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Shadowy Parts Worksheet #1- Name Those Parts!

Here is a partial list of some often-buried shadow parts of the human soul. Many are a natural
part of life which are present in early childhood but are later repressed by parents, teachers and
society, and then eventually by ourselves. We are probably conscious of some of these and not
conscious of others. We project some of these parts onto others rather than acknowledge them as
part of ourselves.
1. Circle the parts on the list that you are aware of as a real presence in yourself.
2. Put a star next to the parts that really hook you when other people display them.

Addicted self
Angry self
Arrogant self
Avoiding self (head in the sand)
Blaming self
Competitive self
Compulsive self
Conformist self
Controlling self
Critical self- Inner Critic
Dishonest self
Disorganized self
Distrustful self
Embarrassed self
Envious self
Extravagant self
Fearful self
Gossipy self
Greedy self
Grieving self
Guilty self
Heavy self
Helpless self
Ignoring self
Impatient self
Inferior self
Insistent self
Interrupting self
Jealous self

Judgmental self- Outer Critic

Lazy self
Lonely self
Lustful self
Messy self
Negative self
Obsessive self
Opinionated self
Overachiever self
Perfectionist self
Prejudiced self
Prideful self
Raging self
Self-absorbed self
Selfish self
Sexually frozen self
Shamed self
Sneaky self
Stingy self
Thoughtless self
Unaware self
Unforgiving self
Ungrateful self
Unloving self
Violent self
Whiny self
Worrywart self

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

Shadowy Parts Worksheet #2- Lets Go Deeper

Add some more of your own shadowy parts to the list on Worksheet #1.
Be sure to include:
Qualities you dont like about yourself
Parts of yourself that you hide from
Things you do that you are ashamed of

Make a list of shadowy parts that you find REALLY irritating in others:

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

Shadowy Parts Worksheet #3- Golden Shadow

The Golden Shadow contains the bright parts of yourself that you have disowned, locked up in
the basement, and might be hiding from. Write down any of these parts here. Know that you can
add to this list at ANY time!

To help you name some more of these bright, disowned parts, write the names of three people
you admire and look up to as role models. Write three characteristics of each.
For example:
Thich Nhat Hanh: _______wise____ _______funny_____ _______calm______



Feel free to turn this paper over and name more people you admire and their traits. Have fun with
it! Include characters from TV and books and movies if you like! The major truth here is that
what you admire in others, is also a part of you, otherwise you wouldnt recognize it!

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

Shadowy Parts Worksheet #4- Bringing It To Balance

Choose 3-5 of the darker shadowy parts from the above lists and write them in the first column:
1. ________________________________


2. ________________________________


3. ________________________________


4. ________________________________


5. ________________________________


Now think about each one of these shadowy parts. What would be the name or energetic value of
each part IF it was displayed in moderation/balance? Write your ideas in the second column. For
example: 1. _________Inner Critic______________
________Truth Teller__________
2. _________Gossipy Self_____________

____One Who Seeks Community___

Dont worry if you cant discern the answers to all of these at this time. Just play with it, and
keep it in the back of your mind. As you work with these parts in the light of day, you will be
led closer and closer to the answers that you need!

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

Groundhog Day for the Soul

1. Intros- each person shares a card or image that will act as a Protector today.
-tell us name, where from and what you hope to get out of workshop today

2. Why This Workshop?- read God wants you to know

3. What is Shadow?
a. Debbie Ford: Shadow contains all the parts of us that we are not at peace with.
b. parts that we have sent into the basement of our subconscious
c. parts of myself that: hold me back
make me unhappy
get in my way
I feel embarrassed or ashamed of
I want to hide from myself and from others
d. born from negative, ancient beliefs about ourselves (and usually false)
e. Golden Shadow- also the bright, disowned parts of us
f. anything that stands in light has a shadow. You! Standing in the light! Light.
* personal * family * communal * archetypal
g. transpersonal no shadow- Source, Witness, SoulEssence
h. volunteers to share a shadow card from Deck

4. SoulCollage Approach to Shadow

a. Find the parts, love and honor them
b. Meet and bless them
c. Carry them not cure them

d. Embrace name- tame

e. Be grateful for them
f. They become less excessive, less troublesome, once brought to the light
5. Positive intent/negative potential
Give examples: Inner Critic/Truth Teller
Use their shadow card from earlier to discern a Positive Intent
6. Excess energy/deficient energy
too much or too little of a balanced energy creates shadow
out of balance---- Seenas quote on balance

7. How to get in touch with shadow

a. left brain/conscious mind- lists and exercises
b. right brain- guided visualization, dreams, intuition
c. image gathering and card making
8. Left brain activities- go through pages of worksheet
9. Right brain activity- guided visualization
10. Small group discussion or in pairs- talk about guided vis. Experience and/or something
they discovered about themselves while doing the worksheet.
Freedom to say I pass.
11. Card making

After card making- one hour:

1. Choose a shadowy card or image and ask these questions, do in writing:

(10 minutes)


Who are you?

