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Idiomatic expression quiz

Fill in the blanks of the following 15 questions (or rather, note them down on a scrap of paper)
and then we'll see how you did on the next page.
Note: some of these sentences do not need anything in the blank space.

1. I consider you __________ one of my best friends.
2. He regards me __________ a mortal enemy.
3. Steve's life centers __________ the never-ending struggle to get up early every morning.
4. Llamas are native __________ South America.
5. I forbid you __________ stop taking this test!
6. You are prohibited __________ taking a break!
7. I think of Newt Gingrich __________ my good pal.
8. We can compare his exuberant entrance __________ a tornado sweeping everything in it
9. I am not much of an athlete compared __________ Wayne Gretzky.
10. We mistook you __________ a penguin in those clothes.
11. Our problems range __________ miscommunication __________ utter incompetence.
12. Rainy days make me __________ think of London.
13. The Sumerians are credited __________ inventing the wheel.
14. In the dark, it is difficult to distinguish Steve __________ Joel.
15. I can always distinguish between Joel __________ Steve.

Source :

Idioms Quiz: Colours 1
Many idioms are based on colour and colours. Test your knowledge of English idioms with
the questions below. To learn more about an individual idiom, click on the "more about this
idiom" link.
1. a red-letter day
Today is a red-letter day for our football club. For the first time ever, we've
a. missed out on the finals
b. failed to make a profit
c. won the championship
2. a yellow streak
You can see Bob's yellow streak when another player is running straight at him and Bob
a. faces him without flinching
b. braces himself for the impact
c. tries to get out of the way
3. caught red-handed
The guy in the apartment next door was caught red-handed
a. watching bad T.V.
b. peeping on our cute neighbour
c. cooking an awful dinner
4. in the black
If you are in the black, you
a. are owed money
b. owe money
c. don't owe money
5. in the dark
Many politicians try to keep people in the dark about their
a. successful policies
b. achievements in government
c. secret business deals
6. in the red
If someone is in the red they
a. are owed money
b. owe money
c. have been owed money
7. kill the goose that lays the golden egg
If people find something that makes them a lot of money, they often kill the goose that laid the
golden egg because of
a. their kindness
b. their greed
c. their anger
8. once in a blue moon
We live in a town in the desert now. It's hot and dry most days, and once in a blue moon it will
a. be sunny all day
b. rain quite a lot
c. be cooler at night
9. out of the blue
The economic crash came out of the blue. Nobody
a. had predicted it
b. had minded it
c. had understood it
10. paint the town red
We're heading out to paint the town red tonight, so don't forget to
a. bring plenty of cash
b. bring your paint brushes
c. bring your laptop

Source :
Expressions with Take
Read the sentences and choose the best alternative.
Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
1. Don't forget to take ___ notes of everything he says at the conference.
a. down
b. over
c. on

2. Little children like to take their toys ___.
a. away
b. out
c. apart

3. The shop owner decided to take US$5.00 ___ the price.
a. out
b. off
c. away

4. John did not accept the job, for he did not want to take ___ all those responsibilities.
a. on
b. out
c. for

5. How can I take all these stains ___ from my tablecloth?
a. apart
b. away
c. out

6. I know you are tired and disappointed, but don't take it ___ on me.
a. off
b. out
c. after

7. Have the children taken ___ their new teacher?
a. up
b. to
c. over

8. You should take your brother ___ on his offer to help you do it.
a. up
b. in
c. at

9. The plane will take ___ in ten minutes.
a. out
b. in
c. off

10. These big books shouldn't be taken ___ from the library.
a. after
b. in
c. away

Source :

Idioms Beginning with M
Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
1. If it takes a "month of Sundays", it ___.
a. happens quickly
b. won't happen
c. feels like a long time

2. If someone "means business", they are ___.
a. serious
b. interested
c. bored

3. To "mark time" means to ___.
a. be idle
b. be busy
c. rush around

4. To "make up your mind" means to ___.
a. decide
b. be confused
c. be efficient

5. A "matter of course" means ___.
a. as a rule
b. maybe
c. when you want to

6 To "make off with" means to ___.
a. leave behind
b. kiss
c. steal

Source :
Proverbs & Old Sayings
The following quiz is about traditional English proverbs. Click on the answer button to see the
correct answer.
1. A ___ has nine lives.


2. A friend in ___ is a friend indeed.


3. A little learning is a ___ thing.


4. A rolling ___ gathers no moss.


5. A stitch in time saves ___.


6. All is well that ends ___.


7. All good roads lead to ___.


8. All work and no play makes ___ a dull boy.


9. ___ is only skin deep.


