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Sample Written Program

Fall Protection
provided as a public service by
Occupational Safety and Health Consultation Program
Publication No. HS0!0"#$%&!0'
(evised 0&))0
# CF( "#*+ Subpart ,
Fall Protection Program
-he fall protection program is provided only as a
guide to assist employers and employees in complying .ith
the re/uirements of OSH$0s Fall Protection Standard+ #
CF( "#*+ Subpart ,+ as .ell as to provide other helpful
information. 1t is not intended to supersede the
re/uirements of the standard. $n employer should revie.
the standard for particular re/uirements .hich are
applicable to their individual situation and ma2e
ad3ustments to this program that are specific to their
company. $n employer .ill need to add information
relevant to their particular facility in order to develop an
effective+ comprehensive program.
# CF( "#*+ Subpart ,
Fall Protection Program
-able of Contents
I. Objective
II. Policy
III. Assignment of Responsibility
IV. Training
V. Controlled Access Zones
VI. !cavations
VII. "all Protection #ystems
A. Covers
$. %&ardrail #ystems
C. Personal "all Arrest #ystems
'. Positioning 'evice #ystems
. #afety (onitoring #ystems
". #afety )et #ystems
%. *arning +ine #ystems
VIII. Tas,s and *or, Areas Re-&iring "all Protection
A. "rame.or, and Reinforcing #teel
$. /oist Areas
C. /oles
'. +eading dges
. Over0and $ric,laying and Related *or,
". Precast Concrete rection
%. Residential Constr&ction
/. Roofing
I. *all Openings
1. Ramps2 R&n.ays2 and Ot0er *al,.ays
I3. Protection from "alling Objects
3. Accident Investigations
3I. C0anges to t0e Plan
3II. %lossary
3III. Attac0ment A 4 #ample "all Protection Plan for Residential Constr&ction
Fall Protection Program
Company Name
1. O456C-176
T0e objective of t0e Company Name "all Protection Program is to identify and eval&ate
fall 0a6ards to .0ic0 employees .ill be e!posed2 and to provide specific training as re-&ired by
t0e Occ&pational #afety and /ealt0 Administration 7O#/A8 "all Protection #tandard2 29 C"R
:92;2 #&bpart (.
11. PO81C9
It is t0e policy of Company Name to protect its employees from occ&pational inj&ries by
implementing and enforcing safe .or, practices and appointing a competent person7s8 to manage
t0e "all Protection Program. T0e Company Name "all Protection Program s0all comply .it0
t0e O#/A re-&irements. A copy of t0e O#/A "all Protection #tandard s0all be made available to
all employees2 and may be obtained from Responsible Person .
111. $SS1:N,6N- OF (6SPONS14181-9
A. mployer
It is t0e responsibility of Company Name to provide fall protection to affected
employees2 and to ens&re t0at all employees &nderstand and ad0ere to t0e proced&res of
t0is plan and follo. t0e instr&ctions of Responsible Person .
$. Program (anager
It is t0e responsibility of Responsible Person as t0e "all Protection Program
(anager to implement t0is program by<
:. performing ro&tine safety c0ec,s of .or, operations=
2. enforcing Company Name safety policy and proced&res=
5. correcting any &nsafe practices or conditions immediately=
>. training employees and s&pervisors in recogni6ing fall 0a6ards and t0e &se of
fall protection systems=
?. maintaining records of employee training2 e-&ipment iss&e2 and fall protection
systems &sed at Company Name jobsites= and
;. investigating and doc&menting all incidents t0at res&lt in employee inj&ry.
C. mployees
It is t0e responsibility of all employees to<
:. &nderstand and ad0ere to t0e proced&res o&tlined in t0is "all Protection
2. follo. t0e instr&ctions of Responsible Person=
5. bring to management@s attention any &nsafe or 0a6ardo&s conditions or
practices t0at may ca&se inj&ry to eit0er t0emselves or any ot0er employees= and
>. report any incident t0at ca&ses inj&ry to an employee2 regardless of t0e nat&re
of t0e inj&ry.
17. -($1N1N:
A. All employees .0o may be e!posed to fall 0a6ards are re-&ired to receive training on
0o. to recogni6e s&c0 0a6ards2 and 0o. to minimi6e t0eir e!pos&re to t0em. mployees
s0all receive training as soon after employment as possible2 and before t0ey are re-&ired
to .or, in areas .0ere fall 0a6ards e!ist.
$. A record of employees .0o 0ave received training and training dates s0all be
maintained by Responsible Person. Training of employees by Responsible Person
s0all incl&de<
:. )at&re of t0e fall 0a6ards employees may be e!posed to.
2. Correct proced&res for erecting2 maintaining2 disassembling2 and inspecting
fall protection systems.
5. Ase and operation of controlled access 6ones2 g&ardrails2 personal fall arrest
systems2 safety nets2 .arning lines2 and safety monitoring systems.
>. Role of eac0 employee in t0e #afety (onitoring #ystem 7if one is &sed8.
?. +imitations of t0e &se of mec0anical e-&ipment d&ring roofing .or, on lo.B
slope roofs 7if applicable8.
;. Correct proced&res for e-&ipment and materials 0andling2 and storage and
erection of over0ead protection.
C. Role of eac0 employee in alternative "all Protection Plans 7if &sed8.
D. Re-&irements of t0e O#/A "all Protection #tandard2 29 C"R :92;2 #&bpart
9. Company Name re-&irements for reporting incidents t0at ca&se inj&ry to an
C. Additional training s0all be provided on an ann&al basis2 or as needed .0en c0anges
are made to t0is "all Protection Program2 an alternative "all Protection Plan2 or t0e
O#/A "all Protection #tandard.
7. CON-(O886; $CC6SS <ON6S
A. (asons are t0e only a&t0ori6ed employees permitted to enter controlled access 6ones
and areas from .0ic0 g&ardrails 0ave been removed. All ot0er .or,ers are pro0ibited
from entering controlled access 6ones.
