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of Positivity,
Inspiration, and
By Djehuty


A Publication
All Rights Reserved

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I dedicate this work to my beloved friend Coki Tai Bennet who transitioned
on May 21, 2008. Though she ended up succumbing to the ill eects of
chemotherapy and radiation under the guise of breast cancer at the tender
young age of 32, Coki nearly always remained positive and optimistic about
life even in the face of dealing with a terminal illness, which I greatly admired
her for. It takes a strong spirit to remain positive and optimistic in the
shadows of death.
Despite being sick in her body, she still had that sparkle of life, joy, and
happiness in her eyes. I saw it during the last lunch I would ever have with
her which was near late 2007.
Coki never lost who and what her essence was. Coki touched me with her
life and her friendship which was very special and dear to me. Im glad we
met and knew each other, even if only for a short period of time.
I can always visualize Coki in my mind and see her bright, beautiful smile.
Coki loved to smile and she loved to laugh. Coki was a beacon of positivity, a
beautiful person with a big heart.
For so many reasons, I dedicate this short work to my dear friend. May her
soul heal in the Afterlife and may she continue learning on this continuous
joyride called life in future lives.

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How I Made the Choice To Be Positive

You know, Dear Reader, one day I just woke up and consciously realized I
had a choice in how I would be in thought, attitude, and actions and I
consciously decided that I was going to be a positive person day in and day
out and that no matter what happened in my life, no matter what problem or
obstacle I was faced with, I was going to remain positive.
To be positive means to be:
Constructive in intention or attitude
Showing optimism and confidence
Showing pleasing progress, gain, or improvement, with no possibility of
Clear and definite
Becoming conscious, I became constructive in my intention. I became
constructive in my attitude, really realizing that attitude was a major
component of success and it was my goal to be successful in every aspect of
my life, especially in love, family, business, and social standing. Truly,
attitude, along with aptitude, determines one altitude how high one will fly
in life. I had to adopt and maintain a positive attitude or mental outlook in
order to improve and enhance my life.
One of my favorite songs is Patrick OHearns Forever the Optimist and I
decided to make that phrase my personal motto and mantra. From that day
forward (of consciously choosing and deciding to be positive), I would be
forever the optimist. Even if I had to convey seemingly pessimistic
information to people, I would be oxymoronically optimistic in conveying
such message.
Everyday of my life became brighter because I was optimistic about brighter
days. I became hopeful of a better tomorrow and today manifests the
realization of that hope. Yesterday was the foundation for my today and my

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today is the foundation for my tomorrow. Because I was positive, optimistic,

and inspired yesterday, I am positive, optimistic, and inspired today and
therefore will be the same tomorrow. Positive thoughts, emotions, and
actions accrue.
Just like positivity, optimism created magnetism. Pessimism repels people.
Nobody really likes to be around a pessimistic person. Theres a big
dierence between a pessimist and an optimist. A pessimist sees the
diculty in every opportunity whereas an optimist sees the opportunity in
every diculty.
I removed all possibility of doubt doubt of positive outcomes and brighter
days, realizing that doubt is the subconscious will to fail in many regards and
I became clear and definite about my purpose in life, what I incarnated this
time around to do, and I became faithful and trustful in my abilities to live
out and perform my lifes higher purpose.
Again, Dear Reader, I became positive via choice and decision. I had the
choice and I made the decision. You too have that choice and a can also
make that decision if you havent already. It would be in your best interest
too if you made that decision to consciously be positive. If you dont think so,
give it a try for 20 days (or 3 weeks) and see what happens.
Positivity oers many benefits and dividends to be reaped over the years of
your life. Positivity raises your vibration. It enhances your aura. It attracts
people to you. Positivity makes you a bright light that shines in the midst of
the darkness of negativity. Positivity neutralizes negativity. The cells of your
body salubriously respond to positive emotion.
About 14-15 years ago, c. 1994-1995, I used to always wonder how I would
successfully deal with negative people without becoming negative myself in
dealing with them and then one day the answer just popped in my mind. It
dawned on me to just continue being positive in the midst of negativity and
because positivity is a hundred times or so stronger than negativity,
negativity would soon give in and retreat. So when people would come to
me talking negative, as some people used to, especially a certain co-worker, I
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would simply respond or retort with a positive response. I met or returned

each and every negative statement with a positive one.
A person would say something negative and I would say something positive
in response to what was said, and after a couple of rounds of going back and
forth and matching negativity with positivity, the negative person would
The negative person (psychic vampire) always retreated because I wasnt
feeding their negativity. My answers did not serve as fuel for their engine of
negativity. Soon, it was impressed upon the negative person not to talk to
me, at least about negative stu, because I would not feed their negativity,
but in many instances, I would soundly challenge their negativity which
apparently some felt comfortable being, perhaps due to years of selfconditioning predicated upon consistent and habitual thoughts.
I defeated negativity in people by remaining positive. It eventually became
very easy too because in being and remaining positive, I was simply being
myself and to be myself was (and still is) the easiest thing for me to do.

