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Fiziksel Buhar Biriktirme Yntemi le Yaplan

Zirkonyum Nitrr nce Film Kaplamann

Kaplama Parametrelerinin ncelenmesi Ve
Trkz, Mustafa Cenk


Zirkonyum Nitrr (ZrN) kaplamalar endstriyel alanda yaygn uygulamas olan
dier fiziksel buhar biriktirme (FBB) kaplamalar ile kyaslandnda, dk yzey
srtnme katsaysna, az sayda metalik makropartikl (droplet) dalmna ve
dk yzey przllne sahip olmasna ramen, grece dk sertlii ve kt
adhezyon (yapma) mukavemeti sebebiyle yaygn uygulama alanna sahip
deildir. Genel kullanm alan sadece demir d yumuak metal ve alamlarn
(alminyum, bakr, pirin vb.) talal ekillendirilmesi prosesleriyle kstldr. Baz
zel retim proseslerinin kullanmyla, ZrNin srtnme katsays arttrlmakszn,
kaplama sertlii ve adhezyon mukavemeti arttrlabilirse, ZrN kaplamalara yeni
kullanm alanlar oluturmak mmkn olabilecektir. zetle, eer hem yksek
sertlie ve adhezyon mukavemetine, hem de dk srtnme katsaysna sahip
bir kaplama retilebilirse bu ideal bir kaplama olur ve endstriyel uygulamada
yaygn olarak kullanlabilir. Byle bir kaplama gelitirmek amacyla FBB kaplama
proses parametrelerinin etkilerinin incelendii bu almada, ncelikle ZrN
kaplamalarn retiminde azot ksmi basncnn optimizasyonu yaplm, sonra
belirlenen azot ksmi basnc deerinde doru akm (d.c.) bias, tek kutuplu
(nipolar) pulse ve asimetrik ift kutuplu (bipolar) pulse bias voltajlar
uygulanarak elde edilen kaplamalarn yaps ve kalnlk, sertlik ve adhezyon
mukavemeti gibi mekanik zelliklerindeki deiimler incelenmitir. Deneysel
almalar sonucunda, 8 mtorr azot ksmi basncnda, -200 volt asimetrik bipolar
pulse bias voltajyla retilen FBB ZrN kaplamann en iyi mekanik zelliklere sahip
olduu tespit edilmitir.

When compared to the other Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) coatings which are
extensively used in industry, Zirconium Nitride (ZrN) coating does not have a
wide application because of its relatively low hardness and low adhesion strength

despite its desirable properties such as low friction coefficient, low surface
roughness and less metallic macroparticle (droplet) distribution. Its common
application field is restricted to machining soft and ductile non-ferrous metals and
alloys like aluminium, copper, brass etc. under well-cooled machining conditions.
If the hardness and adhesion strength of ZrN coating could be improved by
performing some special production processes without altering its friction
properties, it would be possible to extend its usage in new applications. In the
first step of the experimental studies, ZrN coating is optimized due to reactive
gas (nitrogen) partial pressure. In the next step of the experimental studies, a
bias voltage scan is performed by applying different d.c., unipolar pulse and
asymmetric bipolar pulse bias voltages. The basic mechanical properties such as
coating hardness, coating thickness and adhesion strength of ZrN films deposited
in various nitrogen partial pressures and bias voltages are investigated. As the
result of experimental studies, the best results are achieved in ZrN coatings
deposited by applying 8 mtorr nitrogen partial pressure and -200 volt asymmetric
bipolar pulse bias voltage.


Tez (Doktora) -- stanbul Teknik niversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstits, 2006

Thesis (PhD) -- stanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology,


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