$. Controlled access 6ones s0all be defined by control lines consisting of ropes2 .ires2
tapes2 or e-&ivalent material2 .it0 s&pporting stanc0ions2 and s0all be<
:. "lagged .it0 a 0ig0Bvisibility material at si! 7;8 foot intervals.
2. Rigged and s&pported so t0at t0e line is bet.een 5E and ?E inc0es 7incl&ding
sag8 from t0e .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface.
5. #trong eno&g0 to s&stain stress of at least 2EE po&nds.
>. !tended along t0e entire lengt0 of an &nprotected or leading edge.
?. Parallel to t0e &nprotected or leading edge.
;. Connected on eac0 side to a g&ardrail system or .all.
C. rected bet.een si! 7;8 feet and 2? feet from an &nprotected edge2 e!cept in
t0e cases<
a. .0en .or,ing .it0 precast concrete members< bet.een si! 7;8 feet
and ;E feet from t0e leading edge2 or 0alf t0e lengt0 of t0e member being
erected2 .0ic0ever is less= or
b. .0en performing over0and bric,ing or related .or,< bet.een ten 7:E8
feet and :? feet from t0e .or,ing edge.
71. 6=C$7$-1ONS
"all protection .ill be provided to employees .or,ing at t0e edge of an e!cavation t0at is si! 7;8
feet or deeper. mployees in t0ese areas are re-&ired to &se t0e fall protection systems as
designated in t0is program.
A. !cavations t0at are si! 7;8 feet or deeper s0all be protected by g&ardrail systems2
fences2 barricades2 or covers.
$. *al,.ays t0at allo. employees to cross over an e!cavation t0at is si! 7;8 feet or
deeper s0all be e-&ipped .it0 g&ardrails.
711. F$88 P(O-6C-1ON S9S-6,S
A. Covers
:. All covers s0all be sec&red to prevent accidental displacement.
2. Covers s0all be colorBcoded or bear t0e mar,ings G/O+H or GCOVRH.
5. Covers located in road.ays s0all be able to s&pport t0e a!le load of t0e
largest ve0icle t0at mig0t cross t0em.
>. Covers s0all be able to s&pport t0e .eig0t of employees2 e-&ipment2 and
materials t0at mig0t cross t0em.
$. %&ardrail #ystems
%&ardrail systems s0all be erected at &nprotected edges2 ramps2 r&n.ays2 or 0oles .0ere
it is determined by Responsible Person t0at erecting s&c0 systems .ill not ca&se an
increased 0a6ard to employees. T0e specifications .ill be follo.ed in t0e
erection of g&ardrail systems. Toprails s0all be<
:. at least I inc0 in diameter 7steel or plastic banding is &nacceptable8=
2. flagged every si! 7;8 feet or less .it0 a 0ig0 visibility material if .ire rope is
5. inspected by Responsible Person as fre-&ently as necessary to ens&re strengt0
and stability=
>. fortyBt.o 7>28 inc0es 7pl&s or min&s t0ree 758 inc0es8 above t0e
.al,ingF.or,ing level= and
?. adj&sted to accommodate t0e 0eig0t of stilts2 if t0ey are in &se.
(idrails2 screens2 mes02 intermediate vertical members2 and solid panels s0all be erected
in accordance .it0 t0e O#/A "all Protection #tandard.
%ates or removable g&ardrail sections s0all be placed across openings of 0oisting areas or
0oles .0en t0ey are not in &se to prevent access.
C. Personal "all Arrest #ystems
:. Personal fall arrest systems s0all be iss&ed to and &sed by employees as
determined by Responsible Person and may consist of anc0orage2 connectors2
body 0arness2 deceleration device2 lifeline2 or s&itable combinations. Personal fall
arrest systems s0all<
a. limit t0e ma!im&m arresting force to :DEE po&nds=
b. be rigged so an employee cannot free fall more t0an si! 7;8 feet or
contact any level=
c. bring an employee to a complete stop and limit t0e ma!im&m
deceleration distance traveled to t0ree and a 0alf 75 J 8 feet=
d. be strong eno&g0 to .it0stand t0e potential impact energy of an
employee free falling si! 7;8 feet 7or t0e free fall distance permitted by t0e
system2 .0ic0ever is less8=
e. be inspected prior to eac0 &se for damage and deterioration= and
f. be removed from service if any damaged components are detected.
2. All components of a fall arrest system s0all meet t0e specifications of t0e
O#/A "all Protection #tandard2 and s0all be &sed in accordance .it0 t0e
man&fact&rer@s instr&ctions.
a. T0e &se of nonBloc,ing snap0oo,s is pro0ibited.
b. 'eeBrings and loc,ing snap0oo,s s0all<
i. 0ave a minim&m tensile strengt0 of ?EEE po&nds= and
ii. be proofBtested to a minim&m tensile load of 5;EE po&nds
.it0o&t crac,ing2 brea,ing2 or s&ffering permanent deformation.
c. +ifelines s0all be<
i. designed2 installed2 and &sed &nder t0e s&pervision of
Responsible Person=
ii. protected against c&ts and abrasions= and
iii. e-&ipped .it0 0ori6ontal lifeline connection devices
capable of loc,ing in bot0 directions on t0e lifeline .0en &sed on
s&spended scaffolds or similar .or, platforms t0at 0ave 0ori6ontal
lifelines t0at may become vertical lifelines.
d. #elfBretracting lifelines and lanyards m&st 0ave ropes and straps
7.ebbing8 made of synt0etic fibers2 and s0all<
i. s&stain a minim&m tensile load of 5;EE po&nds if t0ey
a&tomatically limit free fall distance to t.o 728 feet= or
ii. s&stain a minim&m tensile load of ?EEE po&nds 7incl&des
ripstitc02 tearing2 and deforming lanyards8.
e. Anc0orages m&st s&pport at least ?EEE po&nds per person attac0ed and
s0all be<
i. designed2 installed2 and &sed &nder t0e s&pervision of
Responsible Person=
ii. capable of s&pporting t0e .eig0t e!pected to be
imposed on it= and
iii. independent of any anc0orage &sed to s&pport or s&spend
'. Positioning 'evice #ystems
$ody belt or body 0arness systems s0all be set &p so t0at an employee can free fall no
fart0er t0an t.o 728 feet2 and s0all be sec&red to an anc0orage capable of s&pporting t0e potential impact load or 5EEE po&nds2 .0ic0ever is greater. Re-&irements for
snap0oo,s2 deeBrings2 and ot0er connectors are t0e same as detailed in t0is Program &nder
Personal Fall Arrest Systems.
