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Multidisciplinary Studies
Third Trimester- School Year 2015-2016

Career Certainty of 115 Multimedia Arts

Students in De La Salle-College of St. Benilde
Bustamante, Jet
Canlas, Addie
Cruz, John Endo
Maac, Alyssa
Mendoza, Zeanne

The Problem and its Background
With the fast evolving technology the world has today, it demands more multimedia
professionals in order to cope up with this technological progress. Later generations today has
less idea of how technology works than our current millennials. Millennials, or the younger
generations, are more capable of learning technology because they are most familiar of what is it
and how it works. Thus, multimedia arts are currently a popular course choice among incoming
college students and a high paying in-demand job among employers.
Multimedia Arts is a very attractive course because of its benefits. Besides having high
paying salary jobs, multimedia arts, unlike other courses, only takes a few years to in order to
graduate with a degree. Also, these students get to enjoy work involved with technology rather
than traditional paper work which millennials find uninteresting. Generations today are now tech
savvy because they are influenced by their environment. Thus, more and more incoming college
students choose Multimedia Arts as their career choice.
While many people are capable of doing the job of a multimedia artist, many students fail
to meet the standards of a multimedia artist. There are many reasons these students fail or
succeed in the journey of becoming a multimedia artist. First, their abilities might be a match or
mismatch in being a multimedia artist. Second, these students may or may not have the financial
ability to buy the equipment needed in studying Multimedia arts. There are many reasons that
these students may or may not succeed in becoming a multimedia artist. These statements rose a
question of how certain they are that they will be a multimedia artist. Thus, this research is
formed in order to find out if these Multimedia Arts students are really certain that they can have
a career in the future after graduating. Specifically, this research aims to find out how certain 115
Multimedia Arts students of De La Salle-College of St. Benilde are of their future.
Multimedia Arts students should be sure that before entering a course, they should have
plans in order to have a successful career. The students must be prepared and secured in
everything that might come in their way no matter what it is. These students should be certain
that they will have a career in the future.
However, Multimedia Arts is a very broad field in arts. It consists of having Photography,
Film, Graphic Design, Animation, and the like, all in one bachelor degree. The broad and diverse
scope of Multimedia Arts might be an advantage or a disadvantage. Some students fail to
understand what career they want in the future. They also fail in having a plan, ability or
confidence in pursuing their career. With Benilde being one of the finest schools in the area of
arts, how high is the probability that the students think that they will be hired? Because of its
broadness, does every graduate of Multimedia Arts have a certainty of finding a job after
graduation? In response to these problems, this research was thus performed to know whether
Benilde 115 multimedia arts students are certain that they will have a career in the future and if it
is going to be related to their chosen course which is Multimedia Arts.

This research aims to:

Find out how certain Benilde 115 MMA students are of their career in the future.
Find out what field of multimedia arts do Benilde 115 MMA students are most interested.
To know the reasons why they are certain or uncertain about their career in their future.
To compare the field of interest of Benilde 115 MMA Students by sex.



This research has the objective to find out if Multimedia Arts students are certain that
they will have a career in the future. Therefore, this research can determine how high their career
certainty is, based on different factors. Also, this research will determine what field of
Multimedia Arts the students prefer the most, generally and by gender. This research is important
because people will have an idea if Multimedia Arts is really an efficient course based on the
students assurance that they feel safe that they will have a job. Also, it can also determine the
students level of trust at Benilde for giving them education in the field of Multimedia Arts.
Moreover, this research will be a significant endeavor in determining the factors that the
students consider of being certain or uncertain of their career. This research will also be
beneficial to the instructors for they will have an idea on what field of multimedia arts are
students most interested in. By understanding the reasons and factors of career certainty of
Benilde 115 Multimedia Arts students, one can understand or solve the determining reasons of
unemployment of Benilde students. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers to
compare and analyze the data that might be helpful on their research.



First and foremost, the researchs sample population is only limited to Benilde students:
specifically, 115 Multimedia Arts students. This means that the research does not include those
people outside of Benilde and those people who do not study multimedia arts in Benilde. The
research, also, only involves those students with I.D. 115 or the frosh students (as of school year
2015 to 2016). Those multimedia students of higher year level are also not included in the
research. The research method done by the researchers was surveying people by stratified

random sampling. Thus, the respondents were chosen regardless of their age, size, ethnicity,
nationality, sex or any other determining matters.
The limitation of the study is the personal opinions of each respondent on the topic. They
were only asked about their personal opinion on their future career, the reasons of why they are
certain or uncertain and which fields of Multimedia Arts are they interested in. Thus, our
questions were limited on career certainty and Mutimedia Arts field of interest. The research
does not guarantee the declaration of completely accurate data (which means 100% accurate)
because some students might not answer the questionnaires in a serious manner. Each and every
one of the respondent tend to have different personal views on their career certainty after college
and these factors are what the researchers cannot control.

Advertising Animation Career
Degree (Education) Film
Graphic Design Multimedia Arts
PhotographyWeb Design/App Design -

Review of Related Literature
(These are concepts gathered from books, journals, magazines, periodicals, online or web
resources and the like arranged according to the presentation of the related topic headings or
variables of the study.)
(These come from published or known research papers, thesis and dissertations papers. The
researcher shall observe coherence and continuity of ideas in terms of the interrelationships of
the reviewed studies.)
(This concisely explains how similar or different the current research is to the related literature
and studies included in the chapter. The researcher needs to account for the inclusion or the
related literature and studies.)
*Chapters 2 to 5 must start with a transition paragraph introducing the contents of the chapter.

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