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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Aarin Feliz Date: 2/6/17 Time: 9:12am-9:59am

School: Agawam HS Lesson #: 2/4 Facilities: Agawam H.S. Gymnasium
Class Size: 27/28 Grade: 9th through 12th
Unit/Theme: Table Tennis
Generic Level: Control/ Utilization
Equipment: 1) Cellphone with pre-made playlist 2) 28 Tennis Paddles
3)5 Table Tennis Tables 4) 1 Speaker 6) 11 Table tennis balls
Focus of Lesson: Forehand and Backhand Block Shots
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # ; MA CF # ; Task/Activity # )
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Demonstrate at least 3 forehand and 3 backhand block shots with correct technique
following the key objectives during the modified doubles game. (National Standard S1.H3.L2;
MA CF 2.17; Activity #2)
(C) Discuss with their partner how they can improve their success returning a serve or a shot,
by observing the key points sheet and seeing what students can improve upon during activity 2.
(National Standard S1.H4.L1; MA CF 2.17; Activity #2)
(A) Give 2 pieces of positive feedback to the other groups at the table, while keeping track of
game play during the modified doubles game. (National Standard S4.H3.L2 MA CF 2.26;
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Reiterate safety concerns every 5 to 10 minutes so students are aware of surroundings.
2. Give clear instructions on the skills throughout the lesson so there is no confusion with
regards to the activities and what is being asked of the students to perform.
3. Check for understanding after explaining each activity.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
Students must be aware of classmates in their class, and where they are in relation to them, so
that students do not hit one another. Students need to be aware of the wrestling mats and
volleyball poles that make the perimeter of the room. Students must be aware of where their
paddle is going or facing so students are not harmed.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
National Standards & GradeLevel Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. SHAPE America
(Society of Health and Physical Educators). (2014). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Pg: (56-59)
Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Brusseau, T. A., & Erwin, H. (2015). Dynamic
physical education for secondary school students (8th ed.). New York: Benjamin
Cummings. Pg:N/A


Changing time: Students will have 6
0:00- 6:00 minutes to change into the appropriate
attire for P.E. class, while they are doing
so, the teacher will set up and get any
appropriate equipment needed for the
Introduce Myself: Top of the morning class,
My name is Mr. Feliz. x-students
6:00- Instant Activity: Displayed in 1st transition T-Teacher
6:10 Expectations: I hope everyone does the O-Basketball Hoop
warm up to the best of their ability so that
we can get into the awesome lesson I have
for you today.
6:10- Transition: Students will gather around the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
6:15 baseline under the basketball hoop waiting
for instruction. T

Establish a meeting place: Howdy
Everyone, this is where we will be meeting
for the beginning and end of class from
now till the end of the semester.
6:15- Address safety: Ask students to stay within
7:00 the boundaries. Explain why students need
to stay within boundaries; so students do
not run into another student causing injury.
Students need to respect the equipment
and use the equipment for its intended
purpose; misuse of equipment will result in
students not being able to perform activity.
Students who misuse equipment will also
help with roaming around the table tennis
tables and providing their classmates with
positive feedback.
Signals: When the music starts, you may
begin the activity, when the music stops,
you need to put whatever equipment you
are using on the table or on the ground and
look at me for further instructions. If at any
time I feel the lesson is getting out of hand
or you are too loud I am going to use my
whistle and that usually means I am not
happy with how you are behaving. If you X-Students (running around
hear the whistle stop where you are, stop gym)
talking and look for me. T-Teacher

Warm Up: T
Students will be performing the warm up
created by the P.E. teachers at Agawam. XXXXXXXX
The warm up consists of; X X
-a 2 minute jog around the gymnasium (two X X
people jogging next to one another, two X X
7:00- people leading the group and having X X
11:00 students fill in behind them) XXXXXXXX
Split the class in half, one group near
one basketball court, another with the
teaching aid on the other side for
adequate space for each student to T
perform each workout
-10 push ups (if students cant do a pushup X X X X X X X X X
they have to try and hold the position as
long as they can until the other students X X X X X X X X X
get to 10 pushups)
-10 crunches X X X X X X X X X
-10 3-count Jumping jacks

Lesson Purpose: Today we will be playing

a modified doubles game of table tennis.
Other sports that use doubles to play a
game are tennis and beach volleyball
13:00- (seen in the Olympics).
Key Points (Agawam H.S. Website): Ask
for student demo, break down each skill
then put it together sequentially.
-Hand Shake grip
-Eyes on the table tennis ball, track it
-Paddle Flat
-Short forward motion to block a shot or
return a serve
-Backhand difference: Have finger tips curl
into hand and face your body

Check for understanding: Have students

repeat back the key points altogether

Transition: Have students line up on a

14:30- black line shoulder to shoulder. Give
15:00 students a number 1 through 5 and have
them go to the respective table that
correlates to their number. Have equipment
out ready on the table so students can
move into activity right away.