. #afety (onitoring #ystems
In sit&ations .0en no ot0er fall protection 0as been implemented2 Responsible Person(s)
s0all monitor t0e safety of employees in t0ese .or, areas. T0e Responsible Person(s)
s0all be<
:. competent in t0e recognition of fall 0a6ards=
2. capable of .arning .or,ers of fall 0a6ard dangers=
5. operating on t0e same .al,ingF.or,ing s&rfaces as t0e employees and able to
see t0em=
>. close eno&g0 to .or, operations to comm&nicate orally .it0 employees= and
?. free of ot0er job d&ties t0at mig0t distract t0em from t0e monitoring f&nction.
)o employees ot0er t0an t0ose engaged in t0e .or, being performed &nder t0e #afety
(onitoring #ystem s0all be allo.ed in t0e area. All employees &nder a #afety (onitoring
#ystem are re-&ired to promptly comply .it0 t0e fall 0a6ard .arnings of t0e Responsible
". #afety )et #ystems
:. #afety net systems m&st be installed no more t0an 5E feet belo. t0e
.al,ingF.or,ing s&rface .it0 s&fficient clearance to prevent contact .it0 t0e
s&rface belo.2 and s0all be installed .it0 s&fficient vertical and 0ori6ontal
distances as described in t0e O#/A "all Protection #tandard.
2. All nets s0all be inspected at least once a .ee, for .ear2 damage2 or
deterioration by Responsible Person. 'efective nets s0all be removed from &se
and replaced .it0 acceptable nets.
5. All nets s0all be in compliance .it0 mes02 mes0 crossing2 border rope2 and
connection specifications as described in t0e O#/A "all Protection #tandard.
>. *0en nets are &sed on bridges2 t0e potential fall area from t0e
.al,ingF.or,ing s&rface s0all remain &nobstr&cted.
?. Objects t0at 0ave fallen into safety nets s0all be removed as soon as possible2
and at least before t0e ne!t .or,ing s0ift.
%. *arning +ine #ystems
*arning line systems consisting of s&pporting stanc0ions and ropes2 .ires2 or c0ains
s0all be erected aro&nd all sides of roof .or, areas.
:. +ines s0all be flagged at no more t0an si! 7;8 foot intervals .it0 0ig0B
visibility materials.
2. T0e lo.est point of t0e line 7incl&ding sag8 s0all be bet.een 5> and 59 inc0es
from t0e .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface.
5. #tanc0ions of .arning line systems s0all be capable of resisting at least :;
po&nds of force.
>. Ropes2 .ires2 or c0ains m&st 0ave a minim&m tensile strengt0 of ?EE po&nds.
?. *arning line systems s0all be erected at least si! 7;8 feet from t0e edge2
e!cept in areas .0ere mec0anical e-&ipment is in &se. *0en mec0anical
e-&ipment is in &se2 .arning line systems s0all be erected at least si! 7;8 feet from
t0e parallel edge2 and at least ten 7:E8 feet from t0e perpendic&lar edge.
7111. -$S>S $N; WO(> $(6$S (6?@1(1N: F$88 P(O-6C-1ON
Anless ot0er.ise specified2 Responsible Person(s) s0all eval&ate t0e .or,site7s8 and determine
t0e specific type7s8 of fall protection to be &sed in t0e sit&ations.
A. "rame.or, and Reinforcing #teel
"all protection .ill be provided .0en an employee is climbing or moving at a 0eig0t of
over 2> feet .0en .or,ing .it0 rebar assemblies.
$. /oist Areas
%&ardrail systems or personal fall arrest systems .ill be &sed in 0oist areas .0en an
employee may fall si! 7;8 feet or more. If g&ardrail systems m&st be removed for
0oisting2 employees are re-&ired to &se personal fall arrest systems.
C. /oles
Covers or g&ardrail systems s0all be erected aro&nd 0oles 7incl&ding s,ylig0ts8 t0at are
si! 7;8 feet or more above levels. If covers or g&ardrail systems m&st be removed2
employees are re-&ired to &se personal fall arrest systems.
'. +eading dges
%&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 or personal fall arrest systems s0all be &sed .0en
employees are constr&cting a leading edge t0at is si! 7;8 feet or more above levels.
An alternative "all Protection Plan s0all be &sed if Responsible Person(s) determines t0at
t0e implementation of conventional fall protection systems is infeasible or creates a
greater 0a6ard to employees. All alternative "all Protection Plans for .or, on leading
edges s0all<
:. be .ritten specific to t0e partic&lar jobsite needs=
2. incl&de e!planation of 0o. conventional fall protection is infeasible or creates
a greater 0a6ard to employees=
5. e!plain .0at alternative fall protection .ill be &sed for eac0 tas,=
>. be maintained in .riting at t0e jobsite by Responsible Person= and
?. meet t0e re-&irements of 29 C"R :92;.?E27,8.
