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Kratr: Beste Grsu

Aratrmac: Evrim Doan

rencilik yllarmda atlaslar ok severdim. Fiziki
haritalar, idari haritalar ok ilgimi ekerdi. Trkiyeyi,
Dnyay, denizleri, dalar inceler dururdum. Sonra yol haritalaryla tantm. Haritaya bakarak yn,
menzili bulmak, bana hep bir hikayeyi okuyup sonra
onu sahnelemek, deneyimlemek gibi grnmtr.
Fiziki haritalarda, sar renkle gsterilen llere bakp
zlr, yeil alanlar yani ormanlar grnce memnuniyet duyarm. dari haritalarda, snrlar doal olmayp, yaygn tabirle cetvelle izilmi gibi dmdz
olan lkeler namna zlrm.
Konumum gerei Beyolunun tarih ve yeni haritalarn binlerce kez inceledim. mrm geirdiim
semtlerin, mahallelerin haritas ile gerek grntleri hafzamda i ie geti. ok garip, zihnimde,
Beyolunun 1/1 lekli, yani Beyoluyla ayn byklkte bir harita tayorum. Beyolu Haritalar Ser-

gisi, ilemizi tarihsel, mimari, ada ve daha birok
nitelikleri itibariyle bir btn olarak grme frsat
Her harita, hazrlan amacndan farkl veriler elde
etmek zere okunabilir. Haritaya girdiniz mi, en
azndan birok tahmin yrtrsnz. Yol haritasndan, ekonomik duruma dair ipucu; siyasi haritadan,
tarihsel veri; fiziki haritadan, gayrimenkul yatrm
tyosu alabilirsiniz. Beyolu Haritalar Sergisinin de
benzer ekilde bilgi ieren, ufuk genileten, zihin
aan fonksiyonlar olacandan kukum yok.
Bata Beyolu Bellei alma grubu ve belediyemizin harita numarataj birimi olmak zere, sergiye
emei geen herkese tebrik ve teekkrlerimi sunuyorum.
Ahmet Misbah Demircan
Beyolu Belediye Bakan

I fancied atlases when I was a student. Geographical

maps, political maps sparked my interest. I continuously examined Turkey, the world, seas and mountains.
Then I met road maps. Finding a route, place by looking at a map has always seemed to me as if to read a
story and then to perform, experience it. On the geographical maps the deserts shown by yellow colour sadden me while the green fields indicating forests arouse
happiness. Looking at political maps I feel unhappy for
those countries with unnatural borders, in a more common saying those with linnear borders as if drawn with
a ruler.
As a requirement of my position, I examined historical
and new maps of Beyoglu a thousand times. The maps
and the real views of the districts, places where I have
spent my life intertwined. Interesting but, I carry a 1/1
scale map of Beyoglu, thus its actual size, in my mind.
Beyoglu maps exhibition, offers us the opportunity to

see our district as a whole with its historical, architectural, contemporary and many other aspects. Every map
can be read in the way to obtain data different from its
preparation purpose. When you open a map, at least
you compute many guesses. It is possible to get a hint on
the economical condition from a road map; historical
data from a political map; real estate investment idea
from a geographical map. I have no doubt that Beyoglu
maps exhibition would generate similar functions in the
way to provide information, broaden vision and illuminate minds.
I would like to extend my foremost congratulations and
thanks to Beyolu Memory work group and mapping
numbering team of our municipality as well as everyone
who contributed in the exhibition.
Ahmet Misbah Demircan
Mayor of Beyolu

