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4 Friday, March 3, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune


Attitude Of Gratitude In Manitobas Valley Paradise

alike, attract new residents and we see community grateful for in Minnedosa: 3. Th e recreational op-
Living in and bring back youth who
have left to pursue their
service groups and the ser-
vices they provide ride off
1. Th e people who
have stepped up to ensure
portunities which are of-
fered here. Not many com-
Paradise educations, support our
local business owners and
into the sunset. We are left
complaining about the loss
we are not losing more ser-
vice groups, events, and
munities can boast they
have a lake with a beach,
By CHANTELLE encourage entrepreneurs, and comparing to back in amenities in town. There campground, 18-hole golf
PARROTT and attract tourists and
the dollars they bring with
the day and not acknowl-
edging the missed oppor-
are a group of very active
volunteers in our commu-
course, nine-run ski hill,
library, bowling alley,
EDO, Minnedosa & Area CDC
them. tunity to get involved and nity, some young parents community gym, off leash
Many people have ex- be the change we wish to and business owners who, dog park, hiking and cross
pressed that they no longer see in the town. often at the cost of more country ski trails, indoor
F irstly I would like to
thank everyone for
the warm welcome into
MREC, the challenges of
getting support for our lo-
cal businesses, our popu-
have the energy or give-a-
hoot to be involved, either
With this in mind, I
choose to approach this
lost sleep and less fam-
ily time are contributing in
and outdoor skating rinks,
curling rinks, yoga studio,
my new position as the lation decline in the most from bad experiences of role with an Attitude of meaningful and valuable a multitude of annual festi-
Economic Development recent census, the lack days gone by, the slow- Gratitude and to focus on ways. To them I say, Thank vals, and very active sports
Officer for Minnedosa of social opportunity for turning wheels of change the strengths, opportuni- you! and community program-
and Area. I moved back young adults, and lack of making projects feel like ties, and unique traits that 2. Th e natural beauty ming. It might take getting
to Minnedosa in 2014 af- engagement of the same they will never get done, our community has to of- of our valley town. The out and about, but there is
ter leaving to pursue my in community politics and or fear of backlash from fer. Having an attitude of lake and river nestled in defi nitely no shortage of
education and career, and service groups. the community on their gratitude can quickly help the rolling hills and sur- things to do right here in
jumped at the opportunity Since stepping into own business ventures a person shift their focus rounding fi elds, and the Minnedosa!
to work locally and have the role of Economic De- should someone express from complaining about central greenspaces in-
a hand in shaping the fu- velopment Officer for the the wrong opinion pub- what they dont have or cluding the bison com- Chantelle Parrott is
ture of my hometown. Af- Minnedosa area, I am in licly. We see a shift now, think they deserve, to rec- pound and nature trails, the new Economic De-
ter just a few short weeks a unique position where where the change-makers ognizing and understand- we are truly blessed to live velopment Officer for the
as EDO, I have had many identifying and under- of yesteryear are stepping ing what they do have in a community with gor- Minnedosa Area CDC. You
folks dropping by, calling, standing the advantages down to let a new genera- which is positive and a geous scenes at every turn. can fi nd her at 39 Main St
emailing, and stopping me and challenges facing our tion take the reins; sadly benefit to their lives. With Next time you take a walk South, by calling 204-867-
on the street to give well community is vital to de- the reins often go without a that being said, here is my or drive, dont forget to 3885, or by emailing edo@
wishes, warnings, and to veloping the strategies and fresh set of hands waiting, list of three things I am check out the view!
tell their stories, perspec- goals I will be working to

Letters to the Editor

tives, and ideas. achieve. In defining the
I am fortunate to be focus of these strategies,
in a role where people are hearing different perspec-
very comfortable in ex- tives is invaluable to en-
pressing their opinions, sure that my vision is in line
however positive, nega- with the wants and needs Dear Editor, as the Harper government Riding Mountain Na- made decisions which in
tive, or colourful they may of the community. It be- had decided that Riding tional Park is unique. It is the case of Dauphin, Swan
be. The top contenders for
most popular topic of con-
versation are the state of
came evident very quickly
that there are passionate,
often dividing thoughts
I fi rst want to agree with Mountain National Park
MP Robert Sopuck on would become a three
the beauty of Riding Moun- season park. As a three
described as an island of
wilderness surrounded
by a sea of farmland. As
River, Neepawa constitu-
ency has had a negative
impact on the region. Not
Minnedosa Beach and sur- on how we accommodate tain National Park, and all season park, there would such, it is the only National the least of which was the
rounding facilities, ques- for the needs of our se- the history and nature con- be no support for winter Park in Canada that is sur- decision to make it a three
tions and concerns about niors and young people nected with the Park. In his activities in the park. This rounded by settlements season park.
last sentence, he encourag- policy was decided and and economic activity. As critic for Parks Can-
es us to go many times this in the process of being There should be some con- ada, you would expect Mr.
Letters to the Editor can be sent to year and see what the park implemented while Mr. sideration given to the Sopuck to have an inter- or Box 930, has to off er during every Sopuck remained silent. economic impact of Parks est in how some decisions
Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 different season. Cross-country ski trails Canada decisions on the negativly impact our con-
What Mr. Sopuck ne- were only available to the surrounding area. Parks stituency, and be a vocal
Views expressed in Letters to the Editor are those glected to say, that under public through the dedi- Canada, through con- supporter of change.
of the writer and are not necesarily the views of the previous government, cated eff orts of volunteers secutive governments, has
The Tribune, its owner or staff. this would not be possible, surrounding the Park. treated all parks equal, and Don Dewar

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