. Over0and $ric,laying and Related *or,
%&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 personal fall arrest systems2 or controlled access
6ones s0all be provided to employees engaged in over0ead bric,laying or related .or,
si! 7;8 feet or more above t0e level. All employees reac0ing more t0an ten 7:E8
inc0es belo. t0e .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface s0all be protected by g&ardrail systems2 safety
net systems2 or personal fall arrest systems.
". Precast Concrete rection
%&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 or personal fall arrest systems s0all be provided to
employees .or,ing si! 7;8 feet or more above t0e level .0ile erecting or gro&ting
precast concrete members. An alternative "all Protection Plan s0all be &sed if
Responsible Person(s) determines t0at t0e implementation of conventional fall
protection systems is infeasible or creates a greater 0a6ard to employees. All alternative
"all Protection Plans for precast concrete erection s0all<
:. be .ritten specific to t0e partic&lar jobsite needs=
2. incl&de e!planation of 0o. conventional fall protection is infeasible or creates
a greater 0a6ard to employees=
5. e!plain .0at alternative fall protection .ill be &sed for eac0 tas,=
>. be maintained in .riting at t0e jobsite by Responsible Person= and
?. meet t0e re-&irements of 29 C"R :92;.?E27,8.
%. Residential Constr&ction
%&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 or personal fall arrest systems s0all be provided to
employees .or,ing si! 7;8 feet or more above t0e level on residential constr&ction
projects. /o.ever2 certain tas,s may be performed .it0o&t t0e &se of conventional fall
protection if Responsible Person 0as determined t0at s&c0 fall protection is infeasible
or creates greater 0a6ards to employees. Responsible Person s0all follo. t0e g&idelines
of 29 C"R :92;2 #&bpart (2 Appendi! in t0e development of alternative "all
Protection Plans for residential constr&ction projects 7see Attac0ment A8.
/. Roofing
:. +o.B#lope Roofs
"all protection s0all be provided to employees engaged in roofing activities on
lo.Bslope roofs .it0 &nprotected sides and edges si! 7;8 feet or more above
levels. T0e type7s8 of fall protection needed s0all be determined by Responsible
Person 2 and may consist of g&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 personal fall
arrest systems2 or a combination of a .arning line system and safety net system2
.arning line system and personal fall arrest system2 or .arning line system and
safety monitoring system. On roofs ?E feet or less in .idt02 t0e &se of a safety
monitoring system .it0o&t a .arning line system is permitted.
2. #teep Roofs
%&ardrail systems .it0 toeboards2 safety net systems2 or personal fall arrest
systems .ill be provided to employees .or,ing on a steep roof .it0 &nprotected
sides and edges si! 7;8 feet or more above levels2 as determined by
Responsible Person .
I. *all Openings
%&ardrail systems2 safety net systems2 or a personal fall arrest system .ill be provided to
employees .or,ing on2 at2 above2 or near .all openings .0en t0e o&tside bottom edge of
t0e .all opening is si! 7;8 feet or more above levels and t0e inside bottom edge of
t0e .all opening is less t0an 59 inc0es above t0e .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface. T0e type of
fall protection to be &sed .ill be determined by Responsible Person .
1. Ramps2 R&n.ays2 and Ot0er *al,.ays
mployees &sing ramps2 r&n.ays2 and ot0er .al,.ays si! 7;8 feet or more above t0e level s0all be protected by g&ardrail systems.
1=. P(O-6C-1ON F(O, F$881N: O456C-S
*0en g&ardrail systems are in &se2 t0e openings s0all be small eno&g0 to prevent potential
passage of falling objects. T0e proced&res m&st be follo.ed by all employees to
prevent 0a6ards associated .it0 falling objects.
A. )o materials 7e!cept masonry and mortar8 s0all be stored .it0in fo&r 7>8 feet of
.or,ing edges.
$. !cess debris s0all be removed reg&larly to ,eep .or, areas clear.
C. '&ring roofing .or,2 materials and e-&ipment s0all be stored no less t0an si! 7;8 feet
from t0e roof edge &nless g&ardrails are erected at t0e edge.
'. #tac,ed materials m&st be stable and selfBs&pporting.
. Canopies s0all be strong eno&g0 to prevent penetration by falling objects.
". Toeboards erected along t0e edges of over0ead .al,ingF.or,ing s&rfaces s0all be<
:. capable of .it0standing a force of at least ?E po&nds= and
2. solid .it0 a minim&m of t0ree and a 0alf 75 J 8 inc0es tall and no more t0an
one -&arter 7:F> 8 inc0 clearance above t0e .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface.
%. -&ipment s0all not be piled 0ig0er t0an t0e toeboard &nless s&fficient paneling or
screening 0as been erected above t0e toeboard.
=. $CC1;6N- 1N76S-1:$-1ONS
All incidents t0at res&lt in inj&ry to .or,ers2 as .ell as near misses2 regardless of t0eir nat&re2
s0all be reported and investigated. Investigations s0all be cond&cted by Responsible Person as
soon after an incident as possible to identify t0e ca&se and means of prevention to eliminate t0e
ris, of reocc&rrence.
In t0e event of s&c0 an incident2 t0e "all Protection Program 7and alternative "all Protection
Plans2 if in place8 s0all be reeval&ated by Responsible Person to determine if additional
practices2 proced&res2 or training are necessary to prevent similar f&t&re incidents.
=1. CH$N:6S -O -H6 P8$N
Any c0anges to t0e "all Protection Program 7and alternative "all Protection Plans2 if in place8
s0all be approved by Responsible Person2 and s0all be revie.ed by a -&alified person as t0e job
progresses to determine additional practices2 proced&res or training needs necessary to prevent
fall inj&ries. Affected employees s0all be notified of all proced&re c0anges2 and trained if
necessary. A copy of t0is plan2 and any additional alternative "all Protection Plans2 s0all be
maintained at t0e jobsite by Responsible Person .
=11. :8OSS$(9
$nchorage< a sec&re point of attac0ment for lifelines2 lanyards2 or deceleration devices.
