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23 January

Francis Baily News

Sporting Success


Congratulations to our Year 6 Archery

team who won a competition recently
at Park House School against nine other
local schools.

As well as parking sensibly in the

streets around the school particularly
Skillman Drive I would respectfully request that parents observe the road
markings on the A4 which indicate
where you can safely park. I have received several complaints recently regarding dangerous parking outside the
school. As well as endangering those
using the road this also puts pedestrians, many of whom are our children, in
If children are a few minutes late due
to parents having to park further away
from the school then this is a small
price to pay to keep everyone safe.

Maths Evening
The organisers commented on our high
level of skill which saw us win the competition by over 50 points, with a score
of 484.
With the score of each team member
counting in six different disciplines it
was our high level of consistency which
won us the competition.
Congratulations to the team of; Aron
Stafford, Ruby Marie Dix, Max Fowler,
Yasmin OBrien, Katelynn Calder and
Louis Burnand

We hope that you found the first of

this years maths curriculum evenings
on the subject of Division helpful.
The next will take place on Thursday
5th February on Multiplication.
Please let Mr Davies know if you need
any further information or clarification
or have
ideas for

Well done to all those who tried out for

the team and pushed these six to be so
Online Payments to School
We are introducing an online payment system called SIMS Agora . Explanatory
letters will be sent to parents by year group; everyone should have received their
letter with a personalised activation code by February half term. Please note you
will have 28 days to activate your account. Full details will be included in the

Parents Evenings
These are being held on
Tuesday 10 and
Wednesday 11 February.
Appointment forms have
already been sent home.

Advance notice
World Book Week
We will be celebrating
World Book Week in the
week commencing Monday 16th March. During
the week children will
undertake a mini-study
around a picture book
selected by their teacher.
On Friday 20th March we
will be asking the children
to dress up as their favourite book character, so
you have plenty of time
to plan for this.
There will be more news
about Book Week events
in the coming newsletters.

Many thanks for all

the donated resources/toys from
before and after
Christmas! They have
been gratefully received.
Mr SteerPhase
Leader Years 1 & 2

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