When did you come into my life?
What events or circumstances gave rise to your role in my life?
What are you afraid of?
What is your worst fear?
What are your hopes and dreams?
What do you do when Im not aware of you?
What are your goals?
What do you think of my life? My friends? My work? My family? My hobbies?
What do you have to say about my health problems?
What advice do you have for me? What do you think I should do?
If you could make a single change in my life, what would it be?
What other parts of me are you related to?
What part of me do you most dislike? Why?
What do you want from me?
What do you need form me?
What is your gift to me?

2. Separate into 2 groups of 4:- each person has 5 minutes (ring bell)
a. Share the cards they made today and what they learned about themselves from
above writing exercise
b. Help each other fill out page 4 of worksheet, bringing it into balance

Dialoguing with a SoulCollage Shadow Card

a. Who are you?
b. When did you come into my life?
c. What events or circumstances gave rise to your role in my life?
d. What are you afraid of?
e. What is your worst fear?
f. What are your hopes and dreams?
g. What do you do when Im not aware of you?
h. What are your goals?
i. What do you think of my life? My friends? My work? My family? My hobbies?
j. What do you have to say about my health problems?
k. What advice do you have for me? What do you think I should do?
l. If you could make a single change in my life, what would it be?
m. What other parts of me are you related to?
n. What part of me do you most dislike? Why?
o. What do you want from me?
p. What do you need from me?
q. What is your gift to me?

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

for Working with Shadow

SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community,

by Seena Frost
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power in the Dark Side of Human Nature,
edited by Jeremiah Abrams and Connie Zweig
Shadow Dance: Liberating the Power and Creativity of Your Dark Side,
by David Richo
Dancing in the Dragons Den: Rekindling the Creative Fire in Your Shadow,
by Rosanne Bane
The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self,
by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson
Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, & Dreams
by Debbie Ford
Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual,
by Hal Stone and Sidra Winkelman (Stone)
Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative Asset
by Hal Stone and Sidra Stone

By Anne Marie Bennett, SoulCollage Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

The SoulCollage process was created by Seena Frost and is described in her book:
SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community
Feel free to reproduce this in any form with acknowledgment of its source. Enjoy!

There is that part of ourselves that feels ugly, deformed, unacceptable. That part, above all, we
must learn to cherish, embrace, and call by name. -- Macrina Wiederkehr

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know.

that you should hope to see your shadow today. It might be the best thing that ever
happened to you. Its Goundhog Day for the Soul!
Smile if you see your shadow today. For when the shadow side of you is seen,
embraced, and loved, your healing has begun for sure.
Self-improvement begins with self-acceptance.
All of life, everything else, has led up to this.
This is your work now. It is the final step. Go for it.
--- from the Messengers Circle through Neale Donald Walsch

Breathing in: I love

Breathing out: all parts of myself.

You must go into the dark in order to bring forth your light. When we suppress any
feeling or impulse, we are also suppressing its polar opposite. If we deny our ugliness,
we lessen our beauty. If we deny our fear, we minimize our courage. If we deny our
greed, we also reduce our generosity. Our full magnitude is more than most of us can
ever imagine. --- Debbie Ford, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

In Madeleine LEngles novel, A Wind in the Door, fallen angels called Echthroi are
destroying large chunks of the Creation. Meg learns that only by recognizing, naming,
and loving these beings, who are both inside and outside of us, can she prevent them
from doing more harm. Here is Meg engaged in the spiritual practice of shadow: I

Name you, Echthroi My arms surround you. You are no longer nothing. You are.
You are filled. You are me.