4ody belt< a strap .it0 means bot0 for sec&ring it abo&t t0e .aist and for attac0ing it to a
lanyard2 lifeline2 or deceleration device.
4ody harness< straps t0at may be sec&red abo&t t0e person in a manner t0at distrib&tes
t0e fallBarrest forces over at least t0e t0ig0s2 pelvis2 .aist2 c0est2 and s0o&lders .it0 a
means for attac0ing t0e 0arness to ot0er components of a personal fall arrest system.
ConnectorA A device t0at is &sed to co&ple 7connect8 parts of a personal fall arrest system
or positioning device system toget0er.
Controlled access Bone< a .or, area designated and clearly mar,ed in .0ic0 certain
types of .or, 7s&c0 as over0and bric,laying8 may ta,e place .it0o&t t0e &se of
conventional fall protection systems 7g&ardrail2 personal arrest2 or safety net8 to protect
t0e employees .or,ing in t0e 6one.
;eceleration device< any mec0anism2 s&c0 as a rope2 grab2 ripstitc0 lanyard2 speciallyB
.oven lanyard2 tearing lanyard2 deforming lanyard2 or a&tomatic selfBretracting
lifelineFlanyard2 .0ic0 serves to dissipate a s&bstantial amo&nt of energy d&ring a fall
arrest2 or ot0er.ise limits t0e energy imposed on an employee d&ring fall arrest.
;eceleration distance< t0e additional vertical distance a falling person travels2 e!cl&ding
lifeline elongation and free fall distance2 before stopping2 from t0e point at .0ic0 a
deceleration device begins to operate.
:uardrail system< a barrier erected to prevent employees from falling to levels.
Hole< a void or gap t.o 728 inc0es 7?.: centimeters8 or more in t0e least dimension in a
floor2 roof2 or ot0er .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface.
8anyard< a fle!ible line of rope2 .ire rope2 or strap t0at generally 0as a connector at eac0
end for connecting t0e body belt or body 0arness to a deceleration device2 lifeline2 or
8eading edge< t0e edge of a floor2 roof2 or form.or, for a floor or ot0er
.al,ingF.or,ing s&rface 7s&c0 as a dec,8 .0ic0 c0anges location as additional floor2
roof2 dec,ing2 or form.or, sections are placed2 formed2 or constr&cted.
8ifelineA a component consisting of a fle!ible line for connection to an anc0orage at one
end to 0ang vertically 7vertical lifeline82 or for connection to anc0orages at bot0 ends to
stretc0 0ori6ontally 70ori6ontal lifeline82 t0at serves as a means for connecting ot0er
components of a personal fall arrest system to an anc0orage.
8o. slope roof< a roof 0aving a slope less t0an or e-&al to > in :2 7vertical to
Opening< a gap or void 5E inc0es 7C; centimeters8 or more 0ig0 and :D inc0es 7>;
centimeters8 or more .ide2 in a .all or partition t0ro&g0 .0ic0 employees can fall to a level.
Personal fall arrest system< a system incl&ding b&t not limited to an anc0orage2
connectors2 and a body 0arness &sed to arrest an employee in a fall from a .or,ing level.
Positioning device system< a body belt or body 0arness system rigged to allo. an
employee to be s&pported on an elevated vertical s&rface2 s&c0 as a .all2 and .or, .it0
bot0 0ands free .0ile leaning bac,.ards.
(ope grab< a deceleration device t0at travels on a lifeline and a&tomatically2 by friction2
engages t0e lifeline and loc,s to arrest a fall.
Safety monitoring system< a safety system in .0ic0 a competent person is responsible
for recogni6ing and .arning employees of fall 0a6ards.
Self!retracting lifeline)lanyard< a deceleration device containing a dr&mB.o&nd line
.0ic0 can be e!tracted from2 or retracted onto2 t0e dr&m &nder minimal tension
d&ring normal employee movement and .0ic02 after onset of a fall2 a&tomatically loc,s
t0e dr&m and arrests t0e fall.
Snaphoo2< a connector consisting of a 0oo,Bs0aped member .it0 a normally closed
,eeper2 or a similar arrangement2 .0ic0 may be opened to permit t0e 0oo, to receive an
object and2 .0en released a&tomatically2 closes to retain t0e object.
Steep roof< a roof 0aving a slope greater t0an > in :2 7vertical to 0ori6ontal8.
-oeboard< a lo. protective barrier t0at prevents material and e-&ipment from falling to levels and .0ic0 protects personnel from falling.
@nprotected sides and edges< any side or edge 7e!cept at entrances to points of access8
of a .al,ingF.or,ing s&rface 7e.g.2 floor2 roof2 ramp2 or r&n.ay8 .0ere t0ere is no .all or
g&ardrail system at least 59 inc0es 7: meter8 0ig0.
Wal2ing).or2ing surface< any s&rface2 .0et0er 0ori6ontal or vertical2 on .0ic0 an
employee .al,s or .or,s2 incl&ding b&t not limited to floors2 roofs2 ramps2 bridges2
r&n.ays2 form.or,2 and concrete reinforcing steel. 'oes not incl&de ladders2 ve0icles2
or trailers on .0ic0 employees m&st be located to perform t0eir .or, d&ties.
Warning line system< a barrier erected on a roof to .arn employees t0at t0ey are
approac0ing an &nprotected roof side or edge and .0ic0 designates an area in .0ic0
roofing .or, may ta,e place .it0o&t t0e &se of g&ardrail2 body belt2 or safety net systems
to protect employees in t0e area.
$ttachment $
Sample Fall Protection Plan for (esidential Construction
Company Name
T0is "all Protection Plan is specific to t0e project<
5ob 8ocationA
;ate Plan PreparedA
;ate Plan ,odifiedA
Plan Prepared byA
Plan $pproved byA
Plan Supervised byA
1. S-$-6,6N- OF CO,P$N9 PO81C9
Company Name is dedicated to t0e protection of its employees from occ&pational inj&ries.
