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Spi r i t Foods

By Livvy Segall
Spir it foods ar e like spir it anim als, but
instead it?s a food that r epr esents you. You
m ay be thinking: w hat the heck? You also
m ay be thinking: continue? And I know
cer tain people w ho m ay be thinking:
FOOD M UST EAT. W hatever you?r e
thinking (that?s none of my business
anyw ay), let?s begin!
1. You get to camp and none of your friends
came back. W hat do you do?
a. M eet new people
b. Hide behind a tr ash can
c. M ake fr iends w ith the CITs
d. Not car e--you can just have fun on your
ow n!
e. Plot your r evenge

Volu m e 4 | Issu e 7B
Ch eesebu r ger or Ham bu r ger ?
By Luke Pfaffm ann and Eli Gr assi
We got 34 for cheesebur ger

2. How would your friends describe you?

a. Outgoing
b. Ner dy
c. M atur e
d. Joyful
e. Passive-aggr essive
3. W hat do you like to do on the weekends?
a. Have sleepover s
b. Look at m em es
c. Go to m useum s
d. Fr olic in the sun?s r ays
e. Enjoy your self by taking aw ay the
enjoym ent of other s!
4. W hat kind of movies do you like?
a. Anything, as long as I?m seeing it w ith
fr iends.
b. W hatever ?s on Netflix
c. Docum entar ies
d. G-r ated kids?specials
e. Hor r or /dar k hum or
5. W hat?s your favorite style of cupcake?
a. Str aight-up cupcake
b. Shaped like a spaceship
c. Cupcake? I?m too healthy for those.
d. Sm iley-faces on the top

We got 17 for ham bur ger ?Because cheese is

gr oss?
We got 4 for veggie bur ger ?Because veggies
ar e differ ent?
We got 10 for neither

M ostly As: You ar e tr ail m ix! You have lots of

per sonality w ithin you, both sw eet and salty,
and of cour se, people can br ing you anyw her e!
M ostly Bs: You ar e m icr ow ave pizza! You
usually stay hidden fr om the cr ow d in the
depths of the ?fr eezer ?, but w hen som eone?s
feeling bad, you?r e r eady to help.
M ostly Cs: You ar e Br ussels spr outs! Young kids
don?t like you, and the idea of even being
ar ound you is r epulsive (and you pr obably feel
the sam e), but other m atur e people ador e you.
M ostly Ds: You ar e pur eed car r ots! You ar e
pr obably the fir st per son people call for help
(or to feed their child). You ar e the kind of
per son w ho w ill never gr ow up and alw ays
w ant to help.
M ostly Es: You ar e a ghost pepper ! You have a
spicy per sonality and alw ays w ant to inflict it
on other people, although ther e alw ays is a
select gr oup of people w ho like you the best.

How Scar ed Wer e

Fi r e dr i l l i n t er v i ew
By Hannah Rothstein
How scared were you on a
scale from 1 (no biggie) -5
(Crying and screaming)?
M olly- 5
Amy- 4
Cole- 4
Caitlyn- 5
Were you surprised? W hat
was our reaction?
M olly- Not super
sur pr ised
Amy- Jolted
How did your classmates
M olly- Good and calm
Amy- Good and calm
Cole- Pr etty sur pr ised
Caitlyn- Good (m ostly)
W hat were you in the
middle of doing when the
fire drill went off?
M olly- Washing dishes
Amy- Teaching Com ic
Gr aphic Novel
Cole- Dr aw ing a com ic
Caitlyn- Cleaning
W hat was the first
random animal you
thought of when you
heard the fire drill?
Amy- M othr a (M oth
Cole- Hyena
Caitlyn- Cheetah

You ? (2n d Sessi on )

