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Branch Out to Vintage and Eco-Friendly

By: Sirdaria Williams
Branch Out is a style conscious eco- friendly guilt-free shopping experience. Thiri
DeVoe and Lauren Beshel Campbell became fast friends when they worked together at a
local resale shop after Hurricane Katrina. They instantly bonded over their love of
vintage and putting together fun outfits for nights out in the city. The two began dreaming
of one day opening their own store. We wanted to bring something fresh and different to
the New Orleans shopping scene while keeping true to our vintage roots, DeVoe said.
Branch Out was born with this idea in mind.
Located at 2022 Magazine St. in what is considered the Green Light District, a
stretch on Magazine that hosts several eco-friendly shops. De Voe and Campbell have
introduced New Orleans to an all eco-friendly boutique and they kept everyone in mind;
mens and womens new sustainable clothing and vintage fashions, along with tons of
accessories for eco-friendly living. They proclaim their love for local artists and have a
number of local designers featured in the store. Their mantra:
We work with companies that employ environmentally responsible practices,
including: using sustainable materials, using energy efficient and low-impact production,
investing in renewable energy and carbon offsets, maximizing recycling, and reducing
waste. In addition, these companies, designers and artists engage in fair trade, support
organic agriculture, sweat-shop free production, and various nonprofit groups.

Eco- friendly clothing is made of natural fabric materials that are non toxic and
less polluting in their production, use, and disposal. Also, it helps divert fabric and plastic
waste away from landfills. The term eco-friendly fashion often creates images of hemp
backpacks and tie-dyed organic cotton t-shirts. Owners Thiri DeVoe and Lauren
Beshel say, We are striving to break the stereotype and prove that eco-friendly clothing
can be attractive, trendy, and affordable.
There is a wide selection of styles to choose from for men and women. Whether
you are seeking a great basic t-shirt, a dress for the office, or a funky vintage item,
Branch Out aims to please. Brands include Elwood, She-bible, and Alternative
Apparel, just to name a few. The ladies also love stocking local designers wares,
including everything from dresses from Jolie & Elizabeth to Elle Dee NOLAs
jewelry pedestals made from recycled vintage plates.
Shopper Lorenzo Baker said, I love vintage shopping. If you're wearing vintage,
the chances that someone else will turn up in the exact same thing you're wearing are
practically zero! And because it's one-of-a-kind, you can shape your own style, mixing
and matching with modern items for a look that is uniquely you! And here at Branch Out
you can get uber cool eco-friendly merchandise too. Its a win win. Branch Out cuts up
old cereal boxes and uses the pieces for their price tags, simply Brilliant!

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