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Enrique Holgado de Frutos

C/ Bernardo Mulleras, 6, 1
13001 Ciudad Real
Telephone: 0034 650 000 285

Ciudad Real, 6th February 2010

Dear Mr. Robotics Innovation Center and Mr. Jose de Gea Fernandez,
I send you this letter in order to inform you of one of the actions belonging to the
Leonardo Da Vinci programme, that is, looking for a company which would be
interested in joining this programme upon request of the applicant. The company would
have to receive the applicant during the length of this programme. During this time, the
candidate would do the type of training which both, the applicant and the company
would agree.
Before carrying on with this letter, I would like to explain the basis of the Leonardo
The Leonardo Programme was born in 1994 and after various stages the 2007-2013 programme is now
open. Due to the new incorporated programme Permanent Learning Programme of the European Union,
Leonardo is now one of the four basic sectoral programmes. These are the specific and operative
objectives according to the Leonardo Da Vinci agency in Spain:
Specific objectives:
To support participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of
knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development.
To improve the quality and innovation of the systems, institutions and training in vocational
To increase the appeal of vocational education, training and mobility for individuals and to
facilitate the mobility of working trainees.
Operative objectives:
To improve the quality and to increase the mobility in Europe of the people who are in
vocational studies so that, once they have finished the Permanent Learning Programme, the
number of participants who permanently join companies will increase up to 80000 minimum per
year by the end of this programme.
To improve the quality and to increase the cooperation between organizations which give
learning opportunities, companies, social agents or any other organization belonging to Europe.
To facilitate the development of innovative training experiences in the educational area as in
vocational studies and its transfer, even between the countries which take part.
To improve the openness as well as the recognition of the qualifications and competences, even
the ones acquired through formal or informal teaching.
To encourage the learning of Modern Foreign Languages

The Leonardo da Vinci programme, spends most of its budget helping organizations
to fund training projects for both, young students and recent Bachelors, in European
companies. Most of Spanish Universities, including the UCLM (Universidad de

Castilla-La Mancha), where I earned my degree in Industrial Engineering, take part in

this programme.
This type of scholarship includes financial aid for travel, insurance, accommodation and
living expenses, and a company (which can already take part in the programme or
willing to take part in it), where the applicant can develop a training project without any
need of salary or remuneration. The company must be in accordance with the
professional profile of the applicant and she/he should be monitored by a mentor. In
conclusion, taking part in this programme does not entail any economic expense for the
This programme offers the possibility of getting in touch with companies which are not
yet included in it but are eager to take part in it. Through the applicants application
form, myself in this case, the company can be part of the Leonardo programme. In my
case, I am to be assigned to a training course which would be recognized as such by the
Leonardo programme.
The task I would carry out as a scholarship holder should have a technical and an
innovative content. It should also contribute to my professional qualification as well as
it should complement my university studies. I would then be able to put into practice
what I have learnt at University if I get the Leonardo scholarship.
In case the company considers interesting its participation in this type of programme,
making easier my access to the labour market, your company would have to sign an
agreement with my university. In order to do so, your corporation should provide me
with an Acceptance letter from the company. It should be written on a paper with the
companys stamp and a valid signature. It should include the following information:
1. Name of the scholarship trainee and his/her acceptance in the company to do a
training course under the Leonardo Da Vinci programme.
2. A representative of the company who will sign the settlement agreement.
3. A programme with the activities which are to be developed during the stay as
well as the name of the mentor who will monitor the trainee.
4. Dates and length of the training course.
5. Any complementary information in case it is needed.
With your acceptance letter I could apply for the Leonardo scholarship at my University
(UCLM). Once they check Leonardos budget availability, I could be accepted in the
Leonardo programme in the action named:
People in the Labour Market (PLM): The action Mobility for People in the Labour
Market of the Leonardo da Vinci sectoral programme aims at the support of
transnational mobility of workers, selfemployed or people available for employment
(including graduates) undergoing a training period abroad in a vocational training
context. The length of the contract can be from 2 up to 29 weeks.
To sum up, participating in this project can be a good opportunity for your company
given that;
1. The programme does not entails any expense for your corporation

2. Your company could benefit from the trainees knowledge as I am a Bachelor of

Industrial Engineering, since the company would decide they project I can work
3. Thanks to the Europass the trainee gets with this programme, the name of your
company will be known wherever the trainee goes in the future.
4. Receipt of European Mention
5. The participation in Leonardos programmes allows the company to be
beneficiary of future European programmes which are subsidized by the
European Commission as well as the Investigation and Development
Commission. It also allows getting subventions more easily in the future.
These are the reasons why I request you accept my application, as we both will get
prestige as well as a clear benefit from my training.
Please find attached my CV. I hope this letter as well as my CV will encourage you to
start all the steps needed to begin our agreement. Your company can appoint me for any
project you considered that could be in the interests of both parts. It could be an
instructive and innovative technical project where I could collaborate. With the
monitoring and my mentors help I assure you I will bring the project/collaboration to a
good end.
I thank you in advance and send you my kind regards.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Enrique Holgado de Frutos

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