Beyolunun haritalanmas ilk balarda stanbul haritalar iinde sz konusudur. stanbulun ilk harita izimleri ise
stanbula gelen yabanc seyyahlar tarafndan yaplmtr.
Seyyahlar gezdikleri grdkleri yerleri yazlaryla anlattklar
kadar kentin tarihsel topografyasn gsteren harita, izim,
plan ve gravrlerle de gstermilerdir. Bunlardan biri olan
talyan Seyyah Buendelmonti Yunanca renmek iin gittii Rodos Adasnda sekiz yl geirdikten sonra, alt yl boyunca Ege Adalarn dolat. Gezilerini anlatt Liber insularum archipelagi balkl Latince seyahatnamesi dnda,
grd yerlerin kendi eliyle izilmi planlar vardr. 15. yy
ve sonrasnda geni evrelerce okunan bu popler eserin
ok sayda yazma nshas bulunmaktadr. Gezileri srasnda Konstantinopolise ve Galata-Peraya urayan Buondelmonti, bu yerleri de seyahatnamesine dahil etmitir. Ziyaret
ettii dnmede Bizansbakenti olan Constantinopolisinsurlarn,Hippodromu, bellibal stunlarn, saraylarn, kiliselerini ve sarnlarn eserinde ksaca tarif eder. 1422de izdii
Konstantinopolis ve Peray gsteren gravrde blgeyi evreleyen burlarla desteklenmi mazgal dili surlar ve en st
noktada Galata Kulesini grmek mmkndr. Blgenin dnda herhangi bir yaplama yoktur; dolaysyla da bu kesim
bo braklmtr. Blgenin iinde Galatay e ayran ve ara
kaplar kapandnda bu blgeleri bamsz birimlere dntren i surlar vardr.
Vavassorenin kubak Constatinople grnm, yaymland yzyldan itibaren klasikleerek 19.yzyla kadar stanbul haritalarna ekil veren bir tr ablon nitelii kazanmtr. Tarihi yarmada skdar kylarndan resmedilmi, kuzey
yn douya gelecek ekilde izilmitir. Fatihten sonra
stanbulun bilinen en eski haritalarndan biridir.
Avusturyal oryantalist Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (17741856),Osmanl Tarihiadl kapsaml eserinde, stanbulun tarihsel topografyasn, Osmanl mparatorluunun Avrupa,
Asya ve Afrikadaki varln veya Osmanl tarihinin sembolik
olaylarn (Kosova, Nibolu, Ankara, Varna, Belgrad savalar,
Viyana kuatmas vb) aktaran Kauffer ve Hellertin haritalarna yer vermitir.

Kaufferin plan ise yeni bir balangtr denilebilir. 18. yzyl sonu ve 19. yzyl bandaki kent yerlemesinin niteliini
Tanzimatn ilan ile balayan deiimin kentsel boyutlu uygulamalarn, kent siluetini deitiren antsal yaplarn dalmn, yeni mahalleleri, yerleim yerlerini gsteren nemli bir
1870 Byk Pera Yangn (Beyolu Harik-i Kebiri), verdii
olaanst zararn yannda yangn sigortaclnn geliimi
asndan da nemli bir dnm noktasdr. Yangndan sonra
Beyolu kagir binalarla ve yangn nizamlarna uygun olarak
yeniden ina edilmi ve bu yeniden yaplanma, yangn sigortacl, yangn yerlerinin planlanmas, yangna duyarl
inaat koullarnn yerleiklemesi ve itfaiyenin kurumsallamas asndan da nemli gelimelere yol amtr. Yabanc
sigorta irketleri stanbulda ube am, kentin yangn riskini gsteren haritalarn izimini stlenmitir. Charles Edward
Goad, 1904-1906 yllar arasnda, merkezi Londrada bulunan
irketine Kadky, Pera, Galata ve Eminn civarna ilikin izimler yaptrmtr.
stanbulun hemen hemen tamamn kapsayan ikinci harita almas, Goadun giriiminin bir devam olarak, Trkiye
Sigortaclar Daire-i Merkeziyesi adna stanbul Saint-Joseph
Fransz Lisesinde eitim gren Hrvat asll Jacques Pervititch tarafndan 1922-1945 yllar arasnda yaplmtr. Semtlerin eski halini gsteren haritalar, stanbulun betonarme
yaplamadan nceki durumunu olduu kadar, 1950de giriilen yeni imar almalaryla alan caddeler ve yklan binalardan nceki ehir dokusunu ve bugn isimleri deien
birok sokan eski adlarn iaret etmektedir. 1945 ylna dek
sren Pervititch izimleri, Beikta, Beyazt, skdar, Kadky,
Taksim, Beyolu, Eminn gibi alanlar kapsamaktadr. AXAOyak Arivinden kan Pervititch haritalarnn ukurcumay
gsteren 32 nolu paftasnda, topografn el yazsyla, plann
devam iin Suat Nirven tarafndan izilen 32Aya ynlendirme yapmas, bir bakma kendi almalarna Gzel Sanatlar
Akademisinden 1932 ylnda mezun olan Suat Nirven tarafndan devam edildiini iaret etmektedir. Bu balamda,
Goad, Pervititch ve Suat Nirven paftalarnn birbirlerinin devam olduu sylenebilir.

