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Once again in this September and October all fifth grade students will participate in our two-day
outdoor education program at YMCA Camp Pendalouan. Please visit the school web site for information
and access the various forms under the Activities tab for Outdoor Education.

ATTEND GIVE AND TAKE at White Pines Intermediate School on
August 22 or 23. All fifth grade students will receive the Outdoor
Education Fund Raising Packet from The Goodies Factory and may
begin selling items to friends, family, and neighbors. Sell only 15
items and GO TO CAMP FREE. You can also win prizes.

The two days at YMCA Camp Pendalouan cost only $75 per student. This total cost includes
transportation, all camp activities, cabin housing, meals, and a lifetime of memories. Profits for
fundraising apply to individual student accounts. All checks should be payable to GHAPS.

TURN IN YOUR ORDER FORM AND MONEY for the items sold by Friday, September 9. All
orders and money must be turned into the homeroom teacher. We will determine any balance due for
camp by September 19. Any camp balances are due by Wednesday, September 21 (before camp).

COMPLETE THE OUTDOOR EDUCATION FORMS that you will receive the first week of school.

You can also find them on the school web site under the Activities tab and Outdoor Education. All of the
following forms must be returned to the homeroom teacher by Wednesday, September 21.
Student/Camper Health Form | High Ropes Consent Form | Medication Form

GEAR UP FOR CAMP PENDALOUAN! Follow the guidelines on the Camper Checklist (available
online) and arrange to BRING your child to school on their designated camp day. School transportation
will NOT allow luggage and camp gear to be bused to school.
Depending upon the fifth grade team your child is assigned, he/she will attend one of the following
Outdoor Education sessions at YMCA Camp Pendalouan.
September 22-23
Team 7

September 26-27 |
Teams 3,4

October 3-4
Teams 5,6

October 6-7
Teams 1,2

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