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-is divided into two parts;

1. The central nervous system (CNS)coordinating behavior. Includes neuron in
the brain and spinal cords.

Spinal cord-11-18 long that connects

the peripheral and spinal nerves with
the brain.
THE HUMAN BRAIN- control center
of all voluntary and some involuntary
behaviors. It is an extremely complex
mass of nerve tissues organized and
protected by the skull or cranium. 3
regions (areas) Hindbrain, Midbrain,
Forebrain. 3 concentric layers
according to function; Central cove,
Limbic System and Cerebrum


1. Central Cove- Primitive part of the
brain, called old brain,
Brain Stem- Controls the
involuntary behaviors .
Composed of;
Medulla- First Slight
enlargement of the spinal
cord as it enters the skull
where crisscrossing of
nerve fibers occurs (right
brain connected with left
body and vice versa).
Responsible in the
regulation of basic bodily
Pons- from greek word
means bridge,
connects/joins the two
halves of the cerebellum
which lies adjacent to it.
Transmits motor
information, helps in
coordination of muscles
and the integration of
movement between the
right and left sides of the

Midbrain- connects the

pons and medulla to the
brain proper.
Cerebellum little
brain ,controls bodily
balance postures and
maintains smooth, wellcoordinated movements,
thus keeps us upright. It
has been found to play a
role in motor learning and
in retaining memories of
motor activities.
2. Limbic System animal brain, the
structure in the midbrain that
functions so similar to other animals. It
consists of interrelated structures that
border the top of the central core
which connects it and the cerebral
hemispheres and is further involved in
emotional expression, memory and
Thalamus- serves as relay
station of messages/information
coming from all the sense
organs. Transmits those sensory
information to higher parts of
the brain, particularly to
Hypothalamus- functions in
the regulation of hunger, thirst ,
sexual behavior , emotions and
endocrine activities. It is called
Stress Center
Hippocampus plays a role in
memory by storing new events
as lasting memories.
Amygdala Involved in
aspects of forming basic
emotions ranging from
memories with an emotional
component such as fear and
3. Cerebrum New Brain. Only
humans have them. Consist of two
Cerebral Hemispheres.
Left Hemispheresresponsible for language

Right Hemispheres Ability in

visual- spatial perception.

PITUARY GLAND- master gland. Regulates

endocrine galnds, directly controlled by the
PINEAL GLAND secretes the hormone
melatonin which helps regulate the sleepwake.
THYROID GLAND located at the base of
the neck which produces iodine-containing
PARATHYROID GLAND located behind the
thyroid , releases hormones which play a role
in controlling balance of various minerals in
the blood.
PANCREAS- It secretes enzymes and
bicarbonate for intestinal digestion.
ADRENAL GLAND- play a role in bodys
reaction to stress.
GONADS- called sex glands.
2. The peripheral nervous system (PNS)consist of nerves that connect the brain and
spinal cord to the sensory organs, muscles
and glands through pathways (somatic and
autonomic nervous system). 3 main
pathways: cranial nerves, spinal nerves,
peripheral ganglia.

Somatic nervous system- voluntary

system that includes the sensory

system which transmits information

from the receptors(eyes, ears, nose,
tongue and skin) to central nervous
system and the motor nerves that
control the skeletal muscles, the
voluntary and involuntary systems in
the body, making us possible to sense
our environment and keep in
conscious level.
Autonomic system- transmits
messages between the central
nervous system and the glands, the
heart muscles (cardiac) and the
smooth muscles, which are not under
voluntary control.
a) Sympathetic Nervous
System- predominates
during expending of
energy and muscular
activity and functions
during stressful
b) Parasympathetic
Nervous Systempredominates during
building up of bodily
resources and conserving
energy and functions
during states of
tranquility and relation

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