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Paige Edwards

Fonts Used

We consistently used the same font throughout our entire paperwork, this
was because we didnt want anybody assessing our blogs, to not
understand anything due to inappropriate fonts types included in our
work. This would be Arial, Size 12.

The only time our fonts would change is if we would use another platform
such as; prezi, or blogger in itself, in this case the font would change but
still be chosen in order for the assessor or our teacher to identify what we
have written correctly.

In terms of our production, due to our name being Dear Mum, as the
editor, I decided to go for something slightly different and try and adapt it
to the meaning of the film. I consists of clear spacing, but the letters are
slightly bold and they appear in an elegant way, a way in which hopefully
the audience can interpret a sense of purity or unity, or even better, love.
I kept the title font in white to emphasise this as white connotes purity in
itself and it is easily read on a plain black ground and is easy for our
audience to notice.

Finally, the way in which each role is identified during our short film, is
simple. We have kept the colour white and the font is light and not bold,
this is because, even though we want our audience to recognise each role,
it cannot overshadow the production in itself, so as the editor, I kept them
at the bottom left hand side of the screen, easily identified but not to the
point where the audience cannot notice the rest of what is happening on
the screen.

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