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Instructional Routines

Entering the Classroom:

1. Be greeted at the door with a smile! Students are
expected to come into class and begin their daily
appetizer. Students are responsible for retrieving
their missed work and/or returning work that needs
to be graded.
2. Be prepared to discuss the appetizer and what the
objective of the day is, have all materials ready and
with you when class starts.
3. Engage and participate in the activity or lesson each

Exiting the Classroom:

1. Students should be prepared to share and reflect on
what they learned in class.
2. Students are responsible for making sure their area is
clean and all materials are put away in the correct
3. Students need to be aware of when assignments are
due, when test will be given and when their will be
lab days. Students are expected to join our class
remind app, so they will receive reminders and
updates along with checking the posted calendar.

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