1930lu yllarda, yeni mlki tekilatn yani kaza, nahiye, mahalle taksimatlarnn halk tarafndan renilmesi iin belediye meclisleri tarafndan onaylanarak baslan ehir rehberleri,
ayrntl planlar da iermitir.
Ticaretin youn olduu modern stanbulun ehresini bize
sunan paftalarn 1950li yllardaki temsilcisinin de Blent
Tuvalo olduu sylenebilir. O dnemde, ehir rehberlerini
hazrlayan en tannm sima, svire asll aratrmac Ernest
Mamboury (1878-1953) idi.
Mamboury, stanbulun bilhassa Bizans dnemi eski eserleri hakkndaki yaynlar ile tannm amatr bir aratrmacs
olduktan baka stanbulun en etrafl seyyah rehberini hazrlam bir yazardr. Mamboury 1909da izinli olarak geldii stanbuldan bir daha ayrlamad. Burada bir taraftan eski
eserleri incelerken bir taraftan da stanbulun yalboya ve
akuarel olarak manzara resimlerini yapt.
Mambourynin stanbul iin en nemli hizmeti, ncekilerden ok stn olan seyyah rehberleri oldu. lk rehberi 1925
ylnda Franszca olarak yaymland (Constantinople, guide
touristique, st.,1925). Byk bir emek rn olan 565 sayfalk cilt iinde, stanbulun corafyas, tarihi, sanat, etnorafyas tantldktan baka, turistler iin gerekli bilgiler veriliyordu. Kitabn ayn yl eski harflerle Trkesi de (stanbul
Rehber-i Seyyahin, st., 1925) basld.
Seyyahlarn hazrlad gravrler, haritalar ve byk yangnlardan sonra bir sektr halinde gelien yangn ve sigorta haritacl kentin toporafik geliimini gstermede gnmze kadar nemli aralar olmulardr. Belediyelerin u anda
kullandklar kadastral , numarataj, ortofoto ve hali hazr haritalar farkl ihtiyalara cevap vermektedir.
Kadastral harita, bir blgedeki tm emlan (arsa ve binalarn) haritasdr ve kadastro kaytlarnn parasdr. Tapu dairesindeki kaytl mlklerin konumu ve snrlarn resm kant
saylr. Haritada arsalarn snrlar ve kayt numaralar, belediye snrlar, binalar ve arazinin kullanm amac kaydedilebilir.
Ortofoto harita, zerine harita kenar bilgileri, gridler, e
ykseklik erileri, yer ve mevki isimleri ve benzerikartografik bilgilerin eklendii ortofoto grntlere verilen isimdir.
Resimlerdeki eiklik etkileri ve ykseklik farklarndan (rlyef kayma) ileri gelen hatalarn giderilmesi ile elde edilen

ortofoto grntler zerine e ykseklik erileri, ykseklik

bilgileri, harita kenar bilgileri de eklenmek suretiyle elde
edilen, ortofoto grnt paracklarnn birletirilmesiyle
standart veya rastgele leklerde retilen foto haritadr. Ortofoto haritalarn retiminde, zel kartografik ilemler olarak
fotografik kenar zenginletirmesi, renk ayrm ya da bunlarn
bir kombinasyonu gibi birleik ilemler de uygulanabilir.
Hlihazr Harita iinde bulunulan durumu gsteren haritaanlamna gelir. Hlihazr Haritada nirengi, RS noktalar, poligon noktalar, binalar, binalarn kat adedi, yollar, kaldrmlar,
sokaklar, yol ve sokak dnda kalan yerlere ait ykseklik erileri, aalar, elektrik direkleri, ada ve parsel snrlar ve numaralar vb. allan alanda bulunan her ey gsterilir. Hlihazr
Haritalar, 1/2500 ve Daha Byk lekli Harita ve Planlarnn Yapm Ynetmelii esaslarna gre 1/1000 veya 1/2000
lekli olarak yaplr. Ksaca tanmlamak gerekirse, belediyelerin yapaca teknik hizmetlerin proje planlamas, tasarm
almalar, uygulamas ve iletmesi, imar plan ve yukarda
belirtilen dier projelerin gereklemesi amacylabelediyelerceveyaller Bankasnca yaptrlan byk lekli haritalara
Hlihazr Harita denilir.
DADELEN, rfan (Yay. Haz.), Charles Eduard Goadun stanbul Sigorta Haritalar, stanbul: stanbul Bykehir Belediye Bakanl Ktphane ve Mzeler Mdrl, 2007
Dnden Bugne stanbul Ansiklopedisi, (stanbul: Trkiye
Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakf, 1993-96)
Kauffer, Franois (Doan Kuban) 4: 492-493
Mamboury, Ernest, (Semavi Eyice) 5: 283-285
GVEN, Murat, Pervititich Haritalar: stanbul iin Bitmemi
Bir Aratrma Projesi, (Sigorta Haritalarnda stanbul Jacques
Pervititich iinde), stanbul: Axa Oyak , 2000
YETKN KUBLAY, Aye, stanbul Haritalar 1422-1922, stanbul: Denizler Kitabevi , 2010
Elektronik Kaynaklar:
AKIN, Nur, Galata ve Beyolu Haritalar zerinden Baz Deerlendirmeler,
Dnemin Toporaf ve Haritaclarna Dair

