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Part 196

The Galactic Council Speaks

Through Harolan
Transcribed by Kathryn E May January 25 20 !

We are the Galactic Council. We are overseeing the coor ination o! all the "rocesses o! Ascension in the Mil#$ Wa$ Gala%$. &t is our ut$ to o'serve the "rogress o! each "lanet an to (aintain co((unication throughout the Gala%$. We have 'een care!ull$ (onitoring Earth as she (oves to)ar the co(ing events o! revaluation o! currencies* +isclosure o! our "resence* an the lan ings. We #ee" all "arties* inclu ing the &ntergalactic Council* in!or(e o! the events on the groun * an )e are res"onsi'le !or the !inal ecisions that are (a e concerning the un!ol ing o! i("ortant events. We o not (a#e the ecisions alone, )e consult )ith all the (a-or "arties. .or instance* )e are no) intensel$ involve in (eetings 'et)een Pri(e Creator* Mother/.ather Go * St. Ger(ain an (an$ o! the other Ascen e Masters o! Planet Earth. We hel" the( to coor inate their e!!orts )ith the Galactic tea(s )ho are hel"ing at this ti(e* an )ith those )ho are "re"aring to 'ring their e%"ertise to Earth* at the re0uest o! the overseers o! the current "ro-ects. We have also hear the "ra$ers an "leas o! those on the groun * on Mother Earth an throughout the Gala%$. We e!er al)a$s to the !inal ecision o! Pri(e Creator* 'ut it is our role to insure that all "arties involve in ecision (a#ing are !ull$ in!or(e an are inclu e in the !lo) o! in!or(ation an

ecision (a#ing. 1ou see* )e are a co("letel$ e(ocratic s$ste(. No ecision is ever ta#en )ithout the Greater Goo having 'een thoroughl$ consi ere an care!ull$ )eighe . M$ na(e is 2arolan. & co(e to s"ea# to $ou to a$ as a re"resentative o! the Council* to in!or( $ou o! our consi erations an the issues )e are currentl$ e'ating on $our 'ehal!. More an (ore o! $ou are listening to the channelings* as#ing 0uestions a'out )h$ things are 'eing one as the$ are* an 'egging !or a voice in the ecision (a#ing "rocess. We hear $our "leas* an )e sen $ou our res"onse no) through $our truste channel* 3athr$n. There are also others )ho )ill 'e hearing !ro( us, )e encourage $ou to rea the channelings )ith )hat )e sa$ here as $our gui e. At the "resent (o(ent* 4anuar$ 56* 5718 in Earthti(e* )e are closel$ !ollo)ing the un!ol ing o! )hat $ou call the 9sting o"eration9 )hich )ill cul(inate in (assive arrests* trials an the re(oval o! the gree $ !inancial o"eratives !ro( $our (i st. &t has 'eco(e an enor(ousl$ success!ul en eavor* 'rilliantl$ ti(e an e%ecute '$ all the "arties involve . 1ou can "ossi'l$ i(agine ho) (an$ are ta#ing "art* on the groun an in higher i(ensions : our nu('ers are in the (illions. 1ou have 'een tol that ;ight)or#ers on the groun are an integral "art o! this en eavor. We )oul li#e to give $ou an overvie) o! ho) $our e!!orts have "ai o!!. The announce(ent o! the Pros"erit$ "rogra( involving the "urchase o! currenc$ )as (a e !irst '$ .ather Go an St. Ger(ain to the s"iritual co((unit$. &t )as e%"ecte that it )oul ta#e ti(e !or the co("rehension o! ho) enor(ous this "rogra( is to ta#e hol a(ong those )ho have not (a e it their li!e<s )or# to un erstan invest(ents o! this nature. =! course* those )ho have live that li!e )oul 'e co("letel$ una'le to gras" the i("ortance or the logic o! it* since it has never ha""ene 'e!ore in the !inancial arena* an the "ro(ise "a$outs e!$ all logic* !ro( their "oint o! vie). 1ou see ho) "er!ect this esign is> onl$ those o! genuine .aith )oul even give it a secon thought* 'ecause the in!or(ation ca(e !ro( 2igher Sources. .or the sa(e reason* the !inancial co((unit$ )oul sco!! an call it a sca(. An so the "rogra( 'egan. ;ight)or#ers* no) calle the +inarians o! +inarlan * 'eca(e the central energ$ vorte% )hich )oul !uel the entire "lan* li#e the engine )hich rives the loco(otive. &t )as to 'e the