All employees of Company Name 0ave t0e responsibility to .or, safely on t0e job. T0e
p&rpose of t0is Plan is to s&pplement o&r e!isting "all Protection Program and to ens&re t0at
every employee .0o .or,s for Company Name recogni6es .or,place fall 0a6ards and
ta,es t0e appropriate meas&res to address t0ose 0a6ards.
T0is "all Protection Plan addresses t0e &se of conventional fall protection at a n&mber of areas
on t0e project2 and identifies specific activities t0at re-&ire nonBconventional means of fall
protection. '&ring t0e constr&ction of residential b&ildings &nder >D feet in 0eig0t2 it is
sometimes infeasible or creates a greater 0a6ard to &se conventional fall protection systems at
specific areas or for specific tas,s. #&c0 areas or tas,s incl&de2 b&t are not limited to<
A. setting and bracing of roof tr&sses and rafters=
$. installation of floor s0eat0ing and joists=
C. roof s0eat0ing operations= and
'. erecting e!terior .alls.
In t0ese cases2 conventional fall protection systems may not be t0e safest c0oice for t0is project.
T0is Plan is designed to enable employees to recogni6e fall 0a6ards associated .it0 t0is job and
to establis0 safe proced&res to prevent falls to levels t0ro&g0 0oles and openings in
.al,ingF.or,ing s&rfaces.
11. $SS1:N,6N- OF (6SPONS14181-9
A. mployer
:. ns&re t0at all employees &nderstand and ad0ere to t0e proced&res of t0is Plan
and t0e instr&ctions of t0e cre. s&pervisor or foreman.
2. Assign a competent person to be responsible for managing t0is "all Protection
5. Provide appropriate fall protection to employees as detailed in t0is Plan.
$. mployee
:. $ring to t0e attention of Company Name management any &nsafe or
0a6ardo&s conditions or practices t0at may ca&se inj&ry to t0emselves or ot0er
2. Report any incident .0ic0 ca&ses inj&ry to self or a coB.or,er.
5. ac0 employee .ill be trained in t0ese proced&res and .ill be e!pected to
strictly ad0ere to t0em e!cept .0en doing so .o&ld e!pose 0imF0er to a greater
0a6ard. If2 in t0e employee@s opinion2 t0e proced&res in t0is Plan pose a ris,2 t0e
employee is to notify Responsible Person and 0ave t0eir concern7s8 addressed
before proceeding .it0 .or,.
C. Plan (anager
Responsible Person s0all f&nction as (anager of t0is "all Protection Plan and 0as t0e responsibilities<
:. Implement t0is "all Protection Plan.
2. Perform contin&al observational c0ec,s of .or, operations to identify
5. nforce t0e company policy and t0e proced&res of t0is Plan.
>. Coordinate .it0 cre. s&pervisors or foremen to correct any &nsafe practices
or conditions immediately.
?. Provide training on t0is Plan to all affected employees before .or, begins on
t0is project.
111. F$88 P(O-6C-1ON -O 46 @S6; ON -H1S 5O4
Installation of roof tr&ssesFrafters2 e!terior .all erection2 roof s0eat0ing2 floor s0eat0ing2 and
jointFtr&ss activities .ill be cond&cted by employees .0o are specifically trained to do t0is type
of .or, and are trained to recogni6e fall 0a6ards. T0e nat&re of s&c0 .or, normally e!poses
employees to fall 0a6ards for a s0ort period of time. T0is Plan details 0o. Company Name
.ill minimi6e t0ese 0a6ards.
A. Controlled Access Zones
*0en &sing t0is Plan to implement t0e fall protection options available2 .or,ers m&st be
protected t0ro&g0 limited access to 0ig0 0a6ard locations. $efore any nonBconventional
fall protection systems are &sed as part of t0is .or, Plan2 a controlled access 6one 7CAZ8
s0all be clearly defined by a Responsible Person as an area .0ere a recogni6ed
0a6ard e!ists. T0e demarcation of t0e CAZ s0all be comm&nicated by Responsible
Person in a recogni6ed manner2 eit0er t0ro&g0 signs2 .ires2 tapes2 ropes2 or c0ains.
Company Name s0all ta,e t0e steps to ens&re t0at t0e CAZ is clearly
mar,ed or controlled by a competent person.
:. All access to t0e CAZ s0all be restricted to a&t0ori6ed entrants only.
2. All .or,ers .0o are permitted in t0e CAZ m&st be listed in t0e appropriate
sections of t0is Plan 7or be visibly identifiable by Responsible Person prior to
5. Responsible Person s0all ens&re t0at all protective elements of t0e CAZ be
implemented prior to t0e beginning of .or,.
$. Installation of Roof Tr&ss or Rafter rection
:. '&ring t0e erection and bracing of roof tr&ssesFrafters2 conventional fall
protection may present a greater 0a6ard to .or,ers. On t0is job2 safety nets .ill
not provide ade-&ate fall protection beca&se t0e nets .ill ca&se t0e .alls to
collapse. In addition2 t0ere are also no s&itable attac0ment or anc0orage points for
g&ardrails or personal fall arrest systems.
2. Re-&iring employees on t0is job to &se a ladder for t0e entire installation
process .ill ca&se greater 0a6ard beca&se t0e .or,er m&st stand on t0e ladder
.it0 0is bac, or side to t0e front of t0e ladder. *0ile erecting t0e tr&ss or rafter2
t0e .or,er .ill need bot0 0ands to mane&ver t0e tr&ss and t0erefore cannot 0old
onto t0e ladder. In addition2 ladders cannot be ade-&ately protected from
movement .0ile tr&sses are being mane&vered into place. mployees may
e!perience fatig&e beca&se of t0e increased over0ead .or, .it0 0eavy materials2
.0ic0 can also lead to a greater 0a6ard.