Being positive is a choice!

Djehuty Maat-Ra, July 18, 2009

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Below are a few quotes, a few favorite quotes of mine I might add, that I
internalized and built upon and which more importantly, served as beneficial
reminders. I have added my personal footnotes to show how I interpreted the
quotes for myself based upon my understanding, something you too can do.
Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish
to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought
corresponds with our desire. Orison Marden
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This means that our thoughts create our reality and
destiny and therefore we can control our reality and destiny by controlling
our thoughts. Whatever it is that we truly desire we should hold habitual
thoughts of it, for where thought goes, energy flows; and what is constantly
visualized shall be actualized and realized.
If You Are Not Experiencing Something In Your Outer World, You are
Not Experiencing It In Your Inner World.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This clearly refers to the metaphysical maxim as
above so below, as within, so without. Your outer world and reality is a mere
reflection of your inner world and reality. To change external circumstances,
you have to first go within self and change your inner circumstances. You
have to work on yourself, perform surgery of the spirit deal with the inner
turmoil, hang-ups, negative emotion, past hurts and pains, poverty
consciousness, feeling of unworthiness to be loved, etc. If you want others to
respect you, respect yourself. If you want others to love, love yourself. If
you want others to trust you, trust yourself. All change comes from but also
begins within.
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye DESIRE, when ye
pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Luke 11:24
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: So what comes first? DESIRE! After desire comes
what? PRAYER! After prayer comes what? BELIEF IN RECEIVING! And
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what comes after a belief in receiving? ALLOWING (which is being

receptive to receive what you desire and believe you shall receive) which is
the precursor to physically or tangibly HAVING what you desire.
Also, prayer is two-fold and religions dont teach you this. Prayer consists of
asking and listening. Prayer is asking God for something. Listening
(meditation) is for receiving the answer. Many people pray but they dont
meditate (due to the quietude and stillness of meditation). Even when you
pray, your mind is active, but not so with meditation. You need silence for
meditation, beloved! Silence is the venue in which God speaks to us. Silence
and drama cannot co-exist. In fact, it is lifes drama that creates the
chattering monkey (noise pollution) that prevents your answers from being
received by you in a state of meditation. God always delivers, but people are
not always open to receive that which is delivered pursuant to being asked
for or desired.
Also, dont pray two ways. Dont pray or ask for something and then cancel
out the prayer or desire by believing you cant have the thing you asked for
or desire or by thinking you are broke or unworthy to receive your desire(s).
This is called praying two ways and when you do this you cancel out your
own prayer and thus your benefits and gifts. You yourself get in the way of
all your hearts desire. Not God, not the System, not other people, but YOU!
Nobody but you!
If a nobody like myself can grow up through poverty, gang-violence, death,
acute ignorance, crime, never going to college/possessing no degrees, police
brutality/abuse, racism, etc. and create the life I have created (and constantly
creating) for myself, then anybody can do it. ANYBODY! But you have to
desire to want to do better and you have to desire to know better, thus get
knowledge and apply it for you cant do better until you know better.
The law of non-interference with Nature is a basic principle of Taoism
[stating] that one should be in harmony with, not rebellion against, the
fundamental laws of the Universe. Preserve yourself by following the
natural bends of things and dont interfere. Remember never to assert
yourself against Nature; never be in frontal opposition to any problems,
but to control it by swinging with it. Bruce Lee on The Law of NonInterference with Nature
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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This beautiful Bruce Lee quote is basically the

Eastern version of Go with the flow and swim with the current, not
against it.
Believe in yourself. And believe that theres a loving Source a Sower
of Dreams just waiting to be asked to help you make your dreams
come true.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This is a very positive and important quote. After
loving yourself, theres nothing more powerful than believing in yourself.
Belief in your self activates your personal magic, your personal power.
Belief in yourself gives you the power and incentive to be your best always.
Dream your dreams with open eyes and make them come true! T.E.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This basically means to dream while youre
awake. Make your dreams a reality. Do everything you dream to do and
never let a day go by not doing what you dream to do. Dream the impossible
dream and do things your way!
Dont worry Be Happy!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: A very simple quote! Simply be happy! Do not
worry about anything, especially if its out of your personal control.
Everything is really okay. Its in the mind where obstacles start and after
awhile we attract these obstacles. If we know and believe and feel
everything is okay, things will be okay. Its that simple!
Ask a new question and you will learn new things. George Greenstein