Mapping of Beyoglu had initially been included within the maps of
Istanbul. Whereas the first stanbul maps were drawn by the foreign
travelers who visited the city. The travellers described the places they
had seen in written texts as well as showing the historical topography of the city in maps, drawings, plans and engravings. One of
these travelers, Italian Buendelmonti stayed in Rhodes for 8 years for
the purpose of learning Greek and toured the islands in the Aegean
sea during the next six years. In addition to his travel book in Latin
called Liber insularum archipelagi, there are also the plans of the
places he visited which were drawn by himself. There are many manuscripts of this popular work which was read by a wide range of people in 15th Century and thereafter. During his tours, Buondelmonti,
visited also Contantinopolis and Galata Pera and included them
in his travel book. He shortly described the city walls, Hippodrome
square, important columns, palaces, churches and cisterns of Constantinopolis which was the capital of Byzantium during the period
he travelled. In his engraving dated 1422 of Constantinopolis and
Pera, it is possible to see the toothed walls of battlements and Galata
tower at the top. There were no structuring out of the district therefore this area had been left empty. There were inner walls within the
district which divides Galata into three which became independent
areas when the intermediary doors were closed.
The birds eye view of Constantinopolis of Vavassore had become a
classic from the time it was drawn until 19th century and almost accepted as a template for Istanbul maps. The historical peninsula was
drawn as seen from Uskudar bank and in the way that the North side
lay in the east side. This is one of the oldest maps known of Istanbul
after Fatih - the conqueror.
The detailed work of Austrian orientalist Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856), named Ottoman History, included the maps of
Kauffer and Hellert which conveyed the historical topography of
Istanbul, the existence of Ottoman Empire in Europe, Asia and Africa or the symbolic events of Ottoman History (such as the wars and
battles held in Kosovo, Nicopolis, Ankara, Varna, Belgrade and Siege
of Vienna etc).
On the other hand Kauffers drawings can be accepted as a new milestone. It is an important map showing the structure of the establishment of the city at the end of 18th Century and the beginning

of 19th Century, urban achievements of the changes launched by

the Tanzimat reform era, dispersion of the monumental structures
which changed the silhouette of the city, new districts and habitations.
In the 19th century when modernism had acceleration, a period
that Istanbul often faced fires, those who had a leading effect
on the changing of Istanbul had adopted various precaution
models for this disaster especially after the fire in Beyoglu in
1870. Foreign insurance companies had opened branch offices
in Istanbul and committed to draw the maps showing the places
with high fire risk in the city. Charles Edward Goad, between
1904-1906, charged his office in London with making drawings
on Kadky, Pera, Galata and Eminn areas.
The second mapping work which covered almost all Istanbul, as
a follow-through of Goads approach, had been achieved between 1922 and 1945 in the name of Turkey Insurers Center by
Jacques Pervititch of Croatia origin who studied at St Joseph
Feench High School. Maps showing the former status of the districts, not only indicates the status of Istanbul before the concrete
structuring but also the urban texture before the opening of new
avenues and collapsed buildings in terms of the new construction works carried out in 1950 and the former names of many
streets which have new names today. Pervititch drawings which
had been endured until 1945 covered Beikta, Beyazt, skdar,
Kadky, Taksim, Beyolu, Eminn areas. On the 32th section of
Pervititch maps found in the AXA-Oyak Archive showing ukurcuma District, the topograph by hand writing refers to section
32A drawn by Suat Nirven for the continuation of the plan; a fact
which proves that Suat Nirven who graduated from the Faculty
of fine arts in 1932, suceeded his work. In this context it is possible to claim that the sections of Goad, Pervititch and Suat Nirven
consecuted one another.
In 1930s new city guides, published by municipal councils in order to allow public to learn the new establishment, thus division
of new towns, boroughs, districts also included detailed plans.
It is possible to say that the representative of the map sections
which presents us the face of modern Istanbul with busy commerce in 1950 is Blent Tuvalo. In that period, the most well
known name who prepared the city guides was the Swiss researcher Ernest Mamboury (1878-1953).