Cl ay cl ass
On a scale of no big deal, to
mortified, how scared were you?
Annie- 2 (a little sur pr ised)
Zada- 2 (a little sur pr ised)
Hannah- 4 (shocked)
Were you surprised when it went
Zada- 2 (a little sur pr ised)
Annie- 4 ( yeah, sur pr ised)
Hannah- 6 (Definitely sur pr ised)
How did you react?
Zada- Wonder ing w hy dur ing a
fun per iod
Annie- Got in line instantly
Hannah- Jum ped in her chair
W hat were you doing when it went
Zada- Walking in r oom
Annie- Listening to teacher
Hannah- Listening to teacher
Squ ar e On e Dr am a: Kayl i e, Nor a,
Sh i r a, an d Nel l i e.
On a scale of no big deal to
mortified, how scared were you?
W hole class- 4 (shocked)
Were you surprised when it went
W hole class- 4 (yeah, sur pr ised)
How did you react?
W hole class- We jum ped
W hat were you doing when it went
W hole class- Looking at
m onologues

By t h e
Ph ot o Jou r n al i sm cl ass

Cook i n g Di sast er s
By Livvy Segall

Li sts
Ti ps on How t o be a pr o
you t u ber / get a l ot of
su bscr i ber s
By M aya Beeder s
1. Alw ays good quality
r ecor ding system s like
scr een-cast-o-m atic or
iM ovie
2. Alw ays say ?subscr ibe?
or ?like this? at the end of
your videos
3. Have a little bit of
hum or
4. Edit your videos
5. Alw ays double-check
your videos befor e you
post them
6. Don't give aw ay too
m uch per sonal info.
Tr ust m e, I?ve been ther e
befor e. Don't for get to
subscr ibe to my youtube
channel :
uniquegem 4you

Du m b t h i n gs t o do
By Addison Kane
1. Do a for w ar d r oll on
the stair s.
2. Jum p into a pile of
3. Dive into a pool one
foot deep.
4. Put your hand in a
hungr y tiger 's m outh.
5. Dr ink toilet w ater.

M y Top Ten Least

Favor i t e Qu est i on s! ! !
By Elizabeth W.
1. How old ar e you?
2.W hat ar e your favor ite
things to do?
3.W her e do you live?
4. W her e do you go to
5. W hat tow n do you live
6. Do you have a pet?
7. Do you have any
8. Is it a boy or a gir l?
9. Is it older than you or
younger than you?
10. W ho?s your best
fr iend?
Wor st questions ever. In
my opinion, I feel like
they w ant to spy on you
and asking questions is
their w ay. WOW !!!!

Raise your hand if you like to

* hundr eds of
sim ultaneously r aise their hands*
Her e I w ill tell you inter esting,
hilar ious, and destr uctive stor ies
about cooking and baking. These
stor ies ar e tr ue, fr om my ow n life.
Exploding Coffee Cake ? I decided
to m ake a coffee cake one night so
I could have it for br eakfast the
next m or ning. I m ixed the
ingr edients, put it into the oven,
baked it for the cor r ect tim e in
the r ecipe, and tested it w hen I
took it out. No cr um bs. I put the
cake on a sur face, and it
com pletely fell apar t. Little pieces
of str eusel w er e ever yw her e.
Unidentified Black Crumbs ? I
w as m aking lem on cur d one day.
I added the fir st few ingr edients,
and then I noticed that ther e
w er e little black specks in the
m ixtur e. Tur ns out, the bottom of
the pot had par tially disintegr ated
and m ixed into the cur d. The
stove w asn?t even that hot.
Liquid Frosting ? I m ade this
cake one day and I w anted to
decor ate it using fr osting. So I
m ade a butter cr eam fr osting. I
w as r ushing, spacing out, and
w atching Youtube at the sam e
tim e, so I didn?t r ead the r ecipe
car efully.

tablespoon of m ilk, I r ead cup

of m ilk . I added that, and w hen I
m ixed it, it tur ned out m or e like a
glaze. This w as a m or e successful
one than the other s, because the
glaze actually tasted good. (M aybe
because of the stick of butter that
w as unnecessar y at that point)
Find m e! Shar e your cooking
disaster s w ith m e!