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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: A profound quote! Basically, new questions will

lead to new things while old questions will lead to old things.
There is only one corner of the Universe you can be certain of
improving, and thats your own self. ALDOUS HUXLEY
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: With the human being, there will always be room
for improvement as the human being is a work in progress.
When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The Universe is a genie that gives us whatever it is
that we want and desire. Our only duty is to know what we desire. The rest
of the work, including manifesting our desire(s), is the work of the Universe.
So when we know what we want, the Universe begins to go to work to bring
it to us. And to receive, all we have to do is allow and we allow by doing us
and allowing others to do them.
One day the gods were debating amongst themselves whether or not
the Truth should be revealed to mankind. At length, they decided that
man was indeed ready to receive the Truth. Now the Truth was in the
form of a large crystal ball. The question arose as to who would be the
one to deliver the Truth to mankind. The youngest of the gods, Xedu,
was eager to prove himself to the elders and pleaded with them to allow
him to carry the Truth down to man. After a brief discussion, the elders
agreed to allow Xedu to carry the ball of Truth to earth. So, Xedu set
out with the great ball of Truth and began his descent to earth. But in
his zealousness, he tripped, dropping the great crystal ball, which
crashed upon the earth into thousand of pieces. Thereafter, whenever
anyone came along and found a jewel of this Truth, each one believed
that he had found the whole Truth.

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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: No one religion or person has the whole truth!

Every religion has a little speck of the whole of truth!
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Today is all there is and all you really have, so
seize the day! Do all that you desire to do TODAY!
When life knocks you down, you should always try to land on your
back because if you can look up, you can get up! Les Brown
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This basically means that if you get knocked
down, you dont have to stay down. If you can see the prize, you can reach
Once you realize you have given your power away, you can take it
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: No one can take away your power. You can only
give your power away.
Less effort creates more results.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This is so true! Life was never meant to be a
struggle, but when we are cut off from life and go against life, we end up
struggling. When we use less effort we get more results because we simply
The mind is like a parachute, it doesnt work if its not open.

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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Basically, be open- minded! The mind must be

opened to learn new things.
There are no victims, only volunteers.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Thats right! We all play a role in everything that
happens to us, positive or negative. We are co-creators in all that happens to
us. We attract based upon the energy we send out or emit
No matter what life hands you, you can live your dreams. Les
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: So very true! Nothing is more powerful than your
dreams. Not your background, your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your
class, etc. never stop dreaming! Never! Always dream!
You are the cause of everything that happens to you. Be careful what
you cause.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Basically, there are no excuses for anything that
happens to you. Whatever happens to you, good or bad, you played a role in
the occurrence pursuant to your energy. When you understand this, you can
create the life you want by focusing only on what you want.
Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will have.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: If your life is a certain way, its because you allow
it. People treat you how you allow them to treat you. You will constantly
attract what you put up with. Only put up with the best and you will only
attract the best.

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Whatever you are trying to avoid wont go away until you confront it.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Problems are never solved by avoiding them.
What you run from you run to.
You can only have two things in life, Reasons or Results. Reasons dont
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: At the end of the day, only results matter.
If you are constantly being mistreated, youre cooperating with the
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: People will only do to you what you allow them to
You cannot control without being controlled.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You actually lose control of yourself when you
attempt to control others. When you try to control others, you are controlled
by that energy to control.
There is no way to know before experiencing.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Experience is the best teacher!
We must be willing to get rid of the life weve planned, so as to have
the life thats waiting for us. Joseph Campbell
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Man has a plan and God has plan. However, God
is the best of planners.
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Life is a persistent teacher. It will keep repeating lessons until we
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: So true! We are here on earth to learn lessons.
If you spend your life merely making a living you finally must
acknowledge yourself bankrupt in essential wealth Life pays. You
name your recompense by what you do, by what you are.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Making a living is not the same thing as living
your making. Your true wealth comes from living your making, not making a
living which is essentially a 9 to 5.
Illness is the ultimate wake-up call!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Illness and disease are great benefactors of man
and woman. All disease conveys a beneficial message. The wake-up call of
illness and disease is: its time to take care of your health!
You and I must not complain if our plans break down if we have done
our part. That means that the plans of One who knows more than we do
have succeeded. EDWARD E. HALE
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Sometimes our plans may not be Gods plan.
Certain things are divinely preordained for us.
Ideas without labor are stillborn.

