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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

It is time for our Louisiana Festivals Mardi Gras Parade. We are so excited. We get to
dress in costumes and ride our decorated wagons while throwing beads! We are the stars of our
very own Mardi Gras Parade. The parade will be Friday, February 24th, at 2:00. The parade is
based on various Louisiana Festivals. On the website, you can sign up
for the festival you would like to be in (the link in the checklist below) Sign and return
the bottom of this note.
The students can bring wagons that are decorated to be their float. Their big buddies will
pull them in the wagons and assist with their beads during the parade. NO BIKES, SCOOTERS OR
MOTORIZED VEHICLES! If you cant borrow a wagon and your buddy doesnt have one, you can
walk in the parade with your buddy helping you with your beads.
Below we have put together a checklist to help you prepare for the parade. We always
need your help to be our very best and this is one of those times.

Parade Checklist
_______1. Help your child decide which festival he/she would like to represent.
_______2. Help them develop a costume to match the festival chosen. Turn in costumes as early
as you can. NO later than Wednesday, February 22th so that we have them at school on
time for the parade. We will need your help the day of the parade to help them get ready.
_______3. Send any beads and/or trinkets available to throw at the parade (such as stuffed
animals in good condition, appropriately labeled cups, Frisbees etc.), please bring, starting now
and by Monday, February6tht. Already sorted beads are preferable.
_______4. Bring your wagon (no bikes or scooters) to school the morning of the parade. (Friday,
February 24th). You can decorate your float to match the costume you picked. Please line up
the wagons outside of the kindergarten classrooms on the grass. They must be picked up by

the day of the parade.

_______5. Use the Sign Up Genius link to choose which festival your child will be in.
_______6. Come and join us at 1:15 on the day of the parade to help get your child dressed and
ready for the parade. We need your help!
_______7. Stand and scream Throw me somethin Kindergarten! on the basketball court.
Thank you in advance for your hard work in making this a great and fun day! If you have any
questions, please ask your childs teacher.
Kindergarten Teachers
Students Name _________________________________________________________
Festival _______________________________________________________________

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