osed the Wall, the3 did nothing to &h3sicall3 sto& it and resisted 4iolence. 7he Western democracies acted this (a3 out of fear of another altercation and another (ar and chose to ke&t =uiet. 7his article &ro4ided some great insight into the inner turmoil of the Wall and o&ened m3 e3es to man3 ne( &ossibilities regarding the Wall.

Pictures Cal)+tate +ite +er4ices. Bar'ed Wire. !"##. Photogra&h. +imi Jalle3. Cal1State Ser.ices. !"##. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' ((( &hotos featured) images barbed)(ire A""$-1. 7his image of barbed (ire &ro4ed hel&ful on m3 (ebsite banner. ,t has al(a3s been said that one of the s3mbols of the Berlin Wall (as "barbed (ire", the ultimate last obstacle before one could scale the Wall and be re)introduced into their rights. , edited the image and used it often in m3 (ebsite in the banner and the different buttons. Design Lour Wa3. "8assi4e Collection 2f ?igh Mualit3 Cbstract 7e*tures." Massi.e Collection Of igh :ualit! ,'stract Te;tures. Design Lour Wa3, !$ Dec. !"#$. Web. !$ Dec. !"#$. %htt&' (((.design3our( drb massi4e)collection)of)high)=ualit3)abstract) te*tures 1. When thinking of being aestheticall3 &leasing, es&eciall3 on a (ebsite, , (as naturall3 inclined to find (atercolor te*tures. 7his m3riad of different &atterns &ro4ided 4er3 useful to me. 2ffering -" different free st3les of (atercolor, this (ebsite lent itself to me man3 times o4er in terms of design. , used these te*tures on m3 banner, buttons, and in other &laces all o4er m3 (ebsite. 7he eas3 accessibilit3 and (ide range of choices reall3 a&&ealed to me and , benefited greatl3 from this (ebsite.

Websites "Berlin Wall 2nline." Berlin Wall Online. 6.&., #$ 2ct. #AAB. Web. # 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' ((( berlin(all 1. ,n doing this com&rehensi4e &roGect, it (as 4er3 hel&ful to ha4e a (ebsite like Berlin Wall 2nline as a go)to &oint. With man3 different com&onents, from &ictures to its histor3 to stories, , thoroughl3 enGo3ed using this source

on man3 different &arts of m3 (ebsite. , (as thoroughl3 able to understand the Berlin Wall and all of its sco&e (hen bro(sing the (ebsite, so it (as an e*cellent &lace to di4e into the de&ths of the traged3. , could reall3 follo( the Gourne3 from its origins and reall3 understood the res&onsibilit3 the West Cllied &o(ers had in East :erman3 but didn5t act on. 24erall, the (ebsite (as 4er3 thorough and 4er3 hel&ful to m3 &roGect. Chanceller3, +enate. "Berlin Wall' Facts and Figures." Berlin$de. 6.&., !" Dec. !"#!. Web. !. 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' ((( mauer <ahlenHfakten inde*.en.html1. Before , could trul3 understand (h3 the Wall hindered so man3 &eo&le from accessing their natural rights, , had to understand ho( the Wall (orked. 7his (ebsite dis&la3ed the interior of the Berlin Wall at its height, e*&laining the man3 different com&onents of it N&atrol road, obser4ation to(er, electric fence, etc.O. , understood that at its height, the Wall (as 4er3 com&le* because its res&onsibilit3 (as to kee& &eo&le inside. Clong (ith a detailed re&ort on the (all5s inner (orkings, it also &ro4ided short histories on 4ictims and the "shoot to kill" order. 24erall, it (as a 4er3 interesting source that (as filled (ith the sad realit3 of the serious confinement. Cold War 8useum. "Berlin Wall 7imeline." Cold War Museum. 6.&., A 6o4. !"#$. Web. ## 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.cold( articles -"s Cs , read u& on summaries of the Wall and its e*istence, , felt the need to get a more concise breakdo(n of its e4ents. Because this timeline started from the end of World War ,, to the fall of the Wall, , felt like , understood the +o4iet res&onsibilit3 better. 7he timeline &ro4ided the stor3 of the Wall in man3 different com&onents, enhancing m3 general understanding. , used this (ebsite for =uotes as (ell. ,n general, this source &ro4ed 4er3 hel&ful to me.

:edenkst>tte Berliner 8auer. "Berlin Wall 8emorial." Berlin Wall Memorial. 6.&., !0 6o4. !"#$. Web. !0 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' (((.berliner)mauer) en inde*.html1. Based in :erman3, the Berlin Wall 8emorial &ro4ides a com&rehensi4e histor3 on the Berlin Wall. From the historical site to the memorial to contem&orar3 (itnesses, the site offered a tro4e of background information regarding the Wall. , used this site as a go)to for an3 background information , missed regarding the (all. ,t (as 4er3 interesting and sad to see all of the different as&ects of the Berlin Wall and , reall3 understood (hat it (as like to ha4e 3our rights ri&&ed a(a3 from 3ou. 24erall, , used this source as good center for background information and conte*t. :iangreco, D. 8., and @obert E. :riffin. "7ruman Eibrar3' 7he Berlin Cirlift 2nline @esearch File." Truman -i'rar!2 The Berlin ,irlift Online Research /ile. 6.&., !! Dec. !"#$. Web. !! Dec. !"#$. %htt&' ((( (histlesto& stud3Hcollections berlinHairlift large 1. 7o understand the +o4iet res&onsibilities, it is im&erati4e to understand the Cold War. Before the Wall (as e4en concei4ed, the +o4iet ;nion had been tr3ing in man3 (a3s to sto& the flood of East Berliners to the West. ,n this &articular case, the3 had tried to star4e West Berlin out of East :erman territor3. 7he Berlin Cirlift (as the first huge e4ent in the Cold War ) an attem&t b3 the ;.+.+.@. to block materials from reaching West Berlin. With hel& from its allies, West Berlin managed to recei4e im&orted goods for a 3ear before the +o4iets called it off. Cs this (as a maGor e4ent that (ould e4entuall3 manifest itself into the Berlin Wall, , felt the need to include it in m3 "7imeline" section. 7his (ebsite hel&ed me a great deal in learning about the airlift and &ro4ided some good =uotes.