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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: After an idea you must labor to bring the idea into
fruition, into manifestation. Everything you see in the world of man began
from an idea.
When we hear somebody complaining that he has not enough, we may
know that he has not expressed enough appreciation for what he already
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The above deals with gratitude. We must be
grateful for all we have before we can receive more. If we look and only see
what we dont have, well always lack; but if we look around at all that we
have now, well have more.
Mental attitudes more than mental capacities cause our success or our
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Our attitude determines our altitude; basically how
high we fly in life.
If you will make the decision, your subconscious will make the
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The subconscious mind responds to our decisions.
Once we decide on what we desire, the subconscious will deliver it to us.
If you ask for what you want, you will not have to take only what is
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: This means to Speak Up! Ask and ye shall
When your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to unload it.
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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Its one thing to ask for something, but when it
arrives you must claim it.
Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Basically, there are no complaints. Start the day
fresh (with no complaints).
Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Being yourself is a special gift. Why desire to be
or be like someone else? There is no other person in the world like yourself.
Its easier to be yourself than someone else.
DONT GIVE UP! Just when you might think of giving up, that may be
the time when your rich good is about to come to you. A little more
persistence is sometimes all that is needed to bring results. John
Walcott Adams
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The gold is always found right at the time we
think of giving up.
The biggest lie on the planet: When I get what I want I will be
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: And this is so because as long as youre alive
youll always desire. As soon as you get what you want, youll want
something else.
Actually, God has everything already worked out. God is ready when
you are. And, when you are ready, Gods rich good will pour into your
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life. It may not come as a flood, at first, but come it will! Give thanks
for every little bit of improvement and move on with an air of
expectancy. John Walcott Adams
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Basically, you have to become ready for all that
God has in store for you. Whats in store for you will come in due time, and
when it does, its like the saying: When it rains, it pours.
Its easier to SAY what we believe than BE what we believe.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: We all know that its easier said than done.
You get treated in life the way you train people to treat you.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: If you want to be treated with respect, train people
to respect you. People will treat you based upon how you treat yourself.
If you let other people do it for you, they will do it to you.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Its always best to learn a thing for yourself.
Things are not what they seem, they are what they are.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Our perception can cloud reality.
Learn to create, not compete.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Actually, competition stifles creativity.
Rockefeller was right! Competition is a sin!

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All unhappiness is caused by comparison.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The worst thing we can ever do is compare
ourselves to others.
It is not enough to aim, you must HIT!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: To talk is to aim, but to hit is to do, to deliver!
The best way to escape from your problem is to solve it.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Problems are meant to be solved. Avoidance is not
the solution to any problem!
We weaken whatever we exaggerate.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: And this is because we take away the truth of a
thing via exaggeration.
It doesnt matter what you can do, what matters is what you will do.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Ability is nothing absent actions. Actions manifest
WINNING FORMULA: Ability x Effort = Results
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Ability is nothing absent actions. Actions manifest
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Most people fail in life because they major in minor things.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Dont spend your time investing in minor things
and trivial and insignificant pursuits. When you invest in minor things, you
ground yourself in minor things.
Losers focus on making a living. Winners focus on making a life.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Theres a big difference in making a living and
living your making. You only win at the game of Life when you happily
and boldly live your making, that is, do what you desire to do, what you
incarnated or was born to do!
All lies die when the truth is told. AFRICAN PROVERB
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: No lie can live forever. Truth is the light that
erases the darkness of a lie.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: While you may appear insignificant to the world
at large, but to someone, one person, you may be the most significant person
in their life.
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, youll land among the stars.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Aim high in whatever you do! And even if you
miss the target (dont accomplish your goals), youll still be in the category
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of the people who tried, the people who took actions, the people who took a
chance and this alone will make you an ultimate winner in the end. Even
failure is positive because it denotes you at least took action. You cant fail
or succeed unless you take action!
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That
will be the beginning. LOUIS L. AMOUR
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Every ending is a new beginning!
How old would you be if you didnt know how old you are?
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Age is an illusion! Age only exist because of
linear time which is also an illusion. Age is dependent upon time linear
time and linear time is a foolish attempt by man to place limitations on
Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of
mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism
come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect
only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater
achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of
yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that
the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Focus only on your desires! To receive only the
best you have to be the best. Constantly work on yourself so as to improve
yourself. Were always a work in progress.
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin real life.
But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be gotten
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through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to