5. !terior scaffolds cannot be &tili6ed on t0is job beca&se t0e gro&nd2 after
recent bac,filling2 cannot s&pport t0e scaffolding. In most cases2 t0e erection and
dismantling of t0e scaffold .o&ld e!pose .or,ers to a greater fall 0a6ard t0an t0e
erection of t0e tr&ssesFrafters.
>. On all .alls eig0t 7D8 feet or less in 0eig0t2 employees .ill install interior
scaffolds along interior .alls belo. t0e location .0ere t0e tr&ssesFrafters .ill be
erected. A#a.0orse@ scaffold constr&cted of >; inc0 sa.0orses and t.o 728 foot
by ten 7:E8 foot plan,s .ill often allo. .or,ers to be elevated 0ig0 eno&g0 to
allo. for t0e erection of tr&sses and rafters .it0o&t .or,ing on t0e top plate of
t0e .all.
?. In str&ct&res t0at 0ave .alls 0ig0er t0an eig0t 7D8 feet and .0ere t0e &se of
scaffolds and ladders .o&ld create a greater 0a6ard2 safe .or,ing proced&res .ill
be &sed .0en .or,ing on t0e top plate2 .0ic0 .ill be monitored by
Responsible Person . '&ring all stages of tr&ssFrafter erection2 t0e stability of
t0e tr&ssesFrafters .ill be ens&red at all times.
;. Company Name s0all ta,e t0e steps to protect .or,ers .0o
are e!posed to fall 0a6ards .0ile .or,ing from t0e top plate installing
a. Only trained and approved .or,ers .ill be allo.ed to .or, on t0e top
plate d&ring roof tr&ss or rafter installation. A list of approved employees
.ill be maintained by t0e Responsible Person as an attac0ment to t0is
b. mployees s0all 0ave no ot0er d&ties to perform d&ring tr&ssFrafter
erection proced&res.
c. All tr&ssesFrafters .ill be ade-&ately braced before any .or,er .ill be
permitted to &se t0e tr&ssFrafter as a s&pport.
d. mployees .ill remain on t0e top plate &sing t0e previo&sly stabili6ed
tr&ssFrafter as a s&pport .0ile ot0er tr&ssesFrafters are being erected.
e. mployees .ill leave t0e area of t0e sec&red tr&sses only .0en it is
necessary to sec&re anot0er tr&ssFrafter.
f. T0e first t.o 728 tr&ssesFrafters .ill be set from ladders leaning on side
.alls at points .0ere t0e .alls can s&pport t0e .eig0t of t0e ladder.
g. An employee .ill climb onto t0e interior top plate via a ladder to
sec&re t0e pea,s of t0e first t.o tr&ssesFrafters being set.
C. mployees responsible for detac0ing tr&sses from cranes andFor sec&ring
tr&sses at t0e pea,s traditionally are positioned at t0e pea, of t0e tr&ssesFrafters.
T0ere are also sit&ations .0ere .or,ers sec&ring rafters to ridge beams .ill be
positioned at t0e top of t0e ridge beam. Company Name .ill ta,e t0e steps to protect .or,ers .0o are e!posed to fall 0a6ards .0ile sec&ring
tr&ssesFrafters at t0e pea, of t0e tr&ssesFridge beam<
a. Only trained and approved .or,ers .ill be allo.ed to .or, at t0e pea,
d&ring roof tr&ss or rafter installation. A list of approved employees .ill
be maintained by Responsible Person as an attac0ment to t0is Plan.
b. Once tr&ss or rafter installation begins2 .or,ers not involved in t0at
activity s0all not stand or .al, belo. or adjacent to t0e roof opening or
e!terior .alls in any area .0ere t0ey co&ld be str&c, by falling objects.
c. mployees s0all 0ave no d&ties ot0er t0an sec&ringFbracing t0e
tr&ssesFridge beams.
d. mployees positioned at t0e pea,s2 in t0e .ebs of tr&sses2 or on top of
t0e ridge beam s0all .or, from a stable position. A stable position for an
employee .ill be eit0er sitting on a Gridge seatH or ot0er e-&ivalent
s&rface t0at provides additional stability2 or positioning t0emselves in
previo&sly stabili6ed tr&ssesFrafters and leaning into and reac0ing t0ro&g0
t0e tr&ssesFrafters.
e. *or,ers s0all not remain on or in t0e pea,Fridge any longer t0an
necessary to safely complete t0e tas,.
C. Roof #0eat0ing Operations
:. *or,ers typically install roof s0eat0ing after all tr&ssesFrafters and any
permanent tr&ss bracing is in place. $eca&se roof str&ct&res are &nstable &ntil
some s0eat0ing is installed2 .or,ers installing roof s0eat0ing cannot be protected
from fall 0a6ards by conventional fall protection systems &ntil it is determined
t0at t0e roofing system can be &sed as an anc0orage point. At t0at point2
employees s0all be protected by personal fall arrest systems.
2. Tr&ssesFrafters are s&bject to collapse if a .or,er falls .0ile attac0ed to a
single tr&ss .it0 a beltF0arness. )ets co&ld also ca&se collapse2 and t0ere is
ins&fficient str&ct&re to attac0 g&ardrails.
5. All employees .ill ens&re t0at t0ey 0ave sec&re footing before t0ey attempt to
.al, on t0e s0eat0ing2 and .ill clean t0eir s0oesFboots of m&d or ot0er slip
>. To minimi6e t0e time .or,ers m&st be e!posed to a fall 0a6ard2 materials .ill
be staged to allo. for t0e -&ic,est installation of s0eat0ing.
