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Technology Tools Students Use

o Students use Blackboard as their hub for all classes offered at
our school. They can find course calendars, syllabi, assignments,
videos, etc.
Google drive
o Google drive is particularly useful when students are working on
group assignments. They can all work on the same document
and contribute without necessarily being in the same room.
Google drive is also great because students can organize and
store documents without having to carry around a binder and
hole punch papers.
o Each of our students has an iPad, which makes it easy to use
applications and complete assignments.
o We use Showbie for all homework assignments in my class. This
allows me to write feedback directly on assignments and also
eliminates discussions about late and missing work.
o I create Quizlet sets for each unit in my courses. This gives
students a resource to study in class and at home for both unit
exams and finals.

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