A dv i ce
Heaven l y Adv i ce
By the Heavenly Angel
M y advice is the best and ever yone uses it
and if it?s good enough for the gods it?s good
enough for you. M y advice subm issions w ill
be put up outside the activity center. Please
com e get som e Heavenly Advice. I w ill
answ er all your questions about CRCAP and
w hat to do w hen you can?t think of anything
to do.
The Heavenly Angel

Ask Cooper
By Cooper the Cat
Hello guys! It?s m e again w ith m or e
questions to answ er ! So no dilly dally, let?s
answ er the daily questions!
Q: W hat is your favorite number of the
A: Pur ple
Q: M y cat is such a scaredy cat! W hat do I
do?? #ILoveCats
A: M aybe you should get r id of the ?S? and
the ?edy? then add an ?ing?.
Q: [Three blank pieces of paper]
A: ? R-r eally? Ar e you ser ious?
Alex: Well I guess w e could count these as
unr eadable and just be done w ith this.
I guess that?s a good idea. Well ever yone!
That?s it for today?s ar ticle! Rem em ber to
leave your questions outside the activity
center !

Dai l y Di d We Ask ?
By Don?t Ask Us
We?r e back w ith m or e ter r ible advice
that you pr obably shouldn?t listen to.
Anyw ays, her e w e go!
Q: How many cheerios?
A: 42, obviously.
Q: Hi You guys! Love Your article! M y
question is how can i escape my
kidnapper?? Anonymous
A: Pr etend you have a fatal, incur able,
highly contagious disease. M ake sur e to
r eally play it up! W ith any luck, your
kidnapper w ill be r unning in no tim e.
socks?? sockless
A: Yes, you m ay. They the ilver m or ny
insignia on them , and they ar e also ver y
fluffy. Enjoy!
Q: I know where you live til-til ->:?)
A: Tillie isn?t her e at the m om ent, but for
her sake r ather than our s, as m uch as w e
w ould like to get r id of her , w e?d like to
ask you to please not hur t her. Plus, w e
know w ho you ar e, and w e know that
you?r e living w ith her r ight now :).
Q: M ystic
A: C: Even though I am on team mystic, I
think that all team s ar e am azing in their
ow n w ay, and ther e should not be a
conflict about w hich is better. K: Agr eed!
N: That?s actually good advice! K:
Per haps the only good advice w e?ve ever
given, but then again, ther e w as that one
thing last year ?
Q: W ill you marry me?? Pusheen (there is
also a heart and a ?paw signature?)
A: I thought w e w er e alr eady m ar r ied?
Did som ething happen?
That?s all for now ! Keep subm itting to
Don?t Ask Us, w e?ll alw ays answ er , but w e
can?t pr om ise good answ er s. Bye!

W h o ar e you ? qu i z
By Alyssa Gondelm an
W hat is your name?
A. Lyla
B. M ay
C. Walker
W hat is your favorite color?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Br ow n
Do you like this camp?
A. Yes
B. M aybe
C. No
W hat is your favorite ice cream
A. Chocolate
B. Vanilla
C. Str aw ber r y
Is this the best camp ever?
A. Yes
B. M aybe
C. No
If you chose m ostly As, you love
cam p
If you chose m ostly Bs, you like
cam p but it is not the best cam p ever
If you chose m ostly Cs, you don't like
cam p and you pr obably don't w ant
to com e back to cam p

W h at m on st er ar e
you ?
By the Fluffy
M onster
W here would you
1. Egypt
2. Tr ansylvania
3. Space
W hat do you do in
your free time?
1. Sleep
2. Avoid gar lic
3. Play
W hat part of the body
do you most like?
1. Or gans
2. Blood
3. Skin
M ostly 1 you ar e a
M um my
M ostly 2 you ar e a
Vam pir e
M ostly 3 you ar e an
M ONSTERS!!!!!!!!

