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00 - Legal Secretaries
Perorm secretarial !uties utili"ing legal terminology# proce!ures# an! !ocuments. Prepare
legal papers an! correspon!ence# such as summonses# complaints# motions# an!
su$poenas. %ay also assist &ith legal research.
Sample of reported job titles: Legal Secretary# Secretary
View report: Summary Details Custom
'asks ( )no&le!ge ( Skills ( *$ilities ( +ork *cti,ities ( +ork -onte.t ( /o$ 0one ( 1nterests ( +ork
Styles ( +ork 2alues ( 3elate! 4ccupations ( +ages 5 6mployment
Prepare an! process legal !ocuments an! papers# such as summonses# su$poenas#
complaints# appeals# motions# an! pretrial agreements.
%ail# a.# or arrange or !eli,ery o legal correspon!ence to clients# &itnesses# an!
court oicials.
3ecei,e an! place telephone calls.
Sche!ule an! make appointments.
%ake photocopies o correspon!ence# !ocuments# an! other printe! matter.
4rgani"e an! maintain la& li$raries# !ocuments# an! case iles.
*ssist attorneys in collecting inormation such as employment# me!ical# an! other
*tten! legal meetings# such as client inter,ie&s# hearings# or !epositions# an! take
7rat an! type oice memos.
3e,ie& legal pu$lications an! perorm !ata$ase searches to i!entiy la&s an! court
!ecisions rele,ant to pen!ing cases.
$ack to top
Clerical 8 )no&le!ge o a!ministrati,e an! clerical proce!ures an! systems such as &or!
processing# managing iles an! recor!s# stenography an! transcription# !esigning orms# an!
other oice proce!ures an! terminology.
Law and Goernment 8 )no&le!ge o la&s# legal co!es# court proce!ures# prece!ents#
go,ernment regulations# e.ecuti,e or!ers# agency rules# an! the !emocratic political
!nglis" Language 8 )no&le!ge o the structure an! content o the 6nglish language
inclu!ing the meaning an! spelling o &or!s# rules o composition# an! grammar.
Customer and #ersonal Serice 8 )no&le!ge o principles an! processes or pro,i!ing
customer an! personal ser,ices. 'his inclu!es customer nee!s assessment# meeting 9uality
stan!ar!s or ser,ices# an! e,aluation o customer satisaction.
$ack to top
$eading Compre"ension 8 :n!erstan!ing &ritten sentences an! paragraphs in &ork
relate! !ocuments.
%ctie Listening 8 ;i,ing ull attention to &hat other people are saying# taking time to
un!erstan! the points $eing ma!e# asking 9uestions as appropriate# an! not interrupting at
inappropriate times.
Time &anagement 8 %anaging one<s o&n time an! the time o others.
'riting 8 -ommunicating eecti,ely in &riting as appropriate or the nee!s o the au!ience.
%ctie Learning 8 :n!erstan!ing the implications o ne& inormation or $oth current an!
uture pro$lem-sol,ing an! !ecision-making.
Speaking 8 'alking to others to con,ey inormation eecti,ely.
Learning Strategies 8 Selecting an! using training/instructional metho!s an! proce!ures
appropriate or the situation &hen learning or teaching ne& things.
(udgment and Decision &aking 8 -onsi!ering the relati,e costs an! $eneits o potential
actions to choose the most appropriate one.
Coordination 8 *!=usting actions in relation to others< actions.
Critical T"inking 8 :sing logic an! reasoning to i!entiy the strengths an! &eaknesses o
alternati,e solutions# conclusions or approaches to pro$lems.
$ack to top
)ral Compre"ension 8 'he a$ility to listen to an! un!erstan! inormation an! i!eas
presente! through spoken &or!s an! sentences.
)ral !*pression 8 'he a$ility to communicate inormation an! i!eas in speaking so others
&ill un!erstan!.
Speec" $ecognition 8 'he a$ility to i!entiy an! un!erstan! the speech o another person.
+nformation )rdering 8 'he a$ility to arrange things or actions in a certain or!er or pattern
accor!ing to a speciic rule or set o rules >e.g.# patterns o num$ers# letters# &or!s# pictures#
mathematical operations?.
Speec" Clarity 8 'he a$ility to speak clearly so others can un!erstan! you.
'ritten Compre"ension 8 'he a$ility to rea! an! un!erstan! inormation an! i!eas
presente! in &riting.