be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This
perspective has helped me see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is
the way. So treasure every moment you have and remember that time
waits for no one. Happiness is a journey, not a destination! SOUZA
DJEHUTY FOTNOTE: Its never about the destination, but the journey!
There will never come a time when we reach a final destination and be
happy. That day will never come because life is about constant movement.
To reach a destination means to become stagnant or dead because theres no
movement. Movement is the key of life!
Beware of anyone who tells you their way is the only way. It is not
possible to experience the reality of God through anothers experience.
The truth that will transform your life and nourish your spirit comes
from within you. Speak from your own experience and you will always
speak the truth. Trust in the truth that God has created in you the
truth that you yourself are. DR. JAMES CHAPMAN
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Everybody has a one-on-one relationship with
God. There is no one right way to God. Every single world religion is
merely a path for the person to arrive at the realization of being one with
God. And so is spirituality!
Your spiritual growth is the greatest contribution you can make to
yourself. The more you work on your spiritual growth, the easier it will
be to manifest what you want in your life. Call on your Angels to
contribute to your mastery and to help you have more joy, vitality and
love. The more you refine your thoughts, actions and intentions, the
more you will be drawn into a higher spiritual consciousness and
fellowship with the Angelic Kingdom. God would have you be happy,
joyous and free. Ask and you will receive. DR. JAMES CHAPMAN
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Always cultivate your spiritual side because
technically we are spiritual beings. When you invest in your spiritual self,
you are now truly investing in self.
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Life is not about getting and having, but about being and
becoming. MYRNA LOY
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Your value in life does not come from having or
possessing things, material things, but your contributions to the world as a
Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail EMERSON
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Be a trailblazer! Blaze your own path. Do not go
down the broad way, but travel the path that was no path until you made it a
path by deciding to go that particular direction.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look
so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been
opened for us. HELEN KELLER
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You will never see whats before you if you keep
looking back.
Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as
it should. MAX EHRMANN
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Without a doubt, life objectively in society and the
world is playing out as its supposed to. Everything is going and unfolding
according to higher divine plan.
The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own
mind, may take possession of anything else to which he is justly
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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The mind is the key, the great magnet. It is

through the proper use of the mind that you shall obtain and attain all that
you desire.
You cant take spirituality to the bank and cash it in. The material
things bear witness to our spiritual success.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Spirituality and materiality both work together,
and you cant get stuck in extremes of either one. You cannot neglect the
spiritual for the material or the material for the spiritual. Both compliment
each other, but it is the spiritual that leads and material follows.
If you want to be something in life, at least put yourself in that
environment. LES BROWN
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Basically, birds of a feather flock together.
Whatever you desire to be, put yourself in that environment. If you desire to
be successful, dont hang around failures. If you desire to be happy, dont
hang out with miserable people. The people who are like and vibrate on your
level strengthen and empower you.
The heart afraid of dying never learns to live. Bette Midler
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The best way to prepare for death is to learn to
love and enjoy life and live it to the fullest!
The only wealth is intelligence and the only poverty is ignorance.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: True wealth is in your mental and intellectual
resources and poverty on all levels results from the lack of use of such
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He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge prescribes the
circumference of your activity. Louis Farrakhan
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Who ever programs your mind has programmed
your actions.
The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You have to be what you desire!
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Decisions have to be made. Make decisions or
they will make you.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Empty your load by dealing with your problems.
The more you carry a problem, the more you will be weighed down by that
Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Worrying is so useless. It stifles and stagnates and
even blocks. Why worry when you can be happy?
Count your blessings, not your worries.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: When you count your blessings, you are focusing
on blessings and thus will attract more blessings into your life and
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circumstances. However, when you count your worries, you are focusing on
worrying and thus will attract more worry into your life and circumstances.
You are the master of your own fate, the captain of your own soul.
William Ernest Henley
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You control your fate by controlling your
thoughts, emotions, and actions. Your fate is a choice, a personal choice!
Its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years!
Abe Lincoln
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: As the years pass, make sure you live life to the
fullest doing all you desire to do.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us. EMERSON
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: What matters most is whats inside of you.
Your risk everything when you risk nothing TAKE A RISK!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The people who play it safe in life are the real risk
takers and those who take a risk and use their minds on creative pursuits and
to provide a living for themselves are the ones who are truly playing it safe
in life.
Have to believe we are magic NOTHING can stand in our way!
Olivia Newton John (Xanadu soundtrack, 1980)