Bi ggest t h i n gs ever
By Ryan Kane
Her e is a list of things
that ar e r eally big and
how big they ar e.
Biggest book ever - 5 by 7
feet and w eighs 133
Biggest motorcycle ever 11 feet tall and w eighs
about 6,500 pounds!
Biggest pencil ever - 76
feet long and w eighs
21,500 pounds!
Biggest piata ever - 59
feet tall and holds 8,000
pounds of candy!
Biggest burger ever Costs $379 and w eighs
129 pounds!
Biggest cake ever - 23
feet tall and w eighs
25,000 pounds!
Ok that?s som e of the
biggest things ever !!!!
Sour ce:
http://w w /

Red Sox Lose t o Can o?s Hom er

By Cole Tom etsko
Red Sox and M ar iner s in Seattle for the 2nd gam e in this 4 gam e ser ies. David Pr ice w as on
the m ound for the Red Sox going up against Wade LeBlanc of the M ar iner s, I agr ee w ith a lot
of people that that w as a good pitching lineup. In the bottom of the 1st inning, David Or tiz gets
an RBI double to br ing hom e Dustin Pedr oia and David Or tiz tied M ickey M antle on the all
tim e hits list w ith 2,415. In the 4th, still 1-0 Red Sox, Hanley Ram ir ez goes deep for a solo
hom e r un and the scor e w as 2-0 Red Sox. That Got m e up and r unning, thinking they w ould
have a w in. But in the 8th, now 4-0 Red Sox, her e com es the M ar iner s. A M ar iner s solo shot
and an RBI single m ade it 4-2. A few batter s later , Robinson Cano deliver s a 3 r un hom e r un to
put the M ar iner s ahead 5-4 and that w as the final. I com pletely for got that Cano w as on the
M ar iner s. I felt disappointed. Fer nando Abod m ade his Red Sox debut that day and w as
r esponsible for the Cano hom e r un.

Di ep.i o St r at egi es Par t 2

By Lleyton D.L. W ing
Continuation from previous part:
Onto ACTUAL str ategy. For the Octo, I r ecom m end going thr ough Tw in Flank instead of Quad
Tank, it is easier to get points. If you ar e going for Penta or Tr iplet (Tr iplet is slightly better ),
r em ain a Tw in until lvl 45, as the Tr iple-Shot has slow er r eload and has NO aim . The Booster
class is know n for M elee builds, w hich have full Health Regener ation, M ax Health, Body
Dam age, and M ovem ent Speed. The r em aining five points ar e usually put into r eload, m aking
the tank faster.
-The Hybr id is one of the best classes in the gam e, because of its lar ge bullets. It is bad at
r ange, so don?t get too close in com bat w ith it.
-The Over lor d is pr etty m uch the best class in the gam e. As long as the player keeps their
?dr ones? close to them , they?r e fine. I?ve easily taken dow n m any Full-Health body r am m er s
w ho thought they could m ake the best of m e, w ith full bullet speed. Best build for this is
pr obably 3/4/0/7/7/7/0/3 (look above for or der of stats).
-The Necr om ancer can be r eally good if you use it cor r ectly. M ost player s just send their
dr ones after their tar get, but usually they ar e destr oyed, leaving you vulner able if ther e no
squar es in your r adius. You should quickly tur n your dr ones ar ound and r ight click, sending
them in an ar c patter n at your enemy. Then let go of r ight-click, and sur r ound the enemy w ith
your squar es. RIP.
-Oh yeah, the E button helps, as this can r elax your hand, and it helps w ith far m ing.
-Octos ar e good for far m ing, but don?t use it in FFA, as ther e is no safe place. I w ould
r ecom m end to not go to Tr iple Tw in, as it has less bullet penetr ation and less health than the
Tw in Flank, w hich only has 4 guns instead of 6. (Tr ust m e, it?s w or th the tw o less cannons.)
-The center of the m ap is full of pentagons (130 points each) and a sem i-r ar e Alpha Penta
(3000 points) Ther e ar e also tr iangle food, giving 35(?) points, and squar es w hich give you 10
points, but ar e m uch m or e com m on.
-One r eally good str ategy for m e is a LvL 45 Basic Tank, w hich is actually r eally good. Go for a
Flank Guar d is pr etty m uch a Basic tank, except a slightly w eaker gun is attached to the back,
m aking it r elatively better , but less know n. A lvl 45 Sniper w ith m ax Reload and Bullet Speed
is good, as it fir es fast, pow er ful bullets at a slightly low er r eload. Befor e the Spr ayer , a lvl 45
M achine Gun is also r eally good, but the extr a gun helps slightly, even though you lose som e
bullet penetr ation. Pr etty m uch any level 15 tank at lvl 45 kills (except Tw in, Tr iplet, Tw in
Flank, etc. is better.)
-If you becom e a body r am m er and w ait to lvl 30 as a Basic Tank, you get to choose a Sm asher
class, w hich has HEAVY r am m ing abilities. It can upgr ade to a M egaSm asher , w hich has even
HIGHER dam age, and a Landm ine, w hich can tur n invisible, but r em em ber to tur n auto-fir e
-Som etim es, w hen in a Team DM base, the Hunter and its upgr ades w or k w ith the Auto-spin
(C), because it has alm ost no r ecoil, w hich pushes the tank ar ound. Pr essing C w ith the
Over seer , Over lor d, M anager , and Necr om ancer w ith autofir e on spins the dr ones ar ound you
in a decent cir cle.
-If you go near the center of the m ap, ther e ar e these pink tr iangles that ar e AI contr olled.
Bullet-Spam m er s easily take these out, be car eful if you have low r eload and/or health.
-In Dom inator m ode, use Tr apper s to your advantage w hen shielding your self fr om the
Dom inator ?s bullets.
-M other ships ar e har d to get contr ol of. You have to be the fir st per son in a ser ver to contr ol it,
and you have lim ited tim e to do it as w ell. M y tip for that is as soon as you load a M other ship
gam e, hit the TAB button four tim es, as this w ill quickly cycle the gam e m odes thr ough.

