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To whomsoever it may concern
This is to confirm that x has been a software engineering associate at our company,
x Pvt. Limited, Pfor the client x from x to x
x is very systematic with his work. Although he came from a mechanical
background, he was quick to adapt to this new environment. He took proper notes
of everything new that was being taught to him and performed his duties diligently
right from the very first day. He attended all the calls with the onshore team and
played a very crucial role in resolving many important issues. Also, he always made
sure to complete his stint before he left for the day.
Having worked with him for a duration of about four months, I can affirm that he
possesses the skill and the zeal to learn more about any area of interest. I strongly
believe that his career will get the well-deserved impetus by pursuing a master's
program. He has discussed his further educational and professional plans with me,
and I highly recommend him for advanced studies at your esteemed university.
I wish him all the very best and hope he find grand success in all his future
endeavors. Please do not hesitate me to contact for further information.

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