? "Berlin Wall." istor!$com. CPE 7ele4ision 6et(orks, # 6o4. !"#$. Web. # 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' ((( to&ics berlin)(all1. , al(a3s stri4e to ha4e a general background kno(ledge before , &lunge into an3thing thoroughl3. Cs it does for an immense number of other to&ics, ? &ro4ided a great histor3 of the Wall that didn5t take too long to read. From the end of WW,, to the Berlin Cirlift to the actual (all itself, the histor3 (as concise and thoroughl3 articulated the sudden barrage of East Berliner5s rights. ,t also &ro4ided interesting anecdotes, such as the sho(do(n bet(een an Cmerican official and a guard. ,t (as a 4er3 interesting read and ,5m 4er3 glad , came across it, because it heightened m3 kno(ledge of the Wall greatl3. 9FF Eibrar3. "7he Cold War in Berlin." <ohn /$ )enned! Presidential -i'rar! = Museum. 6.&., # 9an. !"#/. Web. # 9an. !"#/. %htt&' ((( 9FF 9FF)in)?istor3 7he)Cold) War)in)*1. 2ne of the most reiterated statements about the Wall is its ultimate s3mbolism of the Cold War. ,t re&resented the di4ide bet(een Communism and Democrac3, (hich remained a theme of the Cold War. ,t also re&resented the difference bet(een natural rights and denied rights. 7his (ebsite &ro4ided me (ith a 4er3 concise &arallel bet(een the Wall and the Cold War. Because , find the Wall5s s3mbolism to the Cold War 4astl3 im&ortant, , made a lot of use out of this source. , gleaned not onl3 =uotes from this source, but 4aluable information. 8eissner, Daniel 9. "7he Berlin Wall' Barricades Can Be Broken." Mar>uette (ni.ersit! istor! 0epartment. 6.&., ! 9an. !"#/. Web. ! 9an. !"#/. %htt&' meissnerd berlin)(all.html1. Cn3 (ebsite &ublished b3 a distinguished &rofessor is sure to contain not onl3 im&ortant kno(ledge, but 4aluable o&inions. ,nformation is 4ital in understanding the Wall, but the connotation and

ultimatel3 the s3mbolism of the Wall is (hat gi4es &eo&le (isdom. , (anted to include an anal3sis of the Wall alongside the facts, so this (ebsite reall3 hel&ed me in that as&ect. 8eissner articulates 4er3 im&ortant connotati4e inferences surrounding the Wall and its legac3. ?is (isdom (as im&erati4e to con4e3ing the im&ortance of denied rights. @osenberg, 9ennifer. "7he @ise and Fall of the Berlin Wall." ,'out$com ?@th Centur! istor!. 6.&., # 6o4. !"#$. Web. "# 6o4. !"#$. %htt&' histor3#A"" od cold(a# a berlin(all.htm1. Before , could del4e into this &roGect, , kne( , needed background information on the Berlin Wall. 7his (ebsite &ro4ided a good source of information, because it di4ided the Berlin Wall into sim&le categories (hile still &ro4iding good e*am&les. , learned the basic o4er4ie( of the Berlin Wall, from the creation and stages of the (all to the fall. 24erall, this source (as 4er3 hel&ful for a basic understanding of the (all that (as eas3 to read and sim&le. 7a3lor, Clan. "World War ,,' Cfter the War." The ,tlantic. 6.&., $" 2ct. !"##. Web. $# Dec. !"#$. %htt&' ((( infocus !"## #" (orld)(ar)ii)after)the)(ar #""#B" 1. ,n order to understand the e*istence of the Berlin Wall, one must understand the tensions and circumstances of the end of World War ,,. , e*&lained the aftermath of the (ar as (ell as the Cold War in m3 "conte*t" section of m3 (ebsite. ,t is im&ortant that the 4ie(er understands the sco&e and im&act of the Berlin Wall in its fullest. Without conte*t, the 4ie(er might understand ho( East Berliner5s got their rights taken from them, but (on5t understand (h3. 7his (ebsite (as im&erati4e in the "conte*t" section of m3 (ebsite, as it &ro4ided man3 &rimar3 source &hotos that , used to hel& e*&lain the transformation of :erman3 into man3 allied sectors.

;.+. De&artment of +tate. "Cllied 2ccu&ation of :erman3, #A/.).!." ($S$ 0epartment of State ,rchi.e. 6.&., # 9an. !"#/. Web. # 9an. !"#/. %htt&' !""#) !""A.state.go4 r &a ho time c(r #"0#BA.htm1. When discussing the Berlin Wall, it is im&ortant to con4e3 the origins of such a tragic e4ent. Clthough the Berlin Wall (as =uite literall3 built o4ernight, the e4ents leading u& to it co4ered a s&an of #- 3ears. 7his brief summar3 of the Cllied occu&ation <ones in :erman3 (as 4er3 hel&ful both for refreshing information and for e*&laining the situation on m3 (ebsite (ith =uotes. When one understands the circumstances behind the construction of the Wall, then one can begin to (ra& their head around ho( so man3 rights can be ri&&ed a(a3 in such a short time. , e*&lained all of this and this source (as tremendousl3 hel&ful in the "conte*t" section of m3 (ebsite.

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