I Fi n i sh ed ?St r an ger Th i n gs,?an d oh boy, do I

Have Som e Feel i n gs Abou t I t
By Nina Kahn
* it should be noted that ther e m ight be a
season 2, but Netflix hasn?t confir m ed it yet.
I w asn?t expecting to have so m any feelings
about a TV show , but her e I am .
As you m ay know , I r ecently star ted
w atching the new Netflix or iginal ser ies,
?Str anger Things,? a hor r or /sci fi show about
the disappear ance of a young boy in a sm all
Indiana tow n. It quickly becam e one of my
favor ite show s ever , and since you, r eader ,
have seen it too, chances ar e you felt the sam e.
Yester day, I finished it. And let m e tell you, the
finale pr obably took 30 year s off my life. I
don?t think I?ve been that str essed about a
show since the ending of ?How I M et Your
M other ,?w hich w e all know w as a tr ainw r eck .
But, back to ?Str anger Things.? I?m gonna be
discussing my M ANY thoughts about this
season and som e theor ies I have about season
2. Let?s go!
-?Str anger Things? is definitely one of my
favor ite show s now. It could be up ther e w ith
?Gilm or e Gir ls,?w hich if you know m e, is super
high pr aise. I love ?Gilm or e Gir ls?a lot.
-These actor s ar e like, 12 year s old. HOW DO
-M y favor ite char acter s ar e Eleven, M ike, and
Dustin (but El?s my all-tim e fave, let?s be r eal)
-As the AV Club says in their ar ticle, Dustin is
alw ays r ight.
-W inona Ryder is per fection, and I r eally hope
this show is her com eback .
-I don?t think I?ve ever been so attached to a
gr oup of char acter s so quickly. The char acter s
in the show ar e incr edibly w ell-w r itten and I
felt like they w er e like, my fr iends. I don?t
know how to explain it, I just r eally love the
char acter s a lot
-As I?ve said befor e, the ~aesthetic gam e~ is
super str ong.
-If you didn?t know , the actor w ho plays Dustin
(Gaten M atar azzo), can sing. Ther e?s a
BuzzFeed ar ticle about it, and oh my lor d, does
this kid have pipes. This isn?t r elevant to the
actual show , but I thought I?d include it
anyw ay.
-We need to addr ess the elephant in the r oom :

