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Name: Honey Morante

Topic: Byzantine Empire (Intro)

Lesson: 1
Grade: 7.4 (50minutes)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

As image bearers of God, we are called to

steward creation and building empires,
improving the way people live, is a way
that we fulfill it. (Creation Mandate)

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
When did the Byzantine Empire begin?
Who ruled the Byzantine Empire?
Know about the general information and
facts about the Byzantine Empire.
Get an idea of how it was like to be a
Byzantine at that time

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Present agenda
1. KWL chart
5 mins 2. Powerpoint
3. Questions
4. Short Review

Developing the Lesson

Handout KWL chart and tell them to fill the K & W sections
throughout the lesson so later they will be ready with questions
use PowerPoint to explain about the Byzantine Empire.
Byzantine = Bizz In Teen

byzantine: eastern roman empire (other parts fell to the hands of barbarians)

Byzantium = Buy Zan Tee Um

byzantium: Greek colony that turned to be Constantinople then is now
start to explain facts about the Byzantine Empire.
Lasted from 330 AD - 1453AD (Started with the founding of Constantinople)
They called themselves Romans with many similarities to the Western
Roman Empire, but it consisted of descendants that spoke Greek
the empire eventually fell to Ottoman Turks a thousand years later
Study of classical literature and philosophy (although they didnt
add much)
Chariot races (blue vs. green riot) turned into political parties: blues - ruling
classes & orthodoxy greens - party of the people & believed that Christ was
not both divine and human but just one nature
Tell student to share about what they have seen in the video.
They caused thousands of death because the audience too would be
encouraged to fight those that opposed/were against their ideas
byzantine debate: a huge divide among the intellectuals, political
authorities, or high authorities due to debate over whether angels are male
or female
Aqueducts: Emperor Constantine improved the city by further improving the
water supply because of the increasing population
For most of its history, Greek was the official language
Most well-known emperor was Justinian (ruled 527 565)
Empire was the largest under Justinian in 555 AD (controlled Rome for 200
Built Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom of God)
Developed a highly feared military technology known as Greek Fire
*Ask them: if you were the people who saw that greek fire coming right at
you, how would you react!?*
During its existence, the empire was the most powerful economic, cultural,
and military force in Europe. (crucial that they know this)
Ask students what questions they have/what they wrote on the
W (what they want to know) section on the KWL chart
Closing the Lesson
Check understanding: Give students 2 mins to talk about what they wrote on
the L (learned) section of the KWL chart in pairs and I will ask one person
from each pair to share (they can also share if they have gotten answers to
the ones they wanted to know W section)
Tell them that the next class is about Constantinople.
Tell them to bring their laptops next lesson
Inform them that every 3 lessons, there will be a Kahoot quiz
And by next Tuesday, there will be group poster presentations as formative
assessment. So they need to start choosing which topic interests them:
1. Byzantine Empire
2. Justinian
3. Constantinople
4. Theodora
5. Roman Laws
10 Not Christianity in Byzantine Empire because itll be covered on
mins the last day

5 mins

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Checking understanding by KWL chart Auditory learners: listen to lecture and

Asking students to share about what they
listen to video of greek language
see in the video and how they would feel
if they were going to be attacked by
Visual learners: watch videos and
greek fire


Youtube videos
Name: Honey Morante
Topic: Constantinople
Lesson: 2
Grade: 7.4 (50minutes)

Differentiated Instruction

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

As image bearers of God, we are called to

steward creation and building empires,
improving the way people live, is a way
that we fulfill it. (Creation Mandate)
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)
The student will . . .
Why did it become the biggest city in the
world in that time? Gain the knowledge of how Constantinople
What are some significant facts about the developed as the biggest city in the world
city Constantinople? in that timeline
(Development in art, business and
Be introduced to the important role and
acts of the emperor Justinian

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Begin the lesson with greeting the students
1. Review from previous lesson
10 2. KWL
mins 3. Constantinople
4. Review what we just learned
5. Poster-making for next Tuesday (Feb. 7)

Review by asking random students what they remember from the

previous lesson
KWL (return to students)
Present answers to their questions from their KWL chart that they filled

Developing the Lesson
Show youtube song. (Istanbul, Not Constantinople)
Give handouts of the text
Ask students to read paragraphs of the text while showing a
powerpoint of pictures to illustrate the story
The city was the biggest, strongest and most enlightened city of
medieval Christendom due to the strong walls, palaces (not just one),
churches, gardens, and aqueducts
Several emperors such as Justinian, who dreamed to improve the city
even more, also ruled it. In fact, he was the reason for the city to have
Orthodox Christianity as the major religion at that time. In a way, we
can see how God calls different people to steward (or look after) his
people and in this case, Justinian fulfilled that calling through
improving the way people lived.
Show walls of Constantinople (youtube video) These walls kept the
people inside safe for over a millennia (thousand years)

