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Extrinsic Motivation
They are motivated to either attain or avoid certain
consequences in the outside world. They tend to be
more competitive in order to get approval

From B.F. Skinner's perspective

human behaviors are those that are currently being
reinforced or have often been reinforced in the past

B.F. Skinner proposed that children learn and engage
primarily in behaviors that lead to pleasant

Primary reinforcers
Satisfy basic, built-in needs or desires. Some examples
are food and drinks, are essential for physiological

Secondary reinforcers
are consequences that children learn to appreciate the
effectiveness of any one of them will differ
considerably from one child to the next

Discriminative stimulus
a reminder that a particular response is necessary

Delay gratification
Children can forgo small, immediate reinforcers for the
more substantial consequences their long term efforts
may bring down the road.

as a consequence that decrease the frequency of the
response it follows

Various reinforcement
a child who observes a peer being reinforced for doing
something is likely to behave similarly

Vicarious punishment

a child who sees a peer being punished for a particular

behavior is unlikely to behave in that way

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