Eleven. I felt like this w ould happen, but I didn?t

w ant to be r ight. Som e fans say she?s gone for ever
after she sacr ificed her self to stop the m onster ,
and that Hopper putting the Eggos in that cache is
a m em or ial for her. I say differ ent. Though I?m
not sur e w her e El is, I think she?s either still alive
or is going to com e back in season 2. She m ight be
in the Upside Dow n like W ill w as (or should I say,
is), she m ight be hiding in the w oods w her e the
cache w as, w ho know s? The Duffer Br other , the
cr eator s/pr oducer s of ?Str anger Things?, said that
they w anted to keep it am biguous, so it could
r eally go either w ay her e. How ever , I?m still
low key devastated. SHE AND M IKE W ERE GOING
-Poor W ill Byer s can?t catch a br eak, can he? He
spends a w eek in the hellish Upside Dow n, then
as soon as he is r escued and r etur ns hom e, w e see
him vom it a str ange slug-like goop into the sink as
the bathr oom flashes into the alter nate
dim ension. Do you r em em ber ?the acr obat and
the flea?? Well, now W ill is the flea, able to sw itch
betw een dim ensions. Yikes. M y m om noted that
since he w ashed the goop dow n the sink, it could
contam inate the w ater system of Haw kins and
spr ead the Upside-Dow n-ness thr ough the tow n.
Hm m m , inter esting. Also, m any other char acter s
have been in the Upside Dow n (Joyce, Hopper ,
and Nancy), so could they be affected to? I guess
w e have to w ait until the next season, if ther e w ill
be one.
-W hat?s going on w ith Hopper ? Those shady
gover nm ent m en appr oached him in the end of
the episode, so m aybe w e?ll lear n m or e about the
Haw kins lab in the next season. Is Hopper using
them to find out m or e about El or the
exper im ents the lab did?
-Listen, I don?t like Steve. He?s kind of a jer k . His
hair style is tr agic. But it m ust have been pr etty
confusing w hen he found Nancy and Jonathan
w ith guns and bludgeons in their hands as a
faceless m onster cr aw ls thr ough the ceiling. Also,
I w as less than pleased w hen Nancy got back w ith
him . I don?t think she should have ended up w ith
Jonathan either , but Steve? Really?
-M ike and El ar e super aw kw ar d, but also kind of
cute together. Poor M ike. He r eally liked her.

An n oyi n g Th i n gs t h at Peopl e Do
By Ar iel Reinstein
If you have been r eading my ar ticles, you
know that I like w r iting about things I hate.
(You w ould also know that I have a hate
colum n so go subm it!) This is about my pet
peeves, but not just any pet peeves, since I
have a lot. This is a list of annoying things that
people do.
1. W hen people use exclam ation points in
pr actically ever y typed out sentence. We all
know that behind your little com puter scr een
your face is blanker than an em pty sheet of
paper. I get it w hen you?r e tr ying to be funny,
but honestly, w hen each sentence ends w ith
one, it gets annoying. But I can?t tell you that
I?ve never done that, in fact, I think that I did it
in a text m essage w hile w r iting this ar ticle.
2. W hen you ar e w ith a fr iend or a fam ily
m em ber , and they tell som eone that you just
m et an em bar r assing stor y about you to m ake
them selves look cool. I?m guilty of this, and
pr obably all of the things on this list, but this is
just w r ong. Don?t do this to your fr iends and
fam ily because it?s r eally r ude.
3. W hen people ar e being so obnoxiously loud
even after you ask them to be quiet. Not
ever yone w ants to hear
dum b
conver sations. If you have som ething to say to
som eone, say it to them , not to ever yone
ar ound you, because nobody else car es. I
actually don?t think that I do this that often,
but I m ight have, because the people that do it
don?t seem to notice.
4. W hen people act like they have better things
to do than chat w ith you. Don?t act like your
life is m or e im por tant than m ine. And if you
legitim ately have som ething that you need to
do, but don?t talk to m e and then just stop, I
don?t exactly think you ar e a ver y nice per son.
Again, I am guilty of this, but that doesn?t
m ean I don?t think that it?s r ude.
Four is enough. These ar e the kinds of things
that you can subm it to my hate colum n. Hope
that you have fun w ith it. Bye!

