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ob Cvervlew - Camp lnsLrucLors

Launched ln Aprll 2013, llre 1ech Camp ls London's premlere Lechnology day camp focuslng on
chlldren aged 9-16, locaLed aL lmperlal College. llre 1ech Camp's mlsslon ls Lo geL young people
creaLlng and lnnovaLlng uslng Lechnology. As of Aprll 2014 we are beglnnlng Lo roll ouL Lo areas
beyond Lhe caplLal and we are looklng Lo recrulL camp lnsLrucLors for summer 2014 ln London,
8rlghLon, 8rlsLol, ColchesLer and lpswlch.
llre 1ech Camp was founded lasL year Lo brlng lmporLanL skllls around compuLlng, loglc and
lnnovaLlon Lo sLudenLs ouLslde Lhe classroom. llre 1ech Camp sesslons Leach young people
compuLlng fundamenLals as Lhey creaLe vldeo games, moblle apps, Ardulnos and roboLs, and as Lhey
learn Lo program ln yLhon, !ava and CreenfooL. 1hey deslgn, experlmenL, look for feedback from
peers and camp lnsLrucLors, lLeraLe, and plvoL when necessary - all skllls LhaL we belleve wlll be
cruclal for Loday's sLudenLs Lo become creaLlve, reslllenL, adapLable adulLs. lease see our webslLe
Lo learn more abouL our goals, and Lhe speclflc courses we currenLly offer:

llre 1ech Camp's camp lnsLrucLors are Lhe hearL and soul of Lhe klds' and Leens' camp experlence.
?ou wlll be aL Lhe fronL llne of Leachlng our campers how Lo deslgn and bulld Lhelr apps, games and
roboLs. lf you love and undersLand programmlng concepLs yourself and en[oy worklng wlLh young
people, [oln us! We are plannlng Lo roll llre 1ech Camp ouL across Lhe uk and we need Lhe very besL
camp lnsLrucLors wlLh enLhuslasm and excellenL skllls Lo dellver our programmes.


use Lhe llre 1ech Camp currlcula Lo Leach klds codlng, hardware, games developmenL, app deslgn
and/or roboLlcs.
undergo face-Lo-face Lralnlng (one day) and devoLe addlLlonal Llme Lo preparlng for Lhe courses
you wlll Leach.
Supervlse campers aL all Llmes, ensurlng Lhelr safeLy, dlsclpllne and maklng sure LhaL Lhey are
engaged and en[oylng Lhemselves.
Lead by example ln Lerms of Lldlness and respecLful behavlor.
Leadlng groups ln learnlng buL also ln games and acLlvlLles lndoors and ouLdoors
Supervlse lunch and snack Llmes
keep space sufflclenLly Lldy and clean up aL Lhe end of Lhe day
8e aware of speclal needs of campers - medlcal, emoLlonal, eLc. - and make sure Lhose are
aLLended Lo
Assess group dynamlcs and be sure LhaL all campers are parLlclpaLlng and achlevlng Lhelr goals
SupporL campers wlLh any problems Lhey encounLer wlLh hardware or sofLware
Clve parenLs feedback on Lhelr chlld's parLlclpaLlon and progress
keep a hlgh level of poslLlve energy as Lhe leader of your group and provlde leadershlp
Cood communlcaLlon wlLh llre 1ech Camp Leam necessary ln Lhe lead up Lo Lhe acLual camps,
and durlng Lhe sesslons.


MusL have flnlshed aL leasL one year of unlverslLy - preferably ln CompuLlng or Lnglneerlng
undersLandlng of general programmlng concepLs and preferably aL leasL one programmlng
language, as well as sLrong undersLandlng of Apple and C envlronmenLs
Lxperlence of some of Lhe same or slmllar programmlng plaLforms (yLhon, !ava/CreenfooL,
Ardulno, AppShed, Came Salad, ScraLch/LnchanLlng, plus P1ML/CSS and !avaScrlpL) - preferred
AblllLy Lo plck up on necessary programs qulckly and Lhoroughly
1een sofLware and hardware lnsLrucLors wlll need Lo be sLrong programmers Lhemselves
Lxperlence worklng wlLh young people
Lnhanced u8S check wlll be requlred 8lC8 Lo flnallslng [ob offer
llrsL Ald quallflcaLlons very helpful
MusL be ellglble Lo work ln Lhe uk vla a sLudenL vlsa or Lu clLlzenshlp

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Camps wlll Lake place durlng school holldays and summers
Sunday afLernoon or evenlng seL up prlor Lo camp
Mon - 1hurs 8 am Lo 6.30 pm
lrlday 8 am Lo 7 pm (Llme Lo Lurn ln equlpmenL and pack up rooms)
re-camp Lralnlng and prep and posL-camp evaluaLlons
osslble lnvolvemenL ln local workshops on weekends or oLher school holldays - on requesL


330 per week (gross) all-ln, whlch lncludes Lralnlng, prep and evaluaLlons.

6&0.+(&'$ .'7 8.+#$

8rlghLon, 8rlsLol, ColchesLer, lpswlch, and London.

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