?. Company Name .ill ta,e t0e steps to protect .or,ers .0o are
e!posed to fall 0a6ards .0ile installing roof s0eat0ing<
a. Once roof s0eat0ing installation begins2 employees not involved in t0at
activity s0all not stand or .al, belo. or adjacent to t0e roof opening or
e!terior .alls in any area .0ere t0ey co&ld be str&c, by falling objects.
b. Responsible Person s0all determine t0e limits of t0is area2 .0ic0
s0all be clearly comm&nicated to .or,ers prior to placement of t0e first
piece of roof s0eat0ing.
c. Responsible Person may s&spend .or, on t0e roof for brief periods
as necessary to allo. ot0er .or,ers to pass t0ro&g0 s&c0 areas .0en t0is
.o&ld not create a greater 0a6ard.
d. Only trained and approved .or,ers .ill be allo.ed to install roof
s0eat0ing. A list of approved employees .ill be maintained by
Responsible Person as an attac0ment to t0is Plan.
e. T0e bottom ro. of roof s0eat0ing may be installed by .or,ers
standing in tr&ss .ebs.
f. After t0e bottom ro. of roof s0eat0ing is installed2 a slide g&ard
e!tending t0e .idt0 of t0e roof s0all be sec&rely attac0ed to t0e roof. #lide
g&ards .ill be at least fo&r 7>8 inc0es in 0eig0t and capable of limiting t0e
&ncontrolled slide of .or,ers. *or,ers s0all install t0e slide g&ard .0ile
standing in tr&ss .ebs and leaning over t0e s0eat0ing.
g. Additional ro.s of s0eat0ing may be installed by .or,ers positioned
on previo&sly installed ro.s of s0eat0ing .it0 slide g&ards.
0. Additional slide g&ards s0all be sec&rely attac0ed to t0e roof at
intervals not to e!ceed :5 feet as s&ccessive ro.s of s0eat0ing are
installed. "or roofs .it0 pitc0es in e!cess of 9 in :22 slide g&ards .ill be
installed at fo&r 7>8 foot intervals.
i. *0en .et .eat0er conditions 7rain2 sno.2 or sleet8 are present2 roof
s0eat0ing operations s0all be s&spended &nless safe footing can be ass&red
for t0ose .or,ers installing s0eat0ing.
j. *0en strong .inds 7over >E miles per 0o&r8 are present2 roof
s0eat0ing operations s0all be s&spended &nless .ind brea,ers are erected.
'. Installation of "loor 1oists and #0eat0ing
Company Name .ill ta,e t0e steps to protect .or,ers .0o are e!posed to
fall 0a6ards .0ile installing floor joists or floor s0eat0ing<
:. Only trained and approved .or,ers .ill be allo.ed to install floor joists and
floor s0eat0ing. A list of approved employees .ill be maintained by
Responsible Person as an attac0ment to t0is Plan.
2. (aterials for t0is .or, s0all be conveniently staged to allo. for easy access
to .or,ers.
5. T0e firstBfloor joints or tr&sses .ill be rolled into position and sec&red eit0er
from t0e gro&nd2 ladders2 or sa.0orse scaffolds.
>. ac0 s&ccessive floor joist or tr&st .ill be rolled into place and sec&red from a
platform created from a s0eet of ply.ood laid over t0e previo&sly sec&red floor
joists or tr&sses.
?. !cept for t0e first ro. of s0eat0ing2 .0ic0 .ill be installed from ladders or
t0e gro&nd2 employees s0all .or, from t0e establis0ed dec,.
;. Any employees not assisting in t0e leading edge constr&ction .0ile leading
edges still e!ist 7i.e.2 c&tting t0e dec,ing for installers8 s0all not be permitted
.it0in si! 7;8 feet of t0e leading edge &nder constr&ction.
. rection of !terior *alls
Company Name .ill ta,e t0e steps to protect .or,ers .0o are e!posed to fall
0a6ards d&ring t0e constr&ction and erection of e!terior .alls<
:. Only trained and approved .or,ers .ill be allo.ed to constr&ct and erect
e!terior .alls. A list of approved employees .ill be maintained by
Responsible Person as an attac0ment to t0is Plan.
2. A painted line si! 7;8 feet from t0e perimeter .ill be clearly mar,ed prior to
any .all erection activities to .arn of t0e approac0ing &nprotected edge.
5. (aterials for operations s0all be conveniently staged to minimi6e fall 0a6ards.
>. *or,ers constr&cting e!terior .alls s0all complete as m&c0 c&tting of
materials and ot0er preparation as possible a.ay from t0e edge of t0e dec,.
17. 6NFO(C6,6N-
Constant a.areness of and respect for fall 0a6ards2 as .ell as compliance .it0 all safety r&les2
are considered conditions of employment .it0 Company Name . T0e cre. s&pervisor or
foreman2 as .ell as Responsible Person or company management2 reserve t0e rig0t to iss&e
disciplinary .arnings to employees2 &p to and incl&ding termination2 for fail&re to follo. t0e
g&idelines of t0is Plan.
7. $CC1;6N- 1N76S-1:$-1ONS
All incidents t0at res&lt in inj&ry to .or,ers and near misses2 regardless of t0eir nat&re2 s0all be
reported and investigated. All incidents s0all be investigated as soon as possible by
Responsible Person to identify t0e ca&se and means of prevention to prevent f&t&re occ&rrences.
In t0e event of s&c0 an incident2 t0is "all Protection Plan s0all be revie.ed to determine if
additional practices2 proced&res2 or training s0o&ld be implemented to prevent similar incidents
in t0e f&t&re.
71. CH$N:6S -O -H6 P8$N
Any c0anges to t0is Plan .ill be made by Responsible Person. T0is Plan s0all be revie.ed by
Responsible Person as t0e job progresses to determine if additional practices2 proced&res2 or
training are needed to improve or provide additional fall protection. Affected employees s0all be
notified of c0anges to t0is Plan2 and retrained2 if necessary. A copy of t0is Plan and all approved
c0anges s0all be maintained at t0e jobsite by Responsible Person.

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