Mamboury, as well as being an amateur researcher known

especially for his publishings on the Byzantium period relics,
was also a writer who wrote the most detailed travel guide of
Istanbul. Mamboury came to Istanbul in 1909 off duty but he
couldnt leave. While he was analyzing the relics, at the same
time he also made oil and acuarel paintings of Istanbul views.
The most important service of Mamboury for Istanbul was the
travel guides which were incomparably better than the previous ones. His first travel guide was published in 1925 in French.
(Constantinople, guide touristique, st.,1925). This volume, a
work of great endeavor of 565 page not only introduced geography, history, art, ethnography of stanbul but also provided
useful information for the tourists. The Turkish version of the
book was also published with old letters in the same year. (stanbul Rehber-i Seyyahin, st., 1925).
The engravings and maps drawn by the travellers, fire and insurance mapping which had been emerged as a sector after big
fires have been very important means to indicate the topographic development of the city until today. The current cadastral,
numbering and orthophotographical maps used by the municipalities answer different needs.
The cadastral map is the map of all estates (plots and buildings)
in an area and form a part of the cadastral records. It is accepted as the official proof of the location of the estates and borders recorded at the land registry office. The map may indicate
the borders and record numbers of the plots, borders of the municipalities and the usage purposes of the buildings and plots.
Orthophotopraphical map, is the name given to ortographical
views on which cartographical information such as map side
information, grids, contours, place and region names are added.
It is a photo map produced in standard or random scales by
combining orthophoto view pieces and created by adding equivalent height curves , height information, map side information
on orthophoto views obtained by removing the errors caused
by the inclinity effects and height difference (relief deviation)

in the pictures . In the production of orthographical maps, it is

possible to use special cartographic processes such as photographic side enrichment, color differentiation or combined processes which is the combination of these processes.(Wikipedia)
Base map means the map which shows the current status. Base
map shows everything included in the worked area such as
triangulation, RS points, poligon points, buildings, number of
storeys in a building, roads, pavements, streets, height curves of
places outside the roads and streets, trees, lampposts, borders
and numbers of islands and parcels. Base maps are produced in
1/1000 or 1/2000 scales in accordance with the articles of Production regulation of Maps with 1/2500 argeror bigger scales.
As a summary, Base Map is a large scale map produced by the
order of municipalities or provincial bank for project planning
of technical services to be done by municipalities, studying,
application and management of designs, zoning and other
projects cited above.
DADELEN, rfan (Yay. Haz.), Charles Eduard Goadun stanbul
Sigorta Haritalar, stanbul: stanbul Bykehir Belediye Bakanl Ktphane ve Mzeler Mdrl, 2007
Dnden Bugne stanbul Ansiklopedisi, (stanbul: Trkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakf, 1993-96)
Kauffer, Franois (Doan Kuban) 4: 492-493
Mamboury, Ernest, (Semavi Eyice) 5: 283-285
GVEN, Murat, Pervititich Haritalar: stanbul iin Bitmemi Bir
Aratrma Projesi, (Sigorta Haritalarnda stanbul Jacques Pervititich iinde), stanbul: Axa Oyak , 2000
YETKN KUBLAY, Aye, stanbul Haritalar 1422-1922, stanbul: Denizler Kitabevi , 2010
Elektronic Resource:
AKIN, Nur, Galata ve Beyolu Haritalar zerinden Baz Deerlendirmeler,
Dnemin Toporaf ve Haritaclarna Dair http://www.obarsiv.