river )hich )oul li!t the entire "lanet* '$ e("o)ering an ins"iring those )ho have 'een living un er the "all o! o""ression an )ant. &t has ha this e!!ect* )ith (i%e results. Those )ho are a'le to tolerate the long )ait )ith "atience an gro)ing .aith : their ;ight increases a$ '$ a$* in s"ite o! the ela$s* !or the$ #no) in their hearts that all is in +ivine or er* an that the en ing )ill 'e glorious* )henever it co(es. Those )ho have !ocuse on the (onetar$ gains )hich have 'een "ro(ise are having i!!icult$ un erstan ing the 'igger "icture* are 'eco(ing i("atient* !rustrate an angr$. The$ !eel the$ have 'een 9ha 9 or 9use 9 or (istreate in so(e )a$ 'ecause the$ o not un erstan )hat an i("ortant role the$ are "la$ing in the larger "icture* an ho) integral each "art o! the "lan is to the success o! the greater "ro-ect. The revaluation o! currenc$ an the enor(ous 'ene!its it )ill 'ring across the glo'e is 'ut one cog in the )heel o! change. &t is the s"ar# that )ill ignite the great shi!t* 'ut it is (uch (ore. 1ou have 'een tol that the )or is out* that the Po)ers That ?e are tr$ing to scoo" u" all the resources !or the(selves* to leave nothing !or the "atient an !aith!ul +inarians. This o! course is their intention* 'ut it )as also the i("ortant varia'le )hich )oul allo) !or their arrests. 1ou see* )e (ust cali'rate our (ove(ents care!ull$* ta#ing into account the ele(ents o! hu(an nature : $ours an theirs. We ha ho"e that the "o)er!ul energies !ro( the Central Sun )oul li!t the hearts o! (an$ in the !inancial co((unit$* (a#ing it "ossi'le to "rocee )ith the arrests an the ne%t ele(ent* the release o! the R@. Un!ortunatel$* the higher energies i not 9hol 9 : (an$ o! those in the !inancial co((unit$ )ho )ere leaning to)ar greater ;ove an Co("assion 'egan succu('ing to the te("tation o! (assive )ealth* )hich the$ have al)a$s seen as Po)er. The se uction o! 'eing a'le to i("ress their !rien s* 'ene!it those in "ositions o! in!luence* an the i ea o! 'eing #no)n as the one 9in the #no)9 'eca(e too (uch !or 'an# e%ecutives an )ealth (anagers. A !loo o! currenc$ or ers !ro( the )ealth$ create a situation )hich coul not 'e allo)e to go una resse * !or the$ then hel"e the(selves to the high rates )hich )ere su""ose to have 'een release !or all* )hile the hea 'an#ers 'loc#e the oor !or the less "o)er!ul +inarians. The$ have tra""e the(selves in a 'otto(less "it o! sel!ishness an gree * '$ convincing the(selves the$ )ere 9sharing the )ealth9 : a ri iculous conce"t* since

those the$ share )ith )ere alrea $ )ealth$ in the e%tre(e. &t is un!ortunate that enor(ous nu('ers o! secon tier !inancial "eo"le have involve the(selves in the gree an sel!ishness. &t is testi(on$ to the a'ilit$ o! great )ealth an "o)er to corru"t its custo ians* es"eciall$ in a civiliAation that values )ealth a'ove all. The un!ortunate attitu e* that the$ are entitle to the )ealth* )hile "oorer !ol#s cannot 'e truste )ith it* is an e%a("le o! the level o! arrogance that has 'eco(e co((on"lace in the u""er echelons. Although this thin#ing has e%iste !or thousan s o! $ears* the nu('er o! those )ho su'scri'e to this attitu e has increase 17:!ol to inclu e even lo)er class !ol#s )ho as"ire to 'e e0uall$ "o)er!ul an e0uall$ sel!ish one a$. As $ou can see* the ri!t 'et)een ;ight)or#ers an ever$one else has )i ene a$ '$ a$. The outrage e%"resse '$ those o! $ou on the groun )ho are res"on ing !ro( $our hearts is a reasona'le res"onse to )hat $ou can see ha""ening. We )ant to assure $ou that not onl$ )ill gree not )in the a$* 'ut )e are !ull$ a)are o! )hat is ha""ening* an it is -ust a natural un!ol ing o! the "lan )hich )as esigne to tra" the )orst o!!en ers. We are isa""ointe that the net is as !ull as it is* 'ut )e i (a#e "rovisions !or this "ossi'ilit$. We re(in $ou : $ou all have ha !ree )ill* an this travest$ )as the latest e%a("le o! the (isuse o! that res"onsi'ilit$. &t create a itional ti(e an so(e rather ela'orate technological interventions to i enti!$ an trac# the thousan s o! "er"etrators* 'ut )e have ca"ture the ata ver$ success!ull$. This latest "art o! the sting o"eration has ovetaile )ith si(ultaneous "rogra(s )hich have i enti!ie generations o! hu(anitarian a'uses* )ar cri(es* se%ual a'uses* chil tra!!ic#ing an se% tra!!ic#ing an other organiAe cri(e activities. 1ou are no) hearing cases o! !rau * corru"tion an "olitical scan al )hich are generall$ the !irst to hit the "u'lic air)a$s in s"ite o! the e itorial ten enc$ to o)n"la$ the )orst o! it Bunless it can 'e slante to re!lect 'a l$ on $our current U.S. Presi entC. This the(e )ill continue an increase '$ the a$ as investigative re"orters overco(e their !ears an gather stea( an ins"iration to 'ring the Truth to the "u'lic. 1ou see* this is a glo'al* all:enco("assing* (assive shi!t in consciousness.

