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(Creative Arts Jazz Band Boosters)

teams up with

Our fund-raiser begins April 4, 2017 . Our goal is to have as many participants as possible sell at least 11 items.

Proceeds from this fund-raiser go to fund programs and materials that will enhance the educational
experience of the students in the Jazz Band. Your help is greatly appreciated on this event.

1. The Fundraiser ends Apri 25, 2017. Students are asked to simply take orders from family, friends, and
neighbors. Please do not sell to strangers. Many parents help by taking a brochure to work and taking orders
from co-workers. Please collect money when taking orders.

2. Pay by cash only.

3. Please turn in your money in the collection envelope by March 25, 2017.

4. Parents will be notified when his/her order comes back with when and where to pick up items.

Any questions or comments, please call me at: Ms. Bookman (856)246-7214.


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