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Vibration in Ship


Fig. 3.6.11 Collapse of plate

Fig. 3.6.12 Collapse of

rectangular plate

pc =

24M p

3 + 2 )2

b2 (


Mp: plastic collapse moment per unit length= y h2 /4

h: plate thickness
= b/a
In the case where the boundary around a rectangular plate is fully clamped, the
uniformly distributed collapse pressure is [21]
pc =

48M p

3 + 2 )2

b2 (


These formulas are used for the design of plates which are loaded by water

3.7 Vibration in Ship

3.7.1 Introduction
While buckling and yielding are mainly induced by static loading, in contrast, dynamic loading may cause vibrations in structures. It is important for the structural


Strength Evaluation

engineer to prevent vibration problems, because, cyclic forces due to the propeller
or main engine may produce heavy vibrations in accommodation spaces, or they
may result in failures of structural members due to vibration.
Thus, in order not to suffer from vibration problems, it is a very important to
obtain vibration characteristics of structures with high accuracy, especially in the
initial stage of design.

3.7.2 Basic Theory of Single Degree of Freedom Vibration System

Regarding vibration phenomena, two important concepts natural frequency and
resonance are explained hereafter. There are several well known textbooks [22,23]
on vibration and further details should be obtained by reference to these books, since
the theory of vibration is a well established eld.
(1) Free Vibration: Now lets consider the simple spring-mass system illustrated
in Fig. 3.7.1, where m is the mass of weight and k is the spring stiffness. Suppose that
the mass is forced downward an additional distance x and then suddenly released.
The mass would vibrate vertically up and down around the equilibrium position.
Lets assume that vertical displacement x is only allowed and horizontal movement
is restricted, such systems are called one degree of freedom systems. The conguration will be determined completely by the vertical displacement x of the weight.

Fig. 3.7.1 Free vibration of a

single degree of freedom


Vibration in Ship


If the weight is pulled to the downward position x below the equilibrium state,
an elastic force is produced on the weight by the spring. According to Newtons
principle, the product of the mass and its acceleration is equal to the spring force
acting in the reverse direction of acceleration. Thus a differential equation of motion
is obtained in the following formula:

m x = kx


k/m = 2



where x = d 2 x/dt 2
Introducing the notation
Equation (3.7.1) can be represented in the following form:

x + 2 x = 0


This equation will be satised if we assume the following general solution:

x = A cos t + B sin t


where A and B are arbitrary constants, which are determined by initial conditions.
From the above equation, we nd that the vertical motion of the weight has
a vibrating characteristic, and such a vibration without external force or damping is called free vibration. And from Eq. (3.7.2), the frequency of a vibrating
system is:


2 m
In the Eq. (3.7.5), the frequency of the system is determined only by the magnitude of mass and spring, and is independent of the magnitude of the oscillations,
therefore, the above frequency is called the natural frequency.
(2) Forced Vibration: Now lets consider a mass-spring system without damping
subjected to periodical external force P cos pt as shown in Fig. 3.7.2. The equation
of motion of this system is expressed in the form:

m x +kx = P cos pt
Or it is transformed into


cos pt
The solution of Eq. (3.7.7) is a combination of (1) a general solution, which was already given in the form of free vibration, and (2) a particular solution to Eq. (3.7.7).
To obtain the particular solution, substituting x = C cos pt into Eq. (3.7.7), we nd:

x + 2 x =


Strength Evaluation

Fig. 3.7.2 Forced vibration

of a single degree of freedom




2 p2

Then the particular solution is given in the form:


cos pt
2 p2


Finally the solution of Eq. (3.7.7) can be expressed as follows:

x = A cos t + B sin t +


2 p2

cos pt


In Eq. (3.7.10), the rst two terms indicate free vibration and the last one forced
vibration. Therefore, the motion of the mass is the combination of free vibration
whose frequency is v and forced vibration with frequency p of external
In practical cases, however, there may be some damping forces which decrease
free vibration, the rst two terms decrease with time, and the last forced vibration
term only remains in a steady condition. Now lets consider the steady condition
where free vibration has completely diminished, then the amplitude of a mass in
forced vibration is given by Eq. (3.7.10) and can be derived as follows:


Vibration in Ship




2 p2

P/m 2
1 p2 / 2
1 p2 / 2


where P/k means a static displacement of the mass and Eq. (3.7.11) can be modied
in the following form by using the notation of static displacement xst :
1 p2 / 2


The ratio a/xst gives the magnication factor of dynamic amplitude in comparison with the static deformation. If we plot the magnication factor against p/ , we
obtain the gure in Fig. 3.7.3. Figure 3.7.3 states that if p/ is near to zero, i.e.
exciting frequency is much lower than the natural frequency of the system, the amplitude of forced vibration is close to the static deection. On the contrary, as the
exciting frequency increases vibration amplitude becomes large and grows innite
when p/ = 1. Also when the exciting frequency exceeds p/ = 1, then the amplitude is reduced and converges to zero eventually. In actual situations, we know
that an innite oscillation never happens because of the presence of damping which
restricts movement of the mass.
Nevertheless, it is an important fact that the amplitude reaches a very large magnitude when the exciting frequency becomes very close to the natural frequency of
the system, i.e. p = . That phenomenon is called resonance.

