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Friday, November 18, 2016

Vestaburg Elementary

This week we focused on the letter Cc. Your child

should know how to correctly write a capital and
small letter Cc and be able to tell you the sound that
it makes. (C says c, cow on a cab, c, c, c.) Please
review all 26 letters and make sure your child
recognizes each one and knows the sounds.
In math we have been reviewing for our unit 2 math
test: adding and subtracting, shapes including
hexagon, writing numbers 1-10, and counting objects.
In social studies , our unit is "Where am I?" We used
words to describe where things are located, such as
up, down, above, below, behind, in front of, in, and
out. We learned about maps and discussed our
location at school in our community of Vestaburg,
which is in the state of Michigan.
Our writing unit continues to be labeling and listing.
I am modeling how to create a class book using a leaf
that we found on a nature walk The students are
contributing ideas. Soon the children will begin their
own books using the objects that they brought to
class from their nature walks with you.

Please make sure your child is

dressed for the weather. A coat,
hat, and mittens are needed now.
The morning recess can be quite
chilly. Also, please make youre
your child can zip up his/her coat.
Thank you!

Dates to Remember:

Nov. 23: 1:00 Dismissal

Nov. 24 & 25: No School
Dec. 2: Progress reports sent
Dec. 8 & 9: PTO Holiday Store
Dec. 14: 1:00 pm dismissal
Dec. 20: Our classroom party
Dec. 21-Jan.3: Christmas Break
Jan. 4: School Resumes

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call before or after
school at 268-5284 ext. 1180, write a note, or email @ .

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