Pet er ?s Der p I n t er v i ew of
Sem i -Ran dom n ess
Peter Tr avis
Hello. I am actually going to deviate
fr om my nor m al pr ogr am m ing to
br ing you this inter view of
Anim ation Nation?s M ir anda. It?s
ver y shor t, but her e it is!
1. W hat is your name?
A. M ir anda Knox.
2. W hen did you become a counselor?
A. I joined staff this year.
3. Have you done animation every
A. I do all anim ation.
4. Were you a camper before you were
a counselor?
A. I w as!
5. M ystic, Valor, or Instinct? ( ?
? ?
A. Valor
Thanks M ir anda! See you tom or r ow
w ith a special them ed ponder ing!

Bad Adv i ce #2
By Bad Gir l and Bunnytail
Keep us going! Give us questions! We
got like 2.
Dear BT and BG,
I have a sibling who is very annoying.
W hat should I do?
BG: Ha ha. This is my sister. Ha.
BT: Ver y funny, Delaney W ilson.
If I am getting an A++ in math, what
can I do to raise it?
BG: Leave your m ath teacher a gift of
decaying and m aggoty hum an ar m .
BT: Also som e r otting or anges or
cur sed scar bs ar e appr eciated.
M aybe cur sed scabs, too!

How Necessar y i s t h e Dai l y Dou bl e?

By Evelyn Stone
Kar en fr om Cr eative Star ts
* Have you written an article for the Daily
* Have you read an article from the Daily Double?
* How necessary is the Daily Double?
I think it?s at the hear t of the cam p. It has been
her e for ever , it?s par t of it. I think I see the littlest
kids love to go pull open the new spaper box and
take it out and sear ch to see if ther e is som ething
they know or can r ead in ther e and they'r e ver y
excited about the idea of eventually getting to see
their w or ds in pr int.
* W hat do you think could be done to improve it, if
I can?t think of anything.
Walker fr om Daily Double
* Have you written an article for the Daily
* Have you read an article from the Daily Double?
* Is the Daily Double Necessary?
Yes, I think that it is for a lot of people. Som e
people have gr eat schools, but for a lot of people
school cr ushes the love of r eading and w r iting
for them by m aking it bor ing or m aking it about
a gr ade or just m aking it not fun. I am a big
believer that those things can be som e of the
m ost enr iching and w onder ful things that you
can have as an exper ience in life and in Daily
Double I see a lot of kids w ho don't like w r iting
in school w ho ar e excited to com e in and w r ite
for an hour. I also like the m agic of the end of the
day w hen ever yone is w aiting for their car and a
lot of people ar e standing ther e r eading the Daily
Double so I like that it r em inds people that
r eading and w r iting ar e fun beautiful ar tistic
activities as opposed to bor ing school activities.
* W hat do you think could be done to improve it, if
Absolutely, w e'r e alw ays tr ying to im pr ove the
Daily Double. For exam ple, dividing things into
differ ent editor ial sections is a totally new thing
w e'r e tr ying r ight now and the subm ission slips
so w e can keep tr ack of ar ticles better.

Lydia fr om CRCAP
* Have you written an article for the
Daily Double?
* Have you read an article from the
Daily Double?
* Do you think the Daily Double is
Yes, Because it gives kids kind of
like this thing to do at the end of the
day w her e they can all just take a
quiz or find out w hat pr edator they
ar e or they can like r ead up about
the r accoons w hich is alw ays a good
thing w hen you've had a long day at
cam p.
* W hat do you think could be done
to improve it?
Yes, but only if you add m or e
quizzes because the quizzes ar e
often the highlight for m e.

Th e r ock f ou n d
By Raindr op
Did you know that Lucas w asn't the
fir st to find the Natalie A. r ock? Fir st
Bar r ett found it by the old building
last w eek . Then the r ock ended up in
the playgr ound field and my fr iend
Sophie M . tr ipped on it. How ever she
accidentally dr opped the r ock on the
picnic tables near the tent stage.
Finally, Lucas found it and tur ned
the r ock in.

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