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Jono : Good morning, Fahmi. How are you?

Fahmi : Very well, thank you. How are you?

Jono : Fine, thanks. I dont think youve met my secretary. This is Miss Anis, Fahmi.
Fahmi : How do you do, Miss Anis?
Anis : How do you do, Mr. Fahmi?
Fahmi : You have a very nice office here.
Anis : Yes it is nice, isnt it? I like working here very much. I worked as
Fahmi : are you happy working with Jono? Haha..
Anis : Sure, he is a good boss. He teaches me so much things.
Fahmi : well, he is the best bussines man I know, well good luck then.
Anis : thank you very much, Mr. Fahmi.
Fahmi : Oh, I must go now, I am sorry. Nice to meet you.
Anis : Nice to meet you.
Fahmi : See you tomorrow, Jono.
Jono : See you.

Rendy : good morning miss isni

Isni : good morning
Rendy : I d like to introduce you to Miss anne, dia bekerja di bagian marketing mulai
hari ini.
Isni : How do you do miss anne, nice to meet you
Anne : how do you do miss isni
Isni : Id like to introduce my self, saya bekerja di bagian marketing sejak 1 tahun lalu, saya harap
kita bisa bekerja sama
Anne : thank you isni
Isni : your welcome anne. Rendy, bisakah kamu mengantar anne ke ruangan kerjanya?
Rendy : sure
Isni ; Oh, I must go now, I am sorry. Nice to meet you.
Anne : goodbye miss isni
Isni : goodbye

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