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Practice Session for class 10

Management of choking
1. Stand behind the victim to give abdominal thrusts.
2. Grab your fist against the middle of victims abdomen.
3. Grab your fist with your other hand and give quick, uward
thrusts into abdomen.
To give yourself abdominal thrusts, you can press your
abdomen onto a firm object such as the back of a chair.
emonstrate !P" for an #dult
!neel beside the victim.
"he correct osition of lacing your hand is over the lower half of the
sternum. #or this find the lower edge of the victims rib cage. Slide
your fingers u the edge of the rib cage to the notch where ribs meet
the sternum. $lace your middle finger on this notch. $lace your inde%
finger ne%t to your inde% finger.
$lace the heel of your other hand on the sternum ne%t to your inde%
finger and lace your other hand on the to of this hand.
&se heel of your hand to aly ressure on the sternum with the heel
of your hand not with the fingers because the ressure created by
fingers is inadequate.
'ach comression should ush the chest 1
to 2 inches down.
"he downward uward should be smooth not )erky.
*ount 1, 2, ++.1, a loud this will hel you to maintain the ace.
Give 2 breaths between the grous of 1, comressions.
*ontinue comression(breathing cycles till the atient revives.
emonstrate "escue breathing
1. !heck for consciousness
"a or gently shake a erson.
Shout are you -.!/
0f erson does not resonds.
$. Phone %MS
1oll erson onto back 2if necessary3
&. 'pen air(ay
&se head4tilt(chin4lift.
*heck breathing
5ook, listen and feel breathing for about , minutes
). Start rescue breathing
0f erson is not breathing, give 2 slow breaths 6
!ee the head tilted back.
$inch nose shut.
Give 2 slow breaths, each lasting about 1
7atch the chest to see that your breath go in.
*heck for ulse.
5ocate 8dams ale.
Slide fingers down into groove of neck on side closer to
#eel for ulse for about , to 19 seconds.
Management of Shock
1. :onitor the victims 8;*.
2. :aintain normal body temerature by covering the atient
with blanket, sheet or ut a )acket.
3. 'levate the victims legs to kee blood circulation to the vital
<. =ou can also rub the hands and feet of erson to roduce heat
and increase circulation.
!aring for major open (ound leg
*Page 1+,-
1. 8ly direct ressure.
2. $lace dressing gau>e or a cloth over the wound.
3. $ress firmly against the wound with your hand.
<. 'levate body art.
,. 1aise wound above the level of the heart by lacing folded
blanket cushion or illow or whatever is available.
?. 8ly ressure bandage.
@. 8ly ressure to the ressure oint 2see the icture on age
B. "ake stes to minimi>e the shock.
!ontrol and Management of %.ternal bleeding
Page 1+/
1. 8ly direct ressure to the wound using a gau>e ad or
clean cloth.
2. 'levate the in)ured area above the level of heart if there is no
3. 8ly ressure bandage.
<. 0f necessary, slow the flow of blood by alying ressure to
he in)ured artery with your hand at the aroriate ressure

#pplying a sling and 0inder to support the arm in
case of suspected fracture. Page $$/
1. 7hile the victim suorts the arm, osition the bandage.
2. $osition the oint of triangular bandage at elbow.
3. "ie both the ends at the side of the neck.
<. Secure the bandage at the elbow.
,. &se cravat to hold the arm in lace against the chest.
To control a nosebleed
1. Cave the victim lean forward.
2. $inch the nostrils together until the bleeding stos.
3. ;reathe from mouth.
<. 8ly ice wraed in a cloth on Dose ;ridge.
Splint fingers
8 wad of cloth and bandages can effectively slint small body
arts. 2#igure A422 on age 21@3.
8ly an ice4cream stick to slint the middle finger of right hand
and secure it with an adhesive tae. 2 #igure 12411 $age 2?@3
#natomical Splint
Slint an in)ured leg by an unin)ured leg and an in)ured finger with
an unin)ured finger. 2#igure A42< age 21@3
#pplying soft splint to the victim (ith a suspected ankle injury.
*1igure on page $$&-
1. 5eave footwear in lace. "hread three cravats 6 one at heel,
under ankle and under lower leg.
2. #old or wra a illow towel or a blanket gently around the
3. Secure the slint in lace by tying the cravat around foot,
from heel to front of ankle.
#pply rigid splint
Page $$), $//
1. Suort the limb.
2. *heck the circulation 6 check the fingers for color and
3. 8ly the slint 6 $lace the added slint under in)ured
<. Cave the victim or by stander hold slint in lace.
,. $lace a soft ob)ect in alm of victims hand to kee it in a
natural osition.
?. Secure the slint in lace with cravat or roller bandage
Practice Session for class +
1. 8ly a roller bandage on the wound on the forehead )ust
above the right eyebrow.
2. 8ly the roller bandage on the wound on the alm of right
3. 8ly the roller bandage on the wound on the inde% finger
alm of right hand.
<. 8ly the roller bandage on the wound on the ankle of left
,. 8ly a cree bandage in a criss4cross manner on elbow of
right arm.
?. 8ly a cree bandage in a criss4cross manner on the knee of
left leg.
@. 8ly the cree bandage on the ankle of right foot.
B. Give walking assist to a victim who is unable to move.
A. *arry a victim to other lace by using firemans lift.
19. *arry a victim to other lace by using two hand seat.
11. *arry a victim to other lace by using four hand seat.
12. Cow will you rescue a erson from a dangerous
situation by using a cloth drag methodE
13. *heck the ulse of an individual for 1 minute in radial
1<. Dame bones of head.
1,. Dame bones of the trunk.
1?. Dame bones of uer limb.
1@. Dame bones of lower limb.
1B. Dame organs of digestive system.
1A. Dame organs of resiratory system.

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