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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You truly are magic and once you make up your
mind as to what you desire, nothing can stand in your way of achieving that
The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within.
Mahatma Gandhi
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: The still voice within can shake up your world
foundation that is built upon noise. The still voice is a tyrant because it
destroys the chatter and noise of the mind.
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from
themselves. James Matthew Barrie
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: You cant help but to reap what you yourself
dispense to others. In essence, you give to others what you are. What you
give to others you give to yourself.
Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Victory has many benefits, more so than defeat.
When you dont have an education, youve got to use your brains.
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Use of the brain (mind) makes up for lack of
education, worldly education. Despite not having an education, if you have
and use common sense and reason, youll be all right in the world.
He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the road it leads to.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
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DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Every path leads to somewhere, regardless of

where it begins.
If you want to test your memory, try to remember what you were
worrying about one year ago. Michael S. Traylor
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Worrying is so insignificant that we dont even
remember what we were worrying about one year ago. Worrying is futile!
Its hard to detect good luck it looks so much like something youve
earned. Fred A. Clark
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Good luck does not come to us by chance.
Whatever we get in life, whether its positive or negative, we have earned it,
either in the present life or perhaps the past life.
If you want to truly understand something, try to change it. Kurt
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: I learned this through experience when I
attempted to change the legal system. In trying to change the legal system
(make it do what it was supposed to do), I learned so much about the legal
system that it made me realize that it was much easier for me to change
myself and simply avoid the legal system altogether.
In three words I can sum up everything Ive learned about life: It goes
on! Robert Frost
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: No matter what happens in life, it will forever go
on, even after the death of a loved one. Life doesnt stop for anyone.

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Good friends are good for your health. Irwin Sarason
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Good friends are good for your health because
they dont tax you or drain you. They make you feel good and when you feel
good, your body responds accordingly.
Wealth is something you acquire so you can share it, not keep it. La
Donna Harris
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Wealth does no good stored up. Wealth is better
used when it is shared. A truly wealthy person remains wealthy by helping
others to become wealthy.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. Gen. George
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: It doesnt matter that you fall, it only matters that
you get back up. Thats what counts!
Youll never know unless you TRY!
DJEHUTY FOOTNOTE: Nothing beats a failure but an attempt, but also, no
knowledge can be attained without effort. Even reading requires effort. To
try means to put forth effort.
The secret to life is to live it.
DJEJUTY FOOTNOTE: The mystery of life unfolds as you begin to truly
live and experience life and be aware while living and experiencing life.

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How To Keep Negative People at Bay

You may be attracting negative people (Negs) all the while not seeing yourself as
negative or a negative person. Negative people coming into your world (or space)
doesnt necessarily mean that you yourself are a negative person. You could simply
be an unconscious prospect for psychic vampires who simply want to drain your
energy; also, it could be a situation where the maxim misery loves company is the
You see, other miserable people require other people to help keep them miserable,
thats why they are always consciously or unconsciously seeking other miserable
people to court.
Talk of misery feeds their appetite for misery. The same applies to people who feed
off of negativity. They want your negative energy to feed their appetite for
negativity so they attempt to share and spread their negativity with you in hopes
that they can get you started and you too start talking about negative things, which
is greatly detrimental to you.
Or in the alternative, these Negs may attempt to do things to piss you off so that
you become negative. Theyll do whatever they can to bring negativity (words,
emotion, actions) out of you so they can feed off of it.
Its very easy, though it may take some practice and patience, to keep negative
people (including psychic vampires) at bay with only mere use of the mind and
Because opposites repel, all you have to do is be and say the opposite of the miser
or negative person. This is why you must invest in positivity, optimism, and
inspiration and become these things internalizing them, becoming the human
and living personifications of them.
Simply meet negative statements with positive ones, each and every time, and I
guarantee you over time you will automatically repel any negative person or miser.
Your aura alone will do the job. You will become a master at dealing with negativity
in all shapes, sizes, forms, and fashion.