,ear Vision 8 'he a$ility to see !etails at close range >&ithin a e& eet o the o$ser,er?.
'ritten !*pression 8 'he a$ility to communicate inormation an! i!eas in &riting so others
&ill un!erstan!.
#roblem Sensitiity 8 'he a$ility to tell &hen something is &rong or is likely to go &rong. 1t
!oes not in,ol,e sol,ing the pro$lem# only recogni"ing there is a pro$lem.
Selectie %ttention 8 'he a$ility to concentrate on a task o,er a perio! o time &ithout
$eing !istracte!.
$ack to top
'ork %ctiities
+nteracting 'it" Computers 8 :sing computers an! computer systems >inclu!ing
har!&are an! sot&are? to program# &rite sot&are# set up unctions# enter !ata# or process
#erforming %dministratie %ctiities 8 Perorming !ay-to-!ay a!ministrati,e tasks such
as maintaining inormation iles an! processing paper&ork.
Getting +nformation 8 4$ser,ing# recei,ing# an! other&ise o$taining inormation rom all
rele,ant sources.
Communicating wit" #ersons )utside )rgani-ation 8 -ommunicating &ith people
outsi!e the organi"ation# representing the organi"ation to customers# the pu$lic# go,ernment#
an! other e.ternal sources. 'his inormation can $e e.change! in person# in &riting# or $y
telephone or e-mail.
Communicating wit" Superisors. #eers. or Subordinates 8 Pro,i!ing inormation to
super,isors# co-&orkers# an! su$or!inates $y telephone# in &ritten orm# e-mail# or in person.
)rgani-ing. #lanning. and #rioriti-ing 'ork 8 7e,eloping speciic goals an! plans to
prioriti"e# organi"e# an! accomplish your &ork.
Documenting/$ecording +nformation 8 6ntering# transcri$ing# recor!ing# storing# or
maintaining inormation in &ritten or electronic/magnetic orm.
#erforming for or 'orking Directly wit" t"e #ublic 8 Perorming or people or !ealing
!irectly &ith the pu$lic. 'his inclu!es ser,ing customers in restaurants an! stores# an!
recei,ing clients or guests.
&onitoring and Controlling $esources 8 %onitoring an! controlling resources an!
o,erseeing the spen!ing o money.
#rocessing +nformation 8 -ompiling# co!ing# categori"ing# calculating# ta$ulating# au!iting#
or ,eriying inormation or !ata.
$ack to top
'ork Conte*t
Letters and &emos 8 @o& oten !oes the =o$ re9uire &ritten letters an! memosA
Telep"one 8 @o& oten !o you ha,e telephone con,ersations in this =o$A
+mportance of 0eing !*act or %ccurate 8 @o& important is $eing ,ery e.act or highly
accurate in perorming this =o$A
Contact 'it" )t"ers 8 @o& much !oes this =o$ re9uire the &orker to $e in contact &ith
others >ace-to-ace# $y telephone# or other&ise? in or!er to perorm itA
1ace2to21ace Discussions 8 @o& oten !o you ha,e to ha,e ace-to-ace !iscussions &ith
in!i,i!uals or teams in this =o$A
+mportance of $epeating Same Tasks 8 @o& important is repeating the same physical
acti,ities >e.g.# key entry? or mental acti,ities >e.g.# checking entries in a le!ger? o,er an!
o,er# &ithout stopping# to perorming this =o$A
Time #ressure 8 @o& oten !oes this =o$ re9uire the &orker to meet strict !ea!linesA
Spend Time Sitting 8 @o& much !oes this =o$ re9uire sittingA
Structured ersus 3nstructured 'ork 8 'o &hat e.tent is this =o$ structure! or the
&orker# rather than allo&ing the &orker to !etermine tasks# priorities# an! goalsA
+ndoors. !nironmentally Controlled 8 @o& oten !oes this =o$ re9uire &orking in!oors in
en,ironmentally controlle! con!itionsA
$ack to top
(ob 4one
Title /o$ 0one 'hree: %e!ium Preparation Bee!e!
Pre,ious &ork-relate! skill# kno&le!ge# or e.perience is re9uire! or these
occupations. Cor e.ample# an electrician must ha,e complete! three or
our years o apprenticeship or se,eral years o ,ocational training# an!
oten must ha,e passe! a licensing in or!er to perorm the =o$.