Activity 1: Students will be split into 8 H -Table Tennis Table

groups of 3 and 2 groups of 2 due to the H
limited number of tables. The line on the
tennis table will split the table in half where
students will have a partner on the other T
side of the table where they will practice
their forehand and backhand block shots to xxx xxx xxx
one another. Students will try to rally shots H H H
back and forth to one another as long as H H H
possible. Since there are 3 students to a xxx xxx xxx
15:00- table, students will alternate after every
20:00 rally. The students who are not participating
in the activity at the moment must try to xxx xxx
give feedback to their fellow classmates on H H
what they are doing well or what they could H H
do better. xx xx
Demo: Have a group demo and follow
along and do as the teacher says while
explaining the activity.
Motivational Objective: Can you effectively
return a shot using a forehand block shot
and not hitting the net?

Extension Up:
-Try using your non-dominant hand.
-Try getting a relay going with your partner
using the block shots learned without going
into the other groups space.

Extension Down:
-No use of a serve, one partner will hold
onto the ball, let it hit the table and when
the ball comes back up, they will use a
forehand shot, then after a couple of
attempts switch to a backhand shot.

Questioning: What are the key points again

when using each shot?
Which shot did you find easier to use?
Where is your body in relation to the table
tennis paddle?
What do you have to do with your body to
perform a backhand shot?

Transition: Students will be able to pair up

20:00- with another student at the table they were
20:15 just at and that individual will be their
partner for the modified doubles table

Go over rules of table tennis: (Agawam

20:15- Site)
22:15 Use a rock-paper-
scissors competition to decide
who serves first.
All serves must be
delivered from the right side.
Each team will serve
five times in a row.
After five serves, the
person who finished their serve
and their partner switch sides.
Thus, it is the new returnees who
rotate, while the new service
team remains in place.
The ball must be
tossed out of the palm of the
hand and struck on its downward
Contact of the ball
should be behind the endline and
above table level.
The ball needs to
bounce on the servers side of
the table before bouncing on the
returnees side of the table. It
must bounce on both sides!
A let serve is one that
strikes the net but still goes over
the net onto the correct side of
the returnees court. This is a do-
over with no penalty or point
awarded to either team.

22:15- Checking for understanding: Have students

23:00 reiterate some of the rules. Rules will be xx xx xx
posted at each table. xH xH xHx
23:00- xH xH H
23:30 Demo: Ask for a pair of students demo to xx xx xx
show a serve followed by a rally game.

Activity 2: Students will be broken up into xx xx

pairs chosen by the teacher, to avoid xH H
student alienation. Students will be playing Hx H
a modified version of doubles table tennis. xx xx
Students will play another group of
students for about four minutes and T
23:30- practice the key points they have learned in
38:00 the past couple of days. The three tables
that have 3 teams per table will rotate who
they play each round with the groups at
their table. The tables on the other side of
the gymnasium that have an odd number
of teams will rotate who they play, so each
team will move to the right. This will give
each group a chance to play and give
feedback. Since there are so many
students and not enough tables, the groups
who are not involved in the game will be
helping keeping track of points scored and
at the same time each group member must
provide at least 2 positive feedback
comments to each team. While giving
feedback, students will be able to look at
the key points sheet and focus on
something their classmates can improve
upon and assess what could be improved.
Although points are being scored, there is
no winner each round.

Motivational Objective: How many games

can you use a backhand and forehand

-2 Positive feedbacks; something as simple
as saying great backhand shot! is
-Rally scoring; someone scores each serve
-Follow Rules of the game stated before;
(enforced by the students not playing the
-May not lean on the table anytime
-Students must use equipment for its
intended use.
-Students will play with each group for 4
-Students will have a minute to discuss
how they can improve their game play for
the next activity, for example, strategy.
-The same student may not return the table
tennis ball more than twice.

Extension Up:
-Use of non-dominant hand.
-Students must implement at least 3
forehand and 3 backhand block shots
-Game like modification; play a game to 11.

Extension Down:
-No scoring
-Students can focus on just rallies rather
than serving and then rallying.
-Students only use their favorite block shot
-No Smash shots(kill shots)

38:00- Questioning: What kind of feedback was

38:20 beneficial to your game play experience?
What feedback improved your skill?

38:20- Transition: Students will be called by table

39:20 to put their equipment back where it
belongs and then go to the meeting place.

Psychomotor: Have a pair of students
show a rally scoring scenario, using any
block shot they want.
Affective: Have students talk about what
about the modified game did they like the
39:20- most? What did they not like?
40:20 Cognitive: Ask students how them and their
partner were able to be successful and
score points? If they were not successful,
what could they have done to be more
Teacher Assessment Sheet: Have
40:20- students questions about teaching
41:30 performance and write down a response or
Changing time: Students will be given
about 6 minutes by the end of class to
41:30 change into their cloths for the rest of the
47:00 day.
Teacher Assessment Sheet

Name of Teacher: Aarin Feliz

Response of students in class

Do you think you improved your skills in table tennis?

Who likes the music playing the background during activity?

Did students find the use of peer feedback to be beneficial?

What made learning table tennis fun? (ie. music, positive attitude, a lot of game play)


(focus on the skill cues and see what your classmates can
improve upon)
-Hand Shake grip
-Eyes on the table tennis ball, track it
-Paddle Flat
-Short forward motion to block a shot or return a serve
-Backhand difference: Have finger tips curl into hand and
face your body

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