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Tugas 1


: Albar Febrianto


: 2016 51 003

Jurusan : Teknik Sipil

The education system in ITB require new students to pass TPB (Common
Preparatory) for one year. So, before getting into the courses more specific
knowledge, new students discussed beforehand with the basic capabilities such as
calculus, physics, chemistry, sports, Grammar scientific papers, and others.
What is the story of a Gandrie?
I realized that I was not an expert in solving physics. I do not like physics.
Class 2 high school, I started looking for information on any college that suits me to
pursue science. In short, I chose industrial engineering ITB. My thoughts at the time,
majoring in industrial engineering will definitely be very interesting because it
combines engineering with management spice to megoptimalkan an industry. I was
determined to get into the industrial engineering ITB.
FTI mean I should go because I wanted majors in the faculty. Since the
beginning of third grade high school, a poster reads "Industrial Engineering ITB!
Here I Come!" with a magnificent plastered in my room. To enter ITB, there are two
occasions namely USM USM 1 and 2. Do not want (more) damning my parents
about money, I just took USM 2, centered, in Bandung, ITB. I only have one chance.
Full of hope I enter the registration number if I was accepted or not at ITB.
Had accepted, in what faculty? My choices: FTI, FTTM, and FTSL. Enter. I was
accepted, I was accepted FTSL, instead of FTI. I feel like candy nano-nano that time.
Sweet, sour, and salty, lively taste, everything is there. Somehow, I am sad and
disappointed, but also happy.
I'm leaning to the two fields to the level of the end. No longer I'm willing to
stick with all strukturan. Nevertheless, I can not guarantee myself be engaged in the
world of civil engineering in the future. For some reason. What is clear, I want and
need to continue their education outside Indonesia S2 without intervention funds
from parents. What would I understood better? I do not know. Perhaps management,
transportation may, perhaps urban and regional planning, and much is possible in
the other.

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