Buendelmonti, stanbul gravr, 1420 / Atatrk Kitapl

Buendelmonti, Istanbul engraving, 1420 /Atatrk Library

Fatih stanbulu 1453-1481 senesinde Arkeolojik ve Topografik Harita / Atatrk Kitapl

Istanbul in Fatih Period , In the years between 1453-1481 Archeological and topoghraphic map / Atatrk Lbrary



Sebastian Munster (1488-1552), Cosmografie Universalis (940-941), Latince versiyon, Basel: 1550 /Catothque
de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Sebastian Munster (1488-1552), Cosmografie Universalis (940-941), Latin version, Basel: 1550 /Catothque de lInstitut Franais
dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)


Vavassore, stanbul ve Pera, 16. Yzyl / Topkap Saray Mzesi

Vavassore, Istanbul ve Pera, 16th Century / Topkap Palace Museum


Jaspar Isac, 1654 ncesi / Catothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Jaspar Isac, before 1654 / Catothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)


Hellert , stanbul Haritas, 1836 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Hellert , Istanbul Map, 1836 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Jean Antoine Guer, stanbul Kenti ve Liman, 1746, Topkap Saray Mzesi
Jean Antoine Guer, Istanbul City and Port, 1746, Topkap Palace Museum


Franois Kauffer (?- 1802), stanbul Haritas, 1786 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Franois Kauffer (?- 1802), Istanbul Map, 1786 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)


C. Stolpe, stanbul Plan, 1882 / Alman Arkeoloji Enstits

C. Stolpe, Plan de Constantinople, 1882 / German Archeological Institute



R. Huber, Galata, Pera, Taksim, Pangalt, Feriky Plan, 1887 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
R. Huber, Plan of Galata, Pera, Taksim, Pangalt, Feriky, 1887 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Joanne Rehberleri, Pera ve Galata, 1886 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Guides Joanne, Pera ve Galata, 1886 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)

Charles Eduard Goad , Pera ve Galata Plan Index, 1905 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Antoine Ignace Melling (26 Nisan1763, Karlsruhe- 25 Austos 1831, Paris), stanbul-gravr
Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)

Antoine Ignace Melling (26 April 1763, Karlsruhe- 25 August 1831, Paris), Istanbul-engraving
Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)


Antoine Ignace Melling, Tophane srtlar- gravr / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)


Antoine Ignace Melling, Tophane crests- engraving / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatol ennes (IFEA)



Hellert , stanbul Haritas, 1819 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Hellert , Istanbul Map, 1819 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Henri Prost, Pera-Galata, 1940 / Atatrk Kitapl

Henri Prost, Pera-Galata, 1940 /Atatrk Lbrary

Charles Eduard Goad ,Galata ve Pera 27, 1905 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Blent Tuvalo, Beyolu Kazas Galata Nahiyesi, 1955 /Atatrk Kitapl

Blent Tuvalo, Beyolu District Galata, 1955 / Atatrk Library

Suat Nirven, Sraselviler Galatasaray aras, 1951 / Salt Galata Arivi, Axa Sigorta izniyle
Suat Nirven, between Sraselviler - Galatasaray, 1951 / Salt Galata Archive, with the permission of Axa Sigorta


Societe Anonyme Ottomane Detudes et Denterprises Urbaines - Pera Galata Plan, 1922, /Atatrk Kitapl Atatrk Library



Mamboury, stanbul Rehberi iinde stanbul Plan, 1951 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Mamboury, stanbul Plan in Istanbul Guide, 1951 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Jaques Pervititich , Beyolu ihane Karakol, 1932 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)



Mamboury, stanbul Rehberi iinde Karaky Kprs Plan, 1951 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Mamboury, Karaky Bridge Plan in Istanbul Guide, 1951 / Cartothque de lInstitut Franais dEtudes Anatoliennes (IFEA)

Beyolu Orto Foto Harita / BB Harita Mdrl

Orthophotopraphical map



stanbul Fransz Aratrmalar Enstitsne (IFEA)
BB Harita Mdrlne
Alman Arkeoloji Enstitsne
Topkap Saray Mzesine
Atatrk Kitaplna
Axa Sigortaya
Salt Galataya
Pascal Lebouteiller ye (IFEA)
Jean - Franois Perousea (IFEA)
kr Kengi e (BB Harita Mdrl)
rfan Dadelene (Atatrk Kitapl)
Katklarndan dolay teekkrlerimizi sunarz...


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