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News from Mrs.

August 29-September 2
Just a

August 29-School Pictures

August 31-DIBELS Fluency
Sept. 2-STAR Reading test
on the computer
Sept. 5-Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 6-Students return to

Big Cheese
Ethan Hutchinson
Star Student
Akayla Doss
Math News
GO Math/Investigations
Chapter 1-Number Sense

We will continue this week reviewing using math tools: cubes, pattern
blocks, the hundreds chart, and the
number line. We will begin Lesson 7 in
our math book working on place value
and ways to write numbers differently:
Students will
word form, expanded form, and standlearn the difference between a map
and a globe We will also learn about ard form. Chapter 1 Test will be on
Thursday this week. A Study guide
cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) and
the compass rose. We will continue will come home on Wednesday.
learning about the seven main contiWe will take the 2nd timed addition
nents and four main oceans that
fluency quiz on Tuesday and every
make up our world. Students will
research a specific continent in a
week after. Please practice addition
small group and we will make a Confacts with your
tinent Fact class book with the inchild at home using
formation that we
find. This week
we will read Chester the Worldly
Pig by Bill Peet
and make our own
Chester the pig.

Math Words: greater than, less than,

adding, 100s chart,
digits, even, odd,
and number line.

Not Norman
A Goldfish Story
By Kelly Bennett
p. 60-77
Vocabulary Words:
friendship glance
Phonics: two letter blends
Grammar: capitalization and
Chapter Book/Read aloud:
The Mouse and
the Motorcycle
by Beverly Cleary
Author Study:
Bill Peet

Math Addition Fluency

quiz on Tuesday!

A Note from Mrs. Danley...

Dear Parents,
Students took the STAR Math test on the computer last Friday.
They will take the Reading STAR test on Friday this week. I will be
administering the first DIBELS test on Wednesday this week. The
first benchmark goal is 57 words per minute. I will send home a parent
letter letting you know your childs score in their Friday Folder. STAR
test results will come home also very soon.
Our class did a great job last week participating in AEEC school
safety drills. We had a Fire Drill and Lock Down during the last two
weeks. All students did a great job. We will be ready for an emergency
Mrs. Danley :)
WISH LIST: paper plates

to join
Read 20 minutes each night
and complete one page
in Math HW packet.

Monday-Read weekly story.

Wednesday-Study Vocabulary
Thursday-Study for Reading
weekly test and complete
Spelling Practice Test.

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