Closing the Lesson

5 mins
Ask students what they have learned and they can choose to answer
in either one of three ways:
Writing down a sentence or two and submitting to me
5 mins
Verbally say it in class
Draw about it on a piece of paper which will be submitted to me
ts who
Transition for next class:
to Homework/depending on the time left: let them search online with

verball trustworthy websites:

y The most well known Emperor of the Byzantine Empire was

answer Justinian. List 5 interesting facts about Justinian

) Tell them to bring their laptop again next lesson

Remind them that tomorrow is the quiz and that they should
remember what they learned (and tomorrows lesson will be included)
5 mins Remind them about the poster making
Present the groups and the topics they can choose
2 mins to sit beside their group-mates and decide which topics they
can choose
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Auditory learners: can listen to the text
Short review from previous lesson by read and can submit answers by verbally
asking random students what they talking in class
Visual learners: can look at the powerpoint
Asking them what they learned through with pictures illustrating the story and can
either drawing, writing a sentence or two, submit answers by drawing on a
or verbally telling in class. paper/writing a sentence or two about
what they learned; to be submitted to me

Resources (song) (walls)
The copy text of hand out (Miss Katie): Chapter 4 of The Story of The World Volume 2

Name: Honey Morante

Topic: Justinian
Lesson: 3
Grade: 7.4 (45 minutes)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

God uses different people to expand his

kingdom (Great Commission)
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Who was Justinian? Understand how influential Justinian

What was he famous for? was as an emperor.

If you were a Byzantine, would you Evaluate whether Justinians

support Justinians reforms reforms were good or could have

(changes)? Why or why not? been better.

If you were Justinian, what would Evaluate how Justinian could have

you do differently from him? done things better.

What would you include to

Justinians reforms (changes) if you
were him?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Show students what todays agenda is on the board.
More about Justinian
Present Questions I want them to be thinking about because we will discuss
about them later:
1. (KWL) Why is Justinian the most well known emperor?
2. If you were a Byzantine, would you support Justinians reforms
(changes)? Why or why not?
3. If you were Justinian, what would do differently from him?
4. What would you include to Justinians reforms (changes) if you were

Developing the Lesson

He was born in the northwest of the Byzantine Empire in 483 AD and
died on 565 AD due to a plague/disease.
Brought by uncle Justin to Constantinople
Village boy Justin ~> enlisted in army ~> Excubitor (palace guard)
~> Commander of Excubitor ~> Senator ~> Byzantine Senate chose
him as Emperor after Emperor Anastasius died
Chose Justinian as one of his advisers
When Justin died in 527, Justinian became his predecessor
Justinian was an Orthodox Christian. He persecuted all non-Christians
and closed the school of philosophy in Athens for he felt the teachers
were encouraging young people to follow the old pagan gods.
Pagan gods: deities (divine beings believed by non-christians)
Empire bordered almost the entire Mediterranean Sea due to his
dream of reuniting the Roman Empire (he used the most aggressive
military programs in medieval history)
His reign allowed silk production to be introduced to Byzantine lands
from China (Byzantine became famous)
He was famous for creating the law; Corpus Juris Civilis The Justinian
Code based on the ancient traditions of Roman law for the purpose of
reuniting the Roman Empire. (some even still used today)
He wanted everyone to follow the same religion and live by the same
laws. (later was used throughout medieval Europe even after the fall
of Byzantine Empire.)
Its assumed that because Justinian wanted to be with Theodora (a
dancer from a lower class society), he persuaded Justin to eradicate
the law that prevented classes to marry
Imposed high taxes
Nika Riot (victory) 532 AD ~> Green vs Blue chariot racing teams
Byzantine authorities arrested & sentenced them to death
Freed Christian slaves
Legal rights to women and children
Widows can have their properties instead of having to give them to
male relatives
Husbands could not have too much debt without having permission
from wife twice
Women could not be sold anymore
Harder for divorce
Reduced capital crimes

From Mondays KWL: (ask someone to answer after discussing with a

Why is Justinian the most well known emperor?
Famous for his laws, his conquests and the buildings he created
in his capital Constantinople.

Each group (5 groups) choose either 1 of 3 questions and answer in 5-

6 mins:
1. If you were a Byzantine, would you support Justinians reforms
(changes)? Why or why not?
2. If you were Justinian, what would do differently from him?
3. What would you include to Justinians reforms (changes) if you were

Ask from each group the overview of their answers

Closing the Lesson

Coming up:
Theodora tomorrow
Poster Presentation details!
Formative Assessment Differentiation


Name: Honey Morante

Topic: Theodora
Lesson: 4
Grade: 7.4 (50minutes)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

God uses different people to expand his

kingdom (Great Commission)

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
What do we know about Theodora? Know about Theodoras influences
How was her impact on Justinian and the Evaluate whether her influences