;i!t $our hearts an $our sights* ?elove ;ight)or#ers. 1ou are an integral "art o! the )hole "rocess* not -ust the Pros"erit$ "ac#ages. See $ourselves in the conte%t o! this W2=;E Earth Revolution* e('e e in the W2=;E Universe o! change. This is not a change )hich )ill involve onl$ the econo(ic state o! the Earth* 'ut it )ill enco("ass ever$ ele(ent o! li!e an the 0ualit$ o! hu(an consciousness. Social* "olitical* "s$chological an e(otional realit$ is changing. Un erstan * ?elove Earth =nes* that even $our Ascen e Masters* )ho are 'rilliant strategists an e%"erts in the hu(an "s$che* coul not have "re icte the e%tent o! cri(inalit$ )hich )oul 'e in ulge in uring the "ast )ee#s. We o! the Galactic Council (a#e our "re ictions 'ase on #no)n "ara(eters* the e%ercise o! )hich )ill create var$ing ti(elines e"en ing u"on the !ree )ill actions o! all the "la$ers : all D 'illion o! the(. The )holesale "artici"ation in the ol !a(iliar +ar# 2at 'ehaviors has not 'een a sur"rise to us* although )e ha ho"e !or a (ore or erl$ release o! the R@* !or $our sa#es. We o s$("athiAe )ith the i!!iculties $ou are e%"eriencing* an the !rustration $ou !eel at learning that $our .aith le $ou to (a#e ecisions )hich no) "ut $our !inancial )ell:'eing in -eo"ar $. The te("orar$ "ain o! #no)ing this )ill 'e (inute* )e assure $ou* co("are )ith the great -o$ an relie! $ou )ill !eel u"on learning )hat an i("ortant role $ou have "la$e in the co("lete reorganiAation o! li!e on Planet Earth. We are no) (anaging the etails o! (an$ "rogra(s at once* )hile )e a)ait the enor(ous Shi!t that is -ust aroun the corner. All roa s lea to Ascension* o! course* so this is the (a-or !ocus o! our )or# : the great re)ar at the en o! thousan s o! $ears o! har )or#. We )ill all !eel the enor(ous )aves o! -o$ an relie! )hen the +ar#ness on Planet Earth 'eco(es a thing o! the "ast. +o not !ear* ?elove 2u(an#in * )e are )ith $ou in co("lete soli arit$* an )e are coor inating the e!!orts o! the entire Gala%$ in $our 'ehal!. Soon a grou" o! $ou )ill cross over the line to higher i(ensions* an another "hase o! the great a venture o! Planet Earth )ill 'egin. 3ee" $our vi'rations high an $our !ace to the )in . 1ou )ill 'e li!te out o! the (orass

$ou have e%"erience !or so (an$ generations. We loo# !or)ar to $our successes )ith great antici"ation an -o$. 1our Galactic Council* re"resente '$ 2arolan. @ia 3athr$n Ma$* 4an. 5E* 5718. Ne) 1or#* N1 Per(ission is given to share or co"$ this (essage in its entiret$* )ithout a itions or eletions* "rovi e cre it is given to the author an )e'site.

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