Fig. 3.7.3 Resonance curve

of a single degree of freedom


Strength Evaluation

3.7.3 Vibration Problems in Ships

Although there are several exciting sources, such as propellers, main engines, auxiliary machines and wave force, which induce ship hull vibration and local structure
vibration, serious vibration problems are caused mainly by propeller and by the
main engine. As illustrated in Fig. 3.7.4, some part of the propeller exciting force
occurs experienced as a uctuating pressure acting on the outer shell plating of
the after-body above the propeller and is called the surface force,. Another part is
transmitted to the engine room double bottom structure through propeller shafting,
and resulting in bearing forces and thrust forces. Those exciting forces induced by
the propeller cause hull girder vibration, superstructure vibration, as well as local
structure vibration. Hull girder vibration means a hull exural vibration as shown in
Fig. 3.7.5.
The exciting forces of the main engine, which take the form of unbalanced moments, guide forces, guide moments and thrust uctuation of the line shafting, are
transferred from the main engine bed or from the thrust block to the engine room
double bottom and may nally induce hull girder vibration or superstructure vibration.
The above vibrations due to propeller or the main engine are steady vibrations,
while another type of vibration, such as whipping and springing of hull girders, may
be induced transiently by wave forces. A whipping vibration represents a transient
hull girder response created by the impact force of slamming. A springing vibration
is a constant hull girder vibration in a rather calm sea, which is induced by the
resonance between hull girder natural frequency and higher-order frequencies of
the ocean waves.

Fig. 3.7.4 Overview of ship vibration


Vibration in Ship


Fig. 3.7.5 Hull girder exural vibration

3.7.4 Vibration Prevention Design

To prevent vibration in a ship, we have to design structures in such a way as to
avoid resonance or to restrain the vibration amplitude of the structure to below the
allowable limit. This is done by estimating the vibration magnitude in the resonance
condition in the case where resonance in the designed structure cannot be avoided.
(1) Avoiding Resonance: In the case where the natural frequency of a structure
coincides with the exciting frequency of the external force, the structure will experience severe vibration in resonance. Therefore, to prevent a vibration problem, the
structure should be design so as to avoid resonance.
The design concept for avoiding resonance is achieved by the following
(1) Establish the resonance frequency ranges for the exciting source: For
instance, with a propeller of 6 blades rotating at 100 rpm (revolution per minute),
the principal order of resonance frequency is:


Strength Evaluation

6 100 = 600 cpm

where cpm indicates a unit of cycle per minute.
Using a safety factor of 1.2, the target range of avoiding resonance is:
600/1.2 1.2 600 = 500 720 cpm
(2) Design a structure whose natural frequency is less or greater than the
resonance range: It is seldom that the natural frequency of the designed structure is
lower than the range, since such a design brings excessive exibility to the structure
due to low rigidity, even if the structure doesnt resonate from any exciting forces.
Hence, in general, a higher natural frequency of the structure, than the range should
be aimed for.
The avoiding resonance design method is so convenient that it is often used
in actual design stages, since we have only to examine the natural frequency of the
structure once the exciting frequency is determined. This design method can be used
under the following conditions:
The exciting frequency or order of force is clearly known.
The resonance peak of the structure is sharp and steep.
The natural frequency of the structure can be accurately estimated.
(2) Vibration Response Estimation: If resonance between the structure and the
exciting frequency cannot be avoided, a different design method is alternatively
adopted, in which the structural response to the exciting force is estimated. In this
design process, rstly the vibration amplitude or vibration stress of the structure
resulting from the force is calculated by a suitable method, secondly this value is
examined to check whether it satises the allowable limit or not. The design of the
structure is then accepted when the estimated response is satisfactory.
Judgment on whether the design is valid or not is very dependent on the accuracy
of vibration calculation, because the response estimation method is available only
Mass, stiffness and damping of the structure are properly evaluated.
Magnitude of the exciting force is accurately calculated.
Consequently, both highly advanced analysis techniques and much practical shipbuilding experience is necessary when applies the above sophisticated estimation
method to actual designs.

3.8 Selection of Strength Analysis Method

3.8.1 Introduction
In this article, several analysis methods utilized in ship structure design are explained,
because strength analysis is essential for the integrity of a designed structure. In or-

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