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The more positive, optimistic, and inspirational about life you become, the more
you will program these things into your aura. You wont even have to open your
mouth for people to know you are a positive, optimistic, and inspiring or
inspirational person. Youll convey this through your aura and people will feel it.
When you open your mouth you will only be confirming or substantiating the
energy you emit from your essence and that people feel.
Okay, now that there is knowledge, there must be application of that knowledge.
Here are few examples below to help you learn how to handle Negs and misers.
Example #1:
Neg: Man, you cant win for losing in life!
Pos: Thats merely your perception! If you see yourself losing or as a loser in life,
then thats what youll attract in your life. So you might want to change your
perspective and focus in life start seeing yourself winning, then youll start
winning in life. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose but losing itself!
Example #2:
Neg: Life just isnt worthwhile!
Pos: I adamantly disagree! Perhaps you just have no goals in life that are
Example #3:
Neg: You cant trust women (or men). Theyre all the same. They will only get over
on you and break your heart. Love is for the birds!
Pos: Your perception is not my reality. If you feel you cant trust women (or men)
perhaps you have an inner problem pertaining to self trust and attract certain kinds
of women (or men) to help you see this inner flaw within yourself. Perhaps if you
started trusting yourself and other people without reservation, youll start
attracting trustworthy women (or men). If you think women (or men) will only get
over on you, then thats what youll attract and experience and clearly you have in
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order to be talking the way you do. And if love is for the birds, are you not greater
than a bird that you too should experience love?
Its a very simple and easy exercise and strategy. Just meet EVERY negative
statement or comment with a positive one.
If the battle goes on too long and you start feeling drained, make a choice to leave
the presence of the Neg or miser, but only after saying something positive. Make
sure you get the last word. The last word has a lasting effect on people.
You can charge (or recharge) yourself with gemstone elixirs or aura sprays as well
as with crystals (i.e. black tourmaline, amethyst, onyx, black obsidian, celestite),
meditation, positive music, chakra balancing, etc.
If you have the e-mail address of the negative person, share (type, or cut and paste)
a positive quote with them. Send the positive quote to them!
Do this every single day if you can, a new quote every day. You might even get a
response e-mail from the negative person for you to stop e-mailing them,
something that you desire anyway should the person choose to remain negative.
However, its always better to receive notice that a breakthrough has occurred with
the person.
If people share a negative story with you, make sure you find a positive story to
share back with them. Always meet negativity with positivity, and likewise, meet
pessimism with optimism, and depression with inspiration.
If people call you on the phone to talk about negative stuff, dont tell them you are
busy, stay on the phone for a while (reasonable time) and meet their negativity with
positivity. You see, if you run from them, theyll keep chasing you because what
you run from you run to. If you tell them Im busy right now, call me later! thats
exactly what theyll do; so stay on the phone and start making your mark which may
serve as a beneficial protective field for you against the person.
A thing that really strengthened me in my early days of becoming a conscious
positive person was programming myself, my spirit, with beautiful, positive,
uplifting, and inspirational music, almost every single day; music which included
many gospel songs. Who says you have to be a Christian to enjoy gospel music?
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Gospel music is some of the most uplifting and inspirational music around (though
you may have theological differences with certain things sung about, but you can
understand the premise and principle behind the lyric).
I also listened to a lot of beautiful Islamic music as well (though most were songs
for children, but I didnt care one bit because the messages were beautiful).
I didnt care about who was singing a particular song. I only cared about the
message in the song that would feed my soul, feed my spirit, and uplift me, inspire
me, and remind me of things I already knew and experienced, music and songs by
Lauryn Hill (I Get Out), Sly and the Family Stone (Stand), The Rascals (Its A
Beautiful Morning), Olivia Newton John (Magic), Yolanda Adams (I Gotta
Believe, Im Gonna Be Ready Never Give Up, and many others), Peabo
Bryson (A Whole New World), Frank Sinatra (My Way), and Tom Jones
(Dream the Impossible Dream) to name a few.
I listened to the music on repeat mode, over and over and over again, for hours.
Even when I left my apartment (because I learned that music leaves an energetic
imprint, not only in your subconscious mind, but your environment) I left the
music playing on repeat mode. Many times I would return after a few hours to come
back home to my beautiful, inspiring, and uplifting music.
Repetition of a message constitutes mental programming and music or some songs
have messages within them, so what better way to program yourself?
Its nothing wrong with being mentally programmed as long as you are the one
doing the programming of your mind, of yourself.
If government (school system, public education, college/university), society,
corporations, and especially religion can program you, how come you cant
program yourself and for a benefit to yourself, unlike what you get from these
institutions and entities named above?
If you want to think, feel, and act positive, youll have to program yourself to be this
way and you wont get much help from the institutions and entities named above
either. This is not to say they cant or wont be of assistance, but youll have to be
responsible for this choice to become and be positive because remember, our
society (Matrix) functions off of negativity and it greatly benefits from negativity
Page 31

