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Readings & Videos Semester Project:

Interview to Daishi Alfredo Murano Labastida

Daishi Murano is the career advisor of mechatronics engineering, hes a great person
and an excellent teacher. His contributions to Tec CEM are very important not only to
the well development of the student but also of the campus as he is one of the most well
known people in the campus. But where did this great person started his passion and
how much time has passed since that day? Why is he important for the campus?
When he was just a little kid he developed a very strong attraction for technology, he
loved to see how all was made, how it was made and what was made of so he would
take a screwdriver and disarm everything technological in his path. This was the
beginning of his story as a mechatronic engineer. In his next years he would be studying
to become what he loved but during those years he worked for the institute Cruz Roja
where he learned first aids and after that he taught these techniques to different people
and he noticed a little spark inside him.
In his last year of career he worked for a company where the principal product was
appliances for air conditioning but he did not like the experience that much and he lost
the clarity of where he would like to be working. He was kind of sad but a great idea
came to his mind where he decided to study a masters degree and then he
remembered that spark he felt years ago teaching people then it all became clear for
What he really loved is to teach, so he decided that he would love to be a teacher but
he was also ambitious, he also wanted a high place in the executive part of the

institution and fortunately the opportunity appeared to become the career advisor for
mechatronics engineering and he absolutely took it.
He has been teaching in Tec CEM for more than 10 years and nowadays he still loves
what he does, his favorite thing and what he enjoys the most of being a teacher is the
possibility to share all his studies and his life experiences with his students because he
has the opportunity to pass his knowledge to the next generation.
But hes not only a teacher, on the other hand he also has projects of his own where he
works and some of them have difficulty. One of the hardest situations of his life as a
mechatronic engineer was during this time in Tec CEM. The reason was because it was
a humongous project and Daishi hadnt participate in a project of that magnitude by that
time so it represented a real challenge for him and after a lot of work and difficulties to
present the project with the client, he succeeded.
As a teacher, Daishi only has one lesson for his students: it is to live every day as it was
the last of their lives because we really dont know when it will become real; love and be
grateful with our families and all the people that walk this path with us and overcome all
the obstacles and fears that kept us down to do what we must. The objective is to
achieve everything we propose to ourselves in our life.
For his knowledge and apportations for the development of the students in knowledge
and wisdom, Daishi is without doubt one of the greatest in Tec CEM. His life
experiences have guide him to the position where he is nowadays. Is not what he do
what make him important, is what he shares and how he does it.

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