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Khattak, J. and Khan, M. (2009). General Attitude of College Students To ards Conse!uen"es and #$%a"t of Tele&ision Ad&ertising in 'akistan. European Journal of Scientific Research, ()()), *9+,-0(. Khattak, J. and Khan, A. (2009), .nderstanding /e$ale College Students0 Mind,set to ards Tele&ision Ad&ertising in 'akistan. 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 2+, 20+0 fro$ htt%455"onte$%orar6, issues."%i.hr5files52dae*0a*(*(9(d3a207e0*d-0a0)28+7.%df. 'etro&i"i, 9an.A and 'ali oda, S. (2007). An e$%iri"al e:a$ination of %u3li" attitudes to ards ad&ertising in a transitional e"ono$6. International Journal of Advertising, 2-(2), 2)7,27-. ;ang et al. ( ), .nderstanding Consu$ers Attitude to ard Ad&ertising. 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 22, htt%455 20+0 fro$ .google."o.in5<hl=en>sour"e=h%>3i =+280>3ih=709>!=.29?1STA29#2G

@CA2S.M?1S@ATT#T.9?@TA;A19@A9B?1T#S#2G>a!=f>a!i=g+>a!l=>o!=>gs Crfai=>f%=83+-"fd7+0783(90

Al itt, D. /. and 'ra3haker, '. 1. (+99)). #dentif6ing ;ho 9islikes Tele&ision Ad&ertising4 2ot E6 9e$ogra%hi"s Alone. Journal of Advertising Research, (()4-), +7,29.

/erle, C. and Dee, ;. (2002). Attitudes To ard Ad&ertising4 A Co$%arati&e Stud6 Af Consu$ers #n China, Tai an, South Korea And The .nited States. Journal of #nternational Consu$er Marketing, +*(2), 89-,+*(0.

Kot al, 2., Gu%ta, 2. and 9e&i, A. (2008). #$%a"t of T.B Ad&ertise$ents on Eu6ing 'attern of Adoles"ent Girls. Journal of Social Sciences, +-(+), *+,**.

A3ed, F. (20+0). The #$%a"t of Tele&ision Ad&ertise$ents on the So"ial Eeha&ior of the 'alestinian .ni&ersit6 /e$ale Students. An-Najah University Journal for Research u!anities, 2)(*), +*(+,+**8.

(Abstract: TB ad&ertise$ents %la6 an effe"ti&e role in a"hie&ing the ad&ertise$ent goals and their a3ilit6 to attra"t the &ie erGs attention, interest, hi"h ha&e affe"t on his infor$ation, attitude and 3eha&ior. Therefore, this stud6 ai$ed to identif6 the i$%a"t of tele&ision ad&ertise$ents on the so"ial 3eha&ior of the /e$ale Students at 'alestinian uni&ersities in GaHa Stri%. Through the des"ri%ti&e and anal6ti"al stud6 of a sa$%le of ((00) "hosen fro$ uni&ersit6 fe$ale students in GaHa Stri%, the stud6 "on"luded $an6 findings4 The $oti&ation for at"hing ad&ertise$ents a$ong the .ni&ersit6 fe$ale student is entertain$ent, through &ie ing of the Ara3 satellite "hannels s%oradi"all6, es%e"iall6 in the e&ening. Tele&ision ad&ertising is not "redi3le due to $isleading infor$ation. and ha&e a %ositi&e i$%a"t u%on her, hereas fashion ad&ertise$ents got first rank in her &ie . Moreo&er, the girlGs in"o$e is one of the $ost i$%ortant so"ial fa"tors that affe"t ad&ertising a"ti&it6 fe$ale students. The ad&ertise$ents in"rease the /e$ale students "ulture and dee%ens the le&el of a areness,, The disad&antages of ad&ertising is $isleading the girls through the falla"ious %ro$ises and false attra"tion.) Ad&ertise$ent. #n "i#ipedia online. 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 2+, 20+0, fro$

htt%455en. iki%edia.org5 iki5Ad&ertising T6%es of Ad&ertising. #n "i#ipedia online. 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 2+, 20+0, fro$ htt%455en. iki%edia.org5 iki5Ad&ertising<T6%esCofCad&ertising 9ifferent htt%455 t6%es of Ad&ertising. 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 2+, 20+0, fro$


9ahar al, S. (200-). 1ole of Ad&ertise$ent and Sales 'ro$otion in 'har$a"euti"al Marketing4 htt%455 $arketing,re&ie A 1e&ie . 1etrie&ed 2o&e$3er 2+, 20+0, fro$ .%har$ainfo.net5re&ie s5role,ad&ertise$ent,and,sales,%ro$otion,%har$a"euti"al,

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