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
2 Give them an overview of what will happen in this lesson
mins Individual Work
Presentation details
Developing the Lesson
Give them the article about Theodora and present question:
1. Read the article on Empress Theodora then record interesting and
important information about her. Focus on the impact she had on
Justinian and the Empire.
Play music as they read and answer
Pair students up to discuss their answers and share verbally in class
Closing the Lesson
Coming up:
1. Roman Laws on Monday
28 2. Poster Presentation details! (Rest of the time for researching)

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Answering question individually

Checking their understanding through


Article about Theodora

Name: Honey Morante
Topic: Roman Laws
Lesson: 5
Grade: 7.4 (50minutes)
Cooperative Learning

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

By having laws, Gods people can reflect

him more (Great Commandment)

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will
What are Roman laws? Learn some facts about Roman Laws and
Who made the Roman laws? the Justinian Code
Which laws are fair? Why? Evaluate some of the laws in the Justinian
Can the laws reflect Gods Code

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Greeting as usual
2 mins Agenda:
Review Justinians success (ask what he was famous for)
Overview of Justinian Code

Developing the Lesson

Present a short background of how the laws were made
Go through the laws together
In each law, Ill give them 30 seconds to raise their thumbs up if they
think its fair or thumbs down if they dont.
Then Ill ask one person why he thinks its fair and another for why he

20 thinks he doesnt
mins Present Gods greatest commandments
Ask if Justinians laws can reflect Gods commandments
Discuss in groups and ask for their answers
No empire or city was perfect because were fallen human beings.
While were on earth, we cannot be perfect. But we can reflect God
through his commandments (but of course, sometimes we cant
always reflect him).

Closing the Lesson

Inform them that tomorrow will be about Christianity in Byzantine
The rest of the time can be used for group poster presentation

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Class discussions

Name: Honey Morante
Topic: Overview of Byzantine Empire
Lesson: 6
Grade: 7.4 (50minutes)
Cooperative Learning

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

The Byzantine Empire may have been one

of the greatest empires, but its not
perfect. The imperfection is because of the
fall of mankind. But that does not mean we
cannot reflect God.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
Design a poster that contains topics that were
1. What did we
covered from previous lessons
learn? Link different topics together
2. How was it like to Explain concepts/terms
be a Byzantine?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Present agenda
2 mins 1. Poster Presentation Preparation (you have 20 mins)
2. Presentation (8:40 am)

Developing the Lesson

Present what the students will be marked on
Knowledge and understanding of concepts
3 mins Examples (related to life, or in B.E
Preparation for poster presentation
20 mins Poster presentation
25 mins

Closing the Lesson

Thank everyone for cooperating with each other
and with me


Group Poster

Name: Honey Morante
Topic: (Substitution for Ibu Nendra)
Lesson: 7
Grade: 7.3 (Bahasa B) 50 mins

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .

Understand their books more

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson

1. Worksheet
2. They can read other books/study for other lessons

Developing the Lesson

Hand them their worksheets and let them work

Ask one of the students to go on quizlet to study vocab for her Bahasa
For the people who already finished their work, they could read
something else and study for other lessons

Closing the Lesson

End class

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Worksheet A student had to study for her

Quizlet Bahasa exam (her level of
understanding is different from
everyone else)
A student had to sit far away from
everyone else to be less distracted

Name: Honey Morante

Topic: (Substitution for Ibu Marcia)
Lesson: 8
Grade: 7.4 (Food Tech) 100 mins; 2 periods

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson

Give them instructions on what to do:

3 tasks:
1. Drawing design sketches for their healthy pancake. On one side of an
A4 paper, draw 3-6 possible design ideas for your healthy pancake.
These dont need to be colored but need to be labeled.
2. Drawing the final design for their healthy pancake. On the other side of
the A4 paper, draw the final design of your pancake. This should be in a
much bigger scale, neater, fully colored and labeled.
3. Write design specifications for their healthy pancake. A template has
already been provided by Ibu Marcia on Managebac

Developing the Lesson

Closing the Lesson

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Name: Honey Morante
Topic: (Substitution for Mr. Joel)
Lesson: 9
Grade: 12 Art HL (45 mins)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Greet students and tell them that Im the substitute teacher for Mr. Joel
Remind them that Mr. Joel left some instructions for them
Developing the Lesson
Check whether they have uploaded a PSD file on Managebac
Check whether they are doing their work

Closing the Lesson

Remind them that by Thursday, everyone should have uploaded their
Comparative Study on Managebac already.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Name: Honey Morante
Topic: (Substitution for Mr. Joel)
Lesson: 10
Grade: 12 Art HL

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
Check whether they have all submitted their Comparative Study

Developing the Lesson

Check their final Process Portfolio

Closing the Lesson

Remind them that they need to choose their 2 best Process Portfolio
screens and put them in a folder on 365 called Process Portfolio.

Formative Assessment Differentiation


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