Guest House
by Rumi

This being human is a guest house,

every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
She may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

All the dragons in our lives are only princesses waiting for us to act, just once, with
beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence,
something helpless that wants our love. --- Rilke

Shadow owes its birth to light. --- John Gray

A man who took great pride in his lawn found himself with a large crop of dandelions.
He tried every method he knew to get rid of them. Still, they plagued him.
Finally he wrote to the Department of Agriculture. He enumerated all the things he had
tried and closed his letter with the question, What shall I do now?
In due course the reply came: We suggest you learn to love them.
--- Anthony de Mello

Our real enemy is not the darkness within us,

but our rejection and denial of it.
It is not by turning away from the Shadow side
of our self that we find peace,
but in turning toward it, knowing it,
embracing it as a long lost part of our self.
--- Barbara De Angelis, How Did I Get Here?

The Shadow includes all that we abhor about ourselves as well as the hidden gold that
we have buried inside for safe keeping. We disguise these negativities by seeing whats
wrong with others. Then we camouflage our positive potential when we admire or
idolize others. SoulCollage helps us embrace the Shadow and liberate us from
limiting stories. Unacknowledged, these stories are held in our subconscious, affecting

our day to day behaviors. Meeting the Shadow turns the dark angles within us into
beacons of light.
--- Suzie Wolfer, SoulCollage Facilitator in Oregon

Anything standing in the light has a shadow. --- Seena Frost

The Shadow is not the opposite of something. The Shadow is an exaggeration of the
balanced place or an absence of the balanced place. --- Seena Frost

All of our Neters have the potential and the freedom to lose their balance.
--- Seena Frost

More in the tradition of mystics from every faith, SoulCollage sees every form as a
mix of positive and negative, and this mix constantly shifts as the density of imbalance
changes. Good and bad, therefore, can be understood and worked with as a matter of
losing or gaining balance. --- Seena Frost

SoulCollage sees the Shadow as vital, primitive energy that is out of balance. It can
be exaggerated and out of control, or it can be absent when needed. Too much or too
little. If this sounds like too mild a description of the evil you see in the world or in
yourself, let me emphasize that the Shadow of every Neter can become very out of
balance and very deadly. But much of its deadliness comes from its unacknowledged
and unexamined nature. As long as we refuse to recognize the Shadow in ourselves,
we are in its power. --- Seena Frost

Blessed is the Eternal Light who grants us so many epiphanies in the darkness.
A Shadow parts grip on our Soul begins to loosen the moment we let our
consciousness shine on it; it loosens more as we dialogue with it.
--- Seena Frost

This both/and way of dealing with Shadow is central to SoulCollage. Even one
personal Neter that I refuse to recognize and work with towards better balance can
impact the balance of the whole of creation. We are that interrelated, that interwoven
with each other. --- Seena Frost

By Jennifer Welwood

Willing to experience aloneness,

I discover connection everywhere.
Turning to face my fear,
I meet the warrior who lives within.
Opening to my loss,
I gain the embrace of the Universe.
Surrendering into emptiness,
I find fullness without end.
Each condition I flee from pursues me;
Each condition I welcome transforms me
and becomes itself transformed
into its radiant jewel-like essence.

I bow to the One who has made it so,

Who has crafted this Master Game.
To play it is purest delight,
to honor its form- true devotion.
If you cannot see your own shadow, you must go in search of it. The shadow hides in
shame in the dark alleys, secret passages, and ghost-filled attics of your consciousness.
To have a shadow is not to be flawed, but to be complete. We are all living with the
wreckage of failed ideals that once seemed like perfect solutions.
--- Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect

The shadow loses its power when consciousness stops being divided. When you are no
longer split, theres nothing to see but one self in all directions. There are no hidden
compartments, dungeons, torture cells or mossy rocks to hide under. Consciousness
sees itself.
---- Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect

The shadow increases whenever we resort to the following:

Keeping secrets from ourselves and others

Harboring guilt and shame
Making yourself and others wrong
Needing someone to blame
Ignoring your own weaknesses while criticizing those around you
Separating yourself from others

Here are the choices we can make to bring the shadow back into balance:

Stop projecting
Detach and let go
Give up self-judgment
Rebuild your emotional body
--- Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect

I place a high value on sympathy. If you can look at yourself and say, Its all right. I
understand, you are doing two things at once. You are taking the judgment out of your
emotions, and you are giving yourself permission to be who you are. Sympathy is an
emotion we tend to direct outward. We forget to grant it to ourselves.
--- Deepak Chopra, The Shadow Effect

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