10. Birds of a feather flock ___..


11. Every ___ has his day.


12. First ___, first served.


13. Haste ___ waste.


14. Honesty is the ___ policy.


15. It is no use crying over spilt ___.


16. Necessity is the ___ of invention.


Out of sight, out of ___.

Source :
English Proverbs : Proverb to Meaning

Enter in the box the number corresponding to the right answer

Barking dogs seldom bite.

What pleases the sight varies from one person
to another.

All work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy.

It is not good to only toil and have no

All that glitters is not gold.

People who talk a lot or threaten may not be
actually harmful.

Beauty is in the eye of the

A person with deficiencies finds excuses for
his lack of skill.

A bad workman always
blames his tools.

Everything that is attractive on the outside
may not be really valuable inside.

Source :
Wh questions

Choose the right word to ask the questions.
English exercise "Wh questions" created by anonyme with The test builder
Click here to see the current stats of this English test [Save] [Load] [?]

1. 's this girl? - It's Julie.
2. 's her name? - Her name is Deb.
3. are you? - I'm 15.
4. are they? - They are Bob and Tim.
5. is he from? - He's from Los Angeles.
6. are my shoes? - There are under your bed.
7. 's her job? - She's an architect.
8. is he happy? - He's happy because he's got a new console.
9. have you got in your bag? - I've got my books.
10. are they? - Fiona is eleven and Betty is seventeen.

Source :

Question tags - Fill-in Exercise 3
Put in the correct question tags.

Example: Peter works in the shop, _________ ?
Answer: Peter works in the shop, doesn't he?

1) She is collecting stickers, ?
2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
3) You have cleaned your bike, ?
4) John and Max don't like Maths, ?
5) Peter played handball yesterday, ?
6) They are going home from school, ?
7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
8) He could have bought a new car, ?
9) Kevin will come tonight, ?
10) I'm clever,

Source :

Grammar Exercise - Yes or No Questions

Do the exercise below on yes or no questions and click on the button to check your
(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on yes or no questions)
Complete the sentences in reported speech.
1. He loves this town.

2. They like soccer.

3. She can drive a lorry.

4. They are nice.

5. They went to the swimming pool.

6. She wastes her money on jewellery.

7. He decided to leave his wife.

8. She wakes up early.

9. They should revise their lessons.

10. He was born in this town.

Source :
Short answers - Exercise 1
Finish the sentences. Use short answers.

Example: Can you play football? - Yes, ____ .
Answer: Can you play football? - Yes, I can.

1) Is he nice? - Yes, .
2) Can they play hockey? - No, .
3) Is she new at our school? - Yes, .
4) Are the boys in the garden - No, .
5) Is John from France? - No, .
6) Are Ron and Max your friends? - Yes, .
7) Has your sister got a cat? - No, .
8) Are you from Germany - Yes, .
9) Have your grandparents got a cat? - Yes, .
10) Is the cat in her basket? - No, .

Source :
Music to your ears
To say that something is music to your ears, means that the
information you receive makes you feel very happy.
Walk on air
When you are happy and excited because of a pleasant event that
makes you feel as if you are floating, you are walking on air.
"Sophie has been walking on air since her painting won the first
Live a lie
If you spend your life hiding something important about yourself,
or inventing something which is not true, you live a lie.
"To hide his humble origins, he told his wife he had no family and
spent his life living a lie."
I wasn't born yesterday
This expression is used to indicate that you are not as foolish or as
easily deceived as some people seem to think.
"Stop inventing silly excuses. I wasn't born yesterday you know!"
Hit the nail on the head
When you hit the nail on the head, you are absolutely right about
something or have guessed the exact nature of a problem or situation.
"You hit the nail on the head when you said Mark had money problems.
He's lost his job!"
In one ear and out the other
To say that information goes in one ear and out the other means
that it is immediately forgotten or ignored.
"I keep telling him about the risks but it goes in one ear and out the
other. He never listens to anyone!"
Month of Sundays
This expression is an amusing way of referring to
a very long period of time.
"I haven't been to the theatre in a month of Sundays."
Until hell freezes over
If you tell someone they can do something until hell freezes over,
you mean that they can do it forever but they won't obtain the result
they want.
"You can ask until hell freezes over; I will not allow you to go
Tied to somebody's apron
If one person is tied to another's apron strings, they remain
dependent at an age when they should be independent.
"All his decisions are influenced by his mother. He's still tied
to her apron strings."
Have your back to the wall
If you have your back to the wall, you are in serious difficulty.
"With his back to the wall, the supplier had to accept the deal."
Let the cat out of the bag.
If you let the cat out of the bag, you reveal a secret,
often not intentionally.
"When the child told her grandmother about the plans for her birthday,
she let the cat out of the bag. It was supposed to be a secret!"

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