and people doing negative things. Positivity would put a lot of businesses out of
business, just as true love, adoration, and respect for the female and feminine (by
males and females alike) would put the pornography business out of business, and
how freedom from belief in original sin, the need for salvation, and the existence of
a character named Satan or the Devil would put religion out of business.
To become a beacon of positivity, read positive literature. Watch positive shows
and movies (you may have to stop watching television and only start watching
DVDs that allows you to control what you watch); listen to positive music, write
positive things, send positive e-mails and texts (perhaps throughout the day), hang
pictures with positive quotes on your wall, only talk and fraternize with positive
people, make only positive people your friends, only call people on the phone to
share positive news or information with them.
Send out positive energy and it will come back around to you in accordance
pursuant to higher law. Guaranteed! That which is called luck or good luck is
nothing but that which has been earned. Dividends from past and preset actions.
The world and many people of the world may choose to remain negative, perhaps
due to unconscious choice, but you dont have to. You, as an individual, can make
the choice, a conscious choice, to become positive.
I did and so have many others and YOU CAN TOO! Make the Change, if you
desire to!

The End
Thank you for reading The Djehuty Compendium of Positivity,
Optimism, and Inspiration.

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It is my fondest wish and desire for everyone who reads this work to
make the conscious decision and choice to be Positive, Optimistic, and
always be Inspired in whatever it is they do.
Peace, Love, life, and Light
Djehuty Maat-Ra

Other Books By Djehuty

Page 33

The Traffic Ticket Manual, Volume 1

The Traffic Ticket Manual, Volume 2
The Parking Ticket Manual
The Pro Per and Pro Se Litigants Manual
Case Law Goodies, Volumes 1, 2, 3
The Mental Science Manual
The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity manual, Vol. 1
How To Discover Your Lifes Higher Purpose
The Love Manual
The Sex Manual, Vol. 1
The Sex Manual, Vol. 2
The Chakras Manual
The Full Body Detox Companion
The Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual

Available @

Life Guidance Consultation

Page 34

(Over-The-Phone) $50.00

Are you a Healer? Light-worker? Leader? Humanitarian? Minister?

Teacher? Counselor? Writer? Speaker? Social Worker? Philanthropist?
Are you confused and perplexed about the direction of your life? Do
you feel you are here on Earth for a bigger and higher purpose but
cant quite put your finger on what you are supposed to be doing
Are you working a job and feel it is a dead end job, something youre
doing but only to make ends meet or to pay your bills? Are you at a
job that you prefer to not even be at?
Do you feel an urge to help people but dont know in what capacity or
Do you know what you are here to do and/or desire to do but fear you
wont make it (be successful) in that line of work, that the line of work
(calling) wont be able to support your worldly financial needs?
Do you know what you want to do but dont know how to get started?
Get insight into your lifes purpose. Its encoded in your makeup based
upon your pre-incarnation application that is decoded by utilizing
divination, astrology, numerology, colorstrology, crystology, and
meditation to name a few. You incarnated with EVERYTHING you need
to know about yourself and your lifes purpose. The more you come to
know yourself, the clearer things will become and the easier your ride
in life will be.
Our Life Guidance consultation helps you get on the path of having
your life path revealed and actualized. We prepare your personal
numerology sheet (destiny, life path, inner and outer, universal year,
and personal year numbers), your personal astrological profile sheet,
colorstrology evaluation sheet, and give you exercises to perform.
Start doing what you came here to do. Its your divine birthright (to
follow your heart and do what you desire to do) and you can make
more than a living (earning) you can live out your wildest dreams
right here in this lifetime and on this earth and positively impact other
people while doing so. Schedule your consultation today!

Page 35

DHERBS Anti-Psychic Attack Spray $19.95

Physical Benefits: This wonderful spray is made with pure essential
oils and crystal frequencies (and the bottle even contains real crystals
of Black Tourmaline, Onyx, and Quartz crystal) which can be used to
prevent, neutralize, or ward off all form and manner of psychic attack
and psychic vampirism as well as negativity from NEGS all by way of
altering frequency or vibration.
Directions: Hold a few inches above your head and spray 2-5 times.
After spraying, visualize a protective sparkling white field or bubble
around your whole body. Affirm repeatedly (5-10 times): I am
protected with positive energy! Use spray as needed! (For external use

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