(ob Training 6mployees in these occupations usually nee! one or t&o years o training
in,ol,ing $oth on-the-=o$ e.perience an! inormal training &ith
e.perience! &orkers.
(ob 4one
'hese occupations usually in,ol,e using communication an!
organi"ational skills to coor!inate# super,ise# manage# or train others to
accomplish goals. 6.amples inclu!e uneral !irectors# electricians# orest
an! conser,ation technicians# legal secretaries# inter,ie&ers# an!
insurance sales agents.
SV# $ange >6.0 to D E.0?
!ducation %ost occupations in this "one re9uire training in ,ocational schools#
relate! on-the-=o$ e.perience# or an associate<s !egree. Some may
re9uire a $achelor<s !egree.
T"ere is 5 recogni-ed apprenticeable specialty associated wit" t"is occupation:
Legal Secretary
'o learn a$out speciic apprenticeship opportunities# please consult the :.S. 7epartment o
La$or State *pprenticeship 1normation &e$site.
Cor general inormation a$out apprenticeships# training# an! partnerships &ith $usiness#
,isit the :.S. 7epartment o La$or 4ice o *pprenticeship &e$site.
$ack to top
1nterest co!e: C!
Conentional 8 -on,entional occupations re9uently in,ol,e ollo&ing set proce!ures an!
routines. 'hese occupations can inclu!e &orking &ith !ata an! !etails more than &ith i!eas.
:sually there is a clear line o authority to ollo&.
!nterprising 8 6nterprising occupations re9uently in,ol,e starting up an! carrying out
pro=ects. 'hese occupations can in,ol,e lea!ing people an! making many !ecisions.
Sometimes they re9uire risk taking an! oten !eal &ith $usiness.
$ack to top
'ork Styles
%ttention to Detail 8 /o$ re9uires $eing careul a$out !etail an! thorough in completing
&ork tasks.
+ntegrity 8 /o$ re9uires $eing honest an! ethical.
Dependability 8 /o$ re9uires $eing relia$le# responsi$le# an! !epen!a$le# an! ulilling
Cooperation 8 /o$ re9uires $eing pleasant &ith others on the =o$ an! !isplaying a goo!-
nature!# cooperati,e attitu!e.
+ndependence 8 /o$ re9uires !e,eloping one<s o&n &ays o !oing things# gui!ing onesel
&ith little or no super,ision# an! !epen!ing on onesel to get things !one.
Stress Tolerance 8 /o$ re9uires accepting criticism an! !ealing calmly an! eecti,ely &ith
high stress situations.
+nitiatie 8 /o$ re9uires a &illingness to take on responsi$ilities an! challenges.
Self Control 8 /o$ re9uires maintaining composure# keeping emotions in check# controlling
anger# an! a,oi!ing aggressi,e $eha,ior# e,en in ,ery !iicult situations.
%c"ieement/!ffort 8 /o$ re9uires esta$lishing an! maintaining personally challenging
achie,ement goals an! e.erting eort to&ar! mastering tasks.
%daptability/1le*ibility 8 /o$ re9uires $eing open to change >positi,e or negati,e? an! to
consi!era$le ,ariety in the &orkplace.
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'ork Values
Support 8 4ccupations that satisy this &ork ,alue oer supporti,e management that
stan!s $ehin! employees. -orrespon!ing nee!s are -ompany Policies# Super,ision: @uman
3elations an! Super,ision: 'echnical.
'orking Conditions 8 4ccupations that satisy this &ork ,alue oer =o$ security an! goo!
&orking con!itions. -orrespon!ing nee!s are *cti,ity# -ompensation# 1n!epen!ence#
Security# 2ariety an! +orking -on!itions.
$ack to top
$elated )ccupations
23-2011.00 Paralegals an! Legal *ssistants
23-20F2.00 La& -lerks
23-20F3.00 'itle 6.aminers# *$stractors# an! Searchers
43-4021.00 -orrespon!ence -lerks
43-4031.01 -ourt -lerks
43-6013.00 %e!ical Secretaries
43-6014.00 Secretaries# 6.cept Legal# %e!ical# an! 6.ecuti,e
43-F061.00 4ice -lerks# ;eneral
$ack to top
'ages 6 !mployment Trends
&edian wages 7899:; G1H.36 hourly# G3H#1F0 annual
!mployment 7899:; 2EI#000 employees
#rojected growt" 7899:2
*,erage >EJ to 13J?
#rojected need